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Created April 18, 2017 18:08
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> cargo rustc --features everything -- -Ztime-passes
Compiling winapi v0.3.0-alpha.0 (file:///C:/Users/Peter/Code/winapi-rs)
time: 0.469; rss: 66MB parsing
time: 0.000; rss: 66MB recursion limit
time: 0.000; rss: 66MB crate injection
time: 0.000; rss: 66MB plugin loading
time: 0.000; rss: 66MB plugin registration
time: 1.858; rss: 140MB expansion
time: 0.000; rss: 140MB maybe building test harness
time: 0.023; rss: 140MB maybe creating a macro crate
time: 0.000; rss: 140MB checking for inline asm in case the target doesn't support it
time: 0.061; rss: 140MB early lint checks
time: 0.024; rss: 140MB AST validation
time: 0.193; rss: 150MB name resolution
time: 0.063; rss: 150MB complete gated feature checking
time: 0.366; rss: 219MB lowering ast -> hir
time: 0.096; rss: 216MB indexing hir
time: 0.028; rss: 216MB attribute checking
time: 0.023; rss: 165MB language item collection
time: 0.064; rss: 166MB lifetime resolution
time: 0.000; rss: 166MB looking for entry point
time: 0.001; rss: 166MB looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.104; rss: 177MB region resolution
time: 0.032; rss: 177MB loop checking
time: 0.035; rss: 177MB static item recursion checking
time: 0.463; rss: 183MB compute_incremental_hashes_map
time: 0.000; rss: 183MB load_dep_graph
time: 0.036; rss: 183MB stability index
time: 0.061; rss: 186MB stability checking
time: 0.305; rss: 213MB type collecting
time: 0.026; rss: 213MB variance inference
time: 0.022; rss: 213MB impl wf inference
time: 0.098; rss: 217MB coherence checking
time: 0.628; rss: 224MB wf checking
time: 2.058; rss: 268MB item-types checking
time: 1.412; rss: 306MB item-bodies checking
time: 0.354; rss: 309MB const checking
time: 0.408; rss: 310MB privacy checking
time: 0.183; rss: 310MB intrinsic checking
time: 0.050; rss: 310MB effect checking
time: 0.092; rss: 310MB match checking
time: 0.061; rss: 310MB liveness checking
time: 0.777; rss: 433MB MIR dump
time: 0.152; rss: 407MB SimplifyCfg
time: 0.341; rss: 407MB TypeckMir
time: 0.245; rss: 410MB QualifyAndPromoteConstants
time: 0.027; rss: 410MB SimplifyBranches
time: 0.076; rss: 410MB SimplifyCfg
time: 0.842; rss: 410MB MIR cleanup and validation
time: 0.697; rss: 414MB borrow checking
time: 0.089; rss: 419MB reachability checking
time: 0.178; rss: 418MB death checking
time: 0.000; rss: 418MB unused lib feature checking
time: 0.437; rss: 419MB lint checking
time: 0.000; rss: 419MB resolving dependency formats
time: 0.030; rss: 419MB NoLandingPads
time: 0.080; rss: 419MB SimplifyCfg
time: 0.073; rss: 419MB EraseRegions
time: 0.044; rss: 419MB AddCallGuards
time: 0.133; rss: 419MB ElaborateDrops
time: 0.030; rss: 419MB NoLandingPads
time: 0.080; rss: 420MB SimplifyCfg
time: 0.000; rss: 420MB Inline
time: 0.059; rss: 420MB InstCombine
time: 0.091; rss: 421MB Deaggregator
time: 0.030; rss: 421MB CopyPropagation
time: 0.070; rss: 421MB SimplifyLocals
time: 0.046; rss: 421MB AddCallGuards
time: 0.035; rss: 421MB PreTrans
time: 0.807; rss: 421MB MIR optimisations
time: 0.446; rss: 441MB write metadata
time: 0.026; rss: 442MB translation item collection
time: 0.005; rss: 443MB codegen unit partitioning
time: 0.007; rss: 446MB internalize symbols
time: 0.655; rss: 446MB translation
time: 0.000; rss: 446MB assert dep graph
time: 0.000; rss: 446MB serialize dep graph
time: 0.000; rss: 93MB llvm function passes [0]
time: 0.000; rss: 93MB llvm module passes [0]
time: 0.001; rss: 94MB codegen passes [0]
time: 0.001; rss: 94MB codegen passes [0]
time: 0.009; rss: 94MB LLVM passes
time: 0.000; rss: 94MB serialize work products
time: 0.033; rss: 95MB linking
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 16.73 secs
> cargo rustc -- -Ztime-passes
Compiling winapi v0.2.8 (file:///C:/Users/Peter/Code/winapi-rs)
time: 0.395; rss: 62MB parsing
time: 0.000; rss: 62MB recursion limit
time: 0.000; rss: 62MB crate injection
time: 0.000; rss: 62MB plugin loading
time: 0.000; rss: 62MB plugin registration
time: 3.336; rss: 263MB expansion
time: 0.000; rss: 263MB maybe building test harness
time: 0.039; rss: 263MB maybe creating a macro crate
time: 0.000; rss: 263MB checking for inline asm in case the target doesn't support it
time: 0.128; rss: 263MB early lint checks
time: 0.041; rss: 264MB AST validation
time: 0.439; rss: 286MB name resolution
time: 0.140; rss: 286MB complete gated feature checking
time: 0.591; rss: 405MB lowering ast -> hir
time: 0.177; rss: 339MB indexing hir
time: 0.041; rss: 339MB attribute checking
time: 0.036; rss: 280MB language item collection
time: 0.102; rss: 283MB lifetime resolution
time: 0.000; rss: 283MB looking for entry point
time: 0.002; rss: 283MB looking for plugin registrar
time: 0.216; rss: 306MB region resolution
time: 0.057; rss: 306MB loop checking
time: 0.046; rss: 306MB static item recursion checking
time: 0.909; rss: 315MB compute_incremental_hashes_map
time: 0.000; rss: 315MB load_dep_graph
time: 0.063; rss: 315MB stability index
time: 0.099; rss: 317MB stability checking
time: 0.461; rss: 353MB type collecting
time: 0.035; rss: 353MB variance inference
time: 0.044; rss: 353MB impl wf inference
time: 0.259; rss: 366MB coherence checking
time: 1.213; rss: 380MB wf checking
time: 2.627; rss: 423MB item-types checking
time: 6.013; rss: 508MB item-bodies checking
time: 0.693; rss: 514MB const checking
time: 0.520; rss: 516MB privacy checking
time: 0.239; rss: 516MB intrinsic checking
time: 0.072; rss: 516MB effect checking
time: 0.277; rss: 516MB match checking
time: 0.138; rss: 517MB liveness checking
time: 1.490; rss: 774MB MIR dump
time: 0.230; rss: 767MB SimplifyCfg
time: 0.590; rss: 767MB TypeckMir
time: 0.385; rss: 768MB QualifyAndPromoteConstants
time: 0.033; rss: 768MB SimplifyBranches
time: 0.120; rss: 768MB SimplifyCfg
time: 1.359; rss: 768MB MIR cleanup and validation
time: 1.577; rss: 773MB borrow checking
time: 0.194; rss: 776MB reachability checking
time: 0.296; rss: 777MB death checking
time: 0.000; rss: 777MB unused lib feature checking
time: 0.842; rss: 777MB lint checking
time: 0.000; rss: 777MB resolving dependency formats
time: 0.038; rss: 777MB NoLandingPads
time: 0.112; rss: 777MB SimplifyCfg
time: 0.198; rss: 783MB EraseRegions
time: 0.063; rss: 783MB AddCallGuards
time: 0.359; rss: 784MB ElaborateDrops
time: 0.036; rss: 784MB NoLandingPads
time: 0.127; rss: 784MB SimplifyCfg
time: 0.000; rss: 784MB Inline
time: 0.116; rss: 784MB InstCombine
time: 0.157; rss: 786MB Deaggregator
time: 0.044; rss: 786MB CopyPropagation
time: 0.153; rss: 786MB SimplifyLocals
time: 0.071; rss: 786MB AddCallGuards
time: 0.043; rss: 786MB PreTrans
time: 1.525; rss: 786MB MIR optimisations
time: 0.625; rss: 810MB write metadata
time: 1.133; rss: 816MB translation item collection
time: 0.110; rss: 826MB codegen unit partitioning
time: 0.077; rss: 945MB internalize symbols
time: 7.625; rss: 939MB translation
time: 0.000; rss: 939MB assert dep graph
time: 0.000; rss: 939MB serialize dep graph
time: 0.692; rss: 302MB llvm function passes [0]
time: 0.198; rss: 305MB llvm module passes [0]
time: 10.299; rss: 302MB codegen passes [0]
time: 0.002; rss: 302MB codegen passes [0]
time: 12.454; rss: 302MB LLVM passes
time: 0.000; rss: 302MB serialize work products
time: 0.349; rss: 147MB linking
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 48.28 secs
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