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Created January 7, 2012 22:57
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ra3 autoexec.cfg
// f27-ben (
// 01.07.2012
// quake3 ra3
cg_fov 106
cg_chatbeep 0
cg_simpleitems 1
cg_noProjectileTrail 1
cg_drawGun 0
cg_autoswitch 0
cg_marks 0
cg_shadows 1
cg_scorePlums 0
cg_draw3dIcons 0
cg_drawIcons 0
cg_drawCrosshair 1
cg_crosshairSize 25
cg_brasstime 0
cg_noprojectiletrail 1
cg_smokeradius_rl 0
cg_smokeradius_gl 0
cg_trueLightning 1
cg_oldLightning 0
cg_oldRail 1
cg_noMip 191
cg_teamChatHeight 4
cg_teamChatTime 9999999
pb_sleep 500
pb_security 0
cl_maxpackets 125
rate 25000
snaps 40
sensitivity 1.2
cl_mouseAccel 0
m_filter 0
m_yaw 0.022
m_pitch 0.022
m_forward 0.25
m_side 0.25
// r_mode -1
// r_customwidth 1680
// r_customheight 1050
// r_displayrefresh 120
r_picmip 5
r_gamma 1.4
r_mapoverbrightbits 1
r_intensity 1.2
r_ignorehwgamma 1
r_dynamiclight 0
r_smp 0
cg_bobup 0
cg_bobpitch 0
cg_bobroll 0
cg_kickscale 0
color1 2
color2 2
cg_forceModel 1
cg_forceSkins 1
cg_customColors 1
cg_teamModel "grunt/blue"
cg_enemyModel "keel/bright"
cg_enemyColor "66FF00:66FF00:66FF00"
bind f1 "vote yes"
bind f2 "vote no"
bind f3 "readyup"
bind f11 "screenshotJPEG"
bind w "+forward"
bind s "+back"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind shift "+speed"
bind c "+movedown"
bind space "+moveup"
bind 1 "messagemode"
bind 2 "messagemode2"
bind tab "+scores;+stats;"
cg_scoreBoardStyle 1
bind g "weapon 1;cg_drawgun 1"
bind f "weapon 2;cg_drawgun 0"
bind x "weapon 3;cg_drawgun 0"
bind z "weapon 4;cg_drawgun 0"
bind q "weapon 5;cg_drawgun 0"
bind e "weapon 6;cg_drawgun 0"
bind r "weapon 7;cg_drawgun 0"
bind t "weapon 8;cg_drawgun 0"
bind mouse1 "+attack"
bind mouse2 "+zoom"
cg_zoomfov 60
s_musicvolume 0
s_doppler 0
bind pgup "vstr vup"
bind pgdn "vstr vdn"
set vdn vstr vol00
set vup vstr vol01
set vol00 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.0;set vdn vstr vol00;set vup vstr vol01;echo ^0*^7volume ^1mute^0*"
set vol01 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.1;set vdn vstr vol00;set vup vstr vol02;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.1^0*"
set vol02 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.2;set vdn vstr vol01;set vup vstr vol03;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.2^0*"
set vol03 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.3;set vdn vstr vol02;set vup vstr vol04;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.3^0*"
set vol04 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.4;set vdn vstr vol03;set vup vstr vol05;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.4^0*"
set vol05 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.5;set vdn vstr vol04;set vup vstr vol06;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.5^0*"
set vol06 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.6;set vdn vstr vol05;set vup vstr vol07;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.6^0*"
set vol07 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.7;set vdn vstr vol06;set vup vstr vol08;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.7^0*"
set vol08 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.8;set vdn vstr vol07;set vup vstr vol09;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.8^0*"
set vol09 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 0.9;set vdn vstr vol08;set vup vstr vol10;echo ^0*^7volume ^30.9^0*"
set vol10 "play sound/misc/menu2;set s_volume 1.0;set vdn vstr vol09;set vup vstr vol10;echo ^0*^7volume ^31.0^0*"
bind j "say ^58)"
bind n "say_team help lol"
bind 5 "say_team safe as fuck"
bind mwheeldown "say_team \g low"
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