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Created January 28, 2013 07:25
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Vana topic
A group of developers want to create a better TitanMS core. I have tried to contact koolk so that he would let us have a repository and a bug tracking system, but he haven't replied. So we decided to take it upon ourselves to fork and develop a better TitanMS. At the same time, MooMoo opened his/her [URL="http://"""]development forum[/URL] so we took that as our base. The core developers of Vana are project leaders there.
[SIZE=4]Why "Vana"?[/SIZE]
When we decided that we want to fork, we need a name. I suggested that we take the name "Vana", from "Vanadium" which is "Titanium"+1 in the periodic table of elements.
[SIZE=4]What is a fork?[/SIZE]
See: [URL=""]Fork (software development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)[/URL]
[SIZE=3]Main Developer[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]Core Developers[/SIZE]
zouker [B]Contributor[/B]
zomgno1 [B]Contributor[/B]
Blader [B]Contributor[/B]
ShingingDB [B]Made a lot of GMS NPCs in C++[/B]
synexic [B]SVN and Trac hosting[/B]
Wafles [B]Developer[/B]
Angel-SL [B]Hanging out in our IRC channel[/B]
koolk [B]Creator of TitanMS[/B]
[B]...and all contributors of Vana[/B]
- [URL=""]SVN[/URL]
[SIZE=3]Boost C++ Library[/SIZE]
Vana uses the Boost C++ Library which must be installed separately, get it from here:
Vana depends on VEDB (Vana Enhanced DataBase) which is the successor of GMSDB. The database loading code is now in integral part of Vana and VEDB now only consists of the actual database file.
[SIZE=1][URL=""](Original Post)[/URL][/SIZE]
Project: Vana's Enhanced Database
Version: Release 8
Code Name: Reaching for the Future
WZ Version Base: .55
Originally created for: Vana Rev 412
:: Downloads ::
[URL=""]Release 8[/URL](See attached file as well)
[URL=""]Release 7[/URL]
[URL=""]Release 6[/URL]
[URL=""]Release 5[/URL]
[URL=""]Release 5 Mirror (RapidShare)[/URL]
[URL=""]Release 4[/URL]
[URL=""]Release 3[/URL]
[URL=""]Release 2[/URL]
[SIZE=3]SQL Files[/SIZE]
The SQL Files are in the "sql" directory. I recommend you to start from a clean database, before filing any bug reports, please make sure you start from a clean database and not a TitanMS database.
The SQL files are designed to be executed in the number in front of its name. For example, you execute 0001_original_tables.sql before 0002_add_fame_log.sql
You [B]must[/B] execute all the SQL files in the directory. Except when you're upgrading Vana. When you upgrade Vana, you execute only the SQL files you haven't executed.
For example, the last file you have executed is 0002_xxx.sql and in a new version, there is 0003_yyy.sql. You only need to execute 0003_yyy.sql and later files.
[SIZE=3]Configuration Files[/SIZE]
In the conf directory, you will find configuration files. Renamed all .lua.sample file to .lua and edit it to suit your server. Your server [B]will[/B] crash if you do not rename your configuration file. [B]You should not have to edit .cpp file to change configurations now, this includes LoginPacket.cpp[/B]
[B]A lot[/B]
See: [URL][/URL]
[SIZE=3]How many world servers and channel servers do I need?[/SIZE]
You need the same number world server as the number of worlds.
You need the same number channnel server as the [U]total[/U] number of channels.
[B]For Example:[/B]
You have 2 worlds, the first world has 3 channels and the second world has 5 channels.
You need 2 world servers and 8 (3+5) channel servers.
[SIZE=3]How do I start more than one server?[/SIZE]
A picture is worth a thousand words.
[SIZE=3]How do I shutdown a server safely? (saves player data)[/SIZE]
Login to each channel and use the command "!shutdown"
[SIZE=4]Known Issues[/SIZE]
[B]Issue[/B]: Some birthday mob boss spawn in major cities. If you don't want them see workaround.
[B]Workaround[/B]: Run this SQL query to disable the mob from spawning
[code]DELETE FROM mapmobdata WHERE mobid = 9400569[/code]
[B]Issue[/B]: You randomly DC after hitting some number of mob. The cause is unknown as of now, if anyone knows, please tell me.
[SIZE=4]Filing Bug Reports[/SIZE]
Currently, bug reports are to be filed [URL=""]here[/URL], you may file it in this thread if you do not want to register there. I may not read it if this thread starts to get full of useless noobish post. The bug tracking system registration will be opened to the public soon. Please include the following information in your bug report.
Please also read [URL=""]this[/URL]. Features you have written and want it to be included inside Vana also belongs in a bug report.
Type: Type of bug e.g. crash, unexpected behavior, feature
Steps to reproduce: How to reproduce this bug
Your bug report will not be accepted without the above information
[SIZE=4]Test Server[/SIZE]
Maybe there will be a test server soon
[*]Tutorial Writer (Good English with detailed screenshot)
[*]Data Miners
[SIZE=6]Before you ask for help on errors[/SIZE]
Debug assertion failed can be caused by
a) Wrong configuration file/Old configuration file
b) Missing VEDB/Not latest VEDB
c) Not running all .sql files
[SIZE=6]Please check the previous list before asking for help[/SIZE]
[*]If you fix any bugs or want to create addons, please release them in the form of [B]patches[/B] and [B]not repacks[/B].
[*]The main forum of this project is at [URL][/URL]
[CENTER][SIZE=4]Start Login Server then World Server then Channel Server[/SIZE][/CENTER]
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