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retep998/com.asm Secret

Last active November 3, 2015 20:12
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  • Save retep998/9503145841a61551d3c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save retep998/9503145841a61551d3c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
auto bar2 = &bar;
00007FF6163D6647 lea rax,[bar]
00007FF6163D664B mov qword ptr [rbp+28h],rax
auto n = bar.func1();
00007FF6163D664F lea rcx,[bar]
00007FF6163D6653 call Bar::func1 (07FF6163D11F4h)
00007FF6163D6658 mov dword ptr [rbp+44h],eax
auto foo = bar.func2();
00007FF6163D665B lea rdx,[rbp+68h]
00007FF6163D665F lea rcx,[bar]
00007FF6163D6663 call Bar::func2 (07FF6163D137Fh)
auto bar2 = reinterpret_cast<WrongBarCOM*>(&bar);
00007FF6163D66CD lea rax,[bar]
00007FF6163D66D1 mov qword ptr [rbp+88h],rax
auto n = bar2->vtbl->func1(&bar);
00007FF6163D66D8 mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+88h]
00007FF6163D66DF mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
00007FF6163D66E2 lea rcx,[bar]
00007FF6163D66E6 call qword ptr [rax]
00007FF6163D66E8 mov dword ptr [rbp+0A4h],eax
auto foo = bar2->vtbl->func2(&bar);
00007FF6163D66EE mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+88h]
00007FF6163D66F5 mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
00007FF6163D66F8 lea rcx,[bar]
00007FF6163D66FC call qword ptr [rax+8]
00007FF6163D66FF mov qword ptr [rbp+204h],rax
00007FF6163D6706 mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+204h]
00007FF6163D670D mov qword ptr [rbp+0C8h],rax
auto bar2 = reinterpret_cast<CorrectBarCOM*>(&bar);
00007FF6163D6782 lea rax,[bar]
00007FF6163D6786 mov qword ptr [rbp+0E8h],rax
auto n = bar2->vtbl->func1(&bar);
00007FF6163D678D mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+0E8h]
00007FF6163D6794 mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
00007FF6163D6797 lea rcx,[bar]
00007FF6163D679B call qword ptr [rax]
00007FF6163D679D mov dword ptr [rbp+104h],eax
Foo foo;
bar2->vtbl->func2(&bar, &foo);
00007FF6163D67A3 mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+0E8h]
00007FF6163D67AA mov rax,qword ptr [rax]
00007FF6163D67AD lea rdx,[rbp+128h]
00007FF6163D67B4 lea rcx,[bar]
00007FF6163D67B8 call qword ptr [rax+8]
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Foo {
int a;
int b;
struct Bar {
virtual int __stdcall func1() {
return 273;
virtual Foo __stdcall func2() {
return { 100, 200 };
struct WrongBarVtbl {
int(*__stdcall func1)(Bar *);
Foo(*__stdcall func2)(Bar *);
struct WrongBarCOM {
WrongBarVtbl * vtbl;
struct CorrectBarVtbl {
int(*__stdcall func1)(Bar *);
Foo*(*__stdcall func2)(Bar *, Foo *);
struct CorrectBarCOM {
CorrectBarVtbl * vtbl;
int main() {
Bar bar{};
auto bar2 = &bar;
auto n = bar.func1();
auto foo = bar.func2();
cout << "C++: " << n << ", " << foo.a << ", " << foo.b << endl;
auto bar2 = reinterpret_cast<WrongBarCOM*>(&bar);
auto n = bar2->vtbl->func1(&bar);
auto foo = bar2->vtbl->func2(&bar);
cout << "Wrong: " << n << ", " << foo.a << ", " << foo.b << endl;
auto bar2 = reinterpret_cast<CorrectBarCOM*>(&bar);
auto n = bar2->vtbl->func1(&bar);
Foo foo;
bar2->vtbl->func2(&bar, &foo);
cout << "Correct: " << n << ", " << foo.a << ", " << foo.b << endl;
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