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Forked from phith0n/
Created November 7, 2016 09:40
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一个基于redis-py的bloom filter算法实现,哈希算法:MurmurHash。用于海量数据的去重。

关于bloom filter算法:



原理:借助redis,维护一个BitSet(位集合)。通过bloom filter算法判断一个数据是否重复。


import redis

rdb = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379)
filter = BloomFilter(rdb, capacity=1000000, error_rate=1e-10)

# 增加一个数据

# 判断数据test是否重复,test已存在
# True

# test2未增加,所以不重复,返回False
# False


  • capacity:预估数据量,当数据的量超出这个量级后,错误概率将会上升
  • error_rate:允许的错误概率



import math
import uuid
import mmh3
__all__ = ['BloomFilter']
class BloomFilter(object):
def __init__(self, redis, capacity=100000, error_rate=0.001,
redis_key: str=None):
"""Implements a space-efficient probabilistic data structure
:param redis: aioredis connection object
:param capacity: this BloomFilter must be able to store at least
*capacity* elements while maintaining no more than
*error_rate* chance of false positives
:param error_rate: the error_rate of the filter returning false
positives. This determines the filters capacity. Inserting
more than capacity elements greatly increases the chance of
false positives.
:param redis_key: key in redis, where bits for bloom filter will
be stored.
# redis settings
self._conn = redis
# if redis key not provided, generate random one
self._redis_key = redis_key or 'bloom:{}:cap:{}:err:{}'.format(
uuid.uuid4().hex, redis_key, capacity, error_rate)
self._capacity = capacity
self._error_rate = error_rate
# bloom filter settings
self._filter_size, self._hash_funcs = self.optimal_bloom_filter(
self._capacity, self._error_rate)
self._bits_per_slice = int(self._filter_size/self._hash_funcs)
def redis_key(self):
"""Key in redis database, where actual bit array is stored"""
return self._redis_key
def capacity(self):
"""Expected capacity of Bloom filter"""
return self._capacity
def error_rate(self):
"""Expected error rate for Bloom filter"""
return self._error_rate
def add(self, key):
"""Adds a key to this bloom filter.
:param key: ``str``, key that must be added to the filter.
bit_positions = self._calc_bit_positions(key)
return self._set_bits(self._redis_key, bit_positions)
def contains(self, key):
"""Tests a key's membership in this bloom filter.
:param key: ``str``, key to test membership
:return: ``bool``
bit_positions = self._calc_bit_positions(key)
result = self._check_bits(self._redis_key, bit_positions)
return bool(result)
def union(self, other_bloom, redis_key=None):
"""Calculates the union of the two Bloom filters and
returns a new bloom filter object.
:param other_bloom: other bloom filter for union
:param redis_key: key for redis storage, if not present key will be
generated automatically
:return: ``BloomFilter``, new resulting filter
if not redis_key:
redis_key = 'bloom:union:{}:{}'.format(
self.redis_key, other_bloom.redis_key)
capacity = other_bloom.capacity
error_rate = other_bloom.error_rate
'BITOP', 'OR',
redis_key, self.redis_key, other_bloom.redis_key
new_bloom = BloomFilter(self._conn, capacity, error_rate, redis_key)
return new_bloom
def intersection(self, other_bloom, redis_key=None):
"""Calculates the intersection of the two Bloom filters
and returns a new Bloom filter object.
:param other_bloom: ``BloomFilter`` to intersect with
:param redis_key: ``str``
:return: ``BloomFilter``, new resulting filter
if not redis_key:
redis_key = 'bloom:intersection:{}:{}'.format(
self.redis_key, other_bloom.redis_key)
capacity = other_bloom.capacity
error_rate = other_bloom.error_rate
redis_key, self.redis_key, other_bloom.redis_key
new_bloom = BloomFilter(self._conn, capacity, error_rate, redis_key)
return new_bloom
def optimal_bloom_filter(capacity, failure_rate):
"""Calculate size of bit array and required number of hash functions
for expected capacity and failure_rate
:param capacity int:
:param failure_rate:
:returns: tuple, filter size and num of hash functions
if capacity < 0:
raise ValueError('Capacity must be greater then 0 got: {}'
if failure_rate < 0 or failure_rate > 1.0:
raise ValueError('Failure rate must be in range (0, 1) got {}'
n, p = float(capacity), float(failure_rate)
m = -1 * (n * math.log(p)) / (math.log(2) ** 2)
k = (m / n) * math.log(2)
filter_size = int(math.ceil(m))
hash_funcs = int(math.ceil(k))
return filter_size, hash_funcs
def _hash_bits(self, key):
# /01/all-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about.html
hash1 = mmh3.hash(key, 0)
hash2 = mmh3.hash(key, hash1)
for i in range(self._hash_funcs):
yield abs((hash1 + i * hash2) % self._bits_per_slice)
def _calc_bit_positions(self, key):
offset = 0
bit_positions = []
for bit in self._hash_bits(key):
bit_position = offset + bit
offset += self._bits_per_slice
return bit_positions
def _set_bits(self, key, bit_positions):
script_set_bits = """
for _, arg in ipairs(ARGV) do'SETBIT', KEYS[1], arg, 1)
return self._conn.eval(script_set_bits, 1, key, *bit_positions)
def _check_bits(self, key, bit_positions):
script_check_bits = """
for _, arg in ipairs(ARGV) do
if'GETBIT', KEYS[1], arg) == 0
return 0
return 1
is_all_bits_set = self._conn.eval(
script_check_bits, 1, key, *bit_positions
return is_all_bits_set
def _validate_bloom_input(self, other_bloom):
if not isinstance(other_bloom, BloomFilter):
raise TypeError('other_bloom must be instance of {}'
if other_bloom.capacity != self.capacity:
raise ValueError('Capacity of both bloom filters must be equal')
if self.error_rate != other_bloom.error_rate:
raise ValueError('Error rate of both bloom filters must be equal')
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