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Created March 31, 2011 07:21
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  • Save retlet/895956 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save retlet/895956 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// ==UserScript==
// @name LDR with Social Bookmark Count Images
// @namespace
// @include*
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
// based on
// based on
// based on
// md5.js
.widget_sbs_counter img {
border: none;
margin: 0px;
vertical-align: middle;
.widget_sbs_counter a {
margin: 0px 2.5px;
var w = (typeof unsafeWindow == 'undefined') ? window : unsafeWindow;
var ignores = /^http:\/\/(?:feeds\.feedburner|b\.hatena\.ne\.jp\/entry)/ig;
var services = {
'Hatena::Bookmark': {
enable: true,
widget: function (link) {
return [
'<a href="', link, '">',
'<img src="">',
'<img src="', link, '"></a>'
'livedoor Clip': {
enable: true,
widget: function (link) {
return [
'<a href="', link, '">',
'<img src="">',
'<img src="', link, '"></a>'
'': {
enable: false,
widget: function (link) {
var md5 = CybozuLabs.MD5.calc_Fx(link);
return [
'<a href="', md5, '">',
'<img src="">',
'<img src="', md5, '?aggregate"></a>'
'POOKMARK Airlines': {
enable: false,
widget: function (link) {
return [
'<a href="', link, '">',
'<img src="">',
'<img src="', link, '"></a>'
'Buzzurl': {
enable: false,
widget: function (link) {
var encoded = encodeURIComponent(link);
return [
'<a href="', link, '">',
'<img src="">',
'<img src="', encoded, '"></a>'
'Yahoo! Bookmark': {
enable: false,
widget: function (link) {
var encoded = encodeURIComponent(link);
return [
'<a href="', encoded, '">',
'<img src="">',
'<img src="', link, '"></a>'
'fc2 Bookmark': {
enable: false,
widget: function (link) {
var encoded = encodeURIComponent(link);
return [
'<a href="', encoded, '">',
// '<img src="">',
'<img src="', link, '"></a>'
w.entry_widgets.add('sbs_counter', function (feed, item) {
var link =, '%23');
if (ignores.test(link)) return;
var widgets = [];
for (var s in services) {
if (services[s].enable) widgets.push(services[s].widget(link));
return widgets.join('');
}, 'S!B!S!');
Copyright (C) 2007 MITSUNARI Shigeo at Cybozu Labs, Inc.
license:new BSD license
how to use
CybozuLabs.MD5.calc(<ascii string>);
CybozuLabs.MD5.calc(<unicode(UTF16) string>, CybozuLabs.MD5.BY_UTF16);
ex. CybozuLabs.MD5.calc("abc") == "900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72";
var CybozuLabs = {
MD5 : {
// for Firefox
int2hex8_Fx : function(x) {
return this.int2hex8((x[1] * 65536) + x[0]);
update_Fx : function(buf, charSize) {
var aL = this.a_[0];
var aH = this.a_[1];
var bL = this.b_[0];
var bH = this.b_[1];
var cL = this.c_[0];
var cH = this.c_[1];
var dL = this.d_[0];
var dH = this.d_[1];
var tmpL0, tmpL1, tmpL2, tmpL3, tmpL4, tmpL5, tmpL6, tmpL7, tmpL8, tmpL9, tmpLa, tmpLb, tmpLc, tmpLd, tmpLe, tmpLf;
var tmpH0, tmpH1, tmpH2, tmpH3, tmpH4, tmpH5, tmpH6, tmpH7, tmpH8, tmpH9, tmpHa, tmpHb, tmpHc, tmpHd, tmpHe, tmpHf;
if (charSize == 1) {
tmpL0 = buf.charCodeAt( 0) | (buf.charCodeAt( 1) << 8); tmpH0 = buf.charCodeAt( 2) | (buf.charCodeAt( 3) << 8);
tmpL1 = buf.charCodeAt( 4) | (buf.charCodeAt( 5) << 8); tmpH1 = buf.charCodeAt( 6) | (buf.charCodeAt( 7) << 8);
tmpL2 = buf.charCodeAt( 8) | (buf.charCodeAt( 9) << 8); tmpH2 = buf.charCodeAt(10) | (buf.charCodeAt(11) << 8);
tmpL3 = buf.charCodeAt(12) | (buf.charCodeAt(13) << 8); tmpH3 = buf.charCodeAt(14) | (buf.charCodeAt(15) << 8);
tmpL4 = buf.charCodeAt(16) | (buf.charCodeAt(17) << 8); tmpH4 = buf.charCodeAt(18) | (buf.charCodeAt(19) << 8);
tmpL5 = buf.charCodeAt(20) | (buf.charCodeAt(21) << 8); tmpH5 = buf.charCodeAt(22) | (buf.charCodeAt(23) << 8);
tmpL6 = buf.charCodeAt(24) | (buf.charCodeAt(25) << 8); tmpH6 = buf.charCodeAt(26) | (buf.charCodeAt(27) << 8);
tmpL7 = buf.charCodeAt(28) | (buf.charCodeAt(29) << 8); tmpH7 = buf.charCodeAt(30) | (buf.charCodeAt(31) << 8);
tmpL8 = buf.charCodeAt(32) | (buf.charCodeAt(33) << 8); tmpH8 = buf.charCodeAt(34) | (buf.charCodeAt(35) << 8);
tmpL9 = buf.charCodeAt(36) | (buf.charCodeAt(37) << 8); tmpH9 = buf.charCodeAt(38) | (buf.charCodeAt(39) << 8);
tmpLa = buf.charCodeAt(40) | (buf.charCodeAt(41) << 8); tmpHa = buf.charCodeAt(42) | (buf.charCodeAt(43) << 8);
tmpLb = buf.charCodeAt(44) | (buf.charCodeAt(45) << 8); tmpHb = buf.charCodeAt(46) | (buf.charCodeAt(47) << 8);
tmpLc = buf.charCodeAt(48) | (buf.charCodeAt(49) << 8); tmpHc = buf.charCodeAt(50) | (buf.charCodeAt(51) << 8);
tmpLd = buf.charCodeAt(52) | (buf.charCodeAt(53) << 8); tmpHd = buf.charCodeAt(54) | (buf.charCodeAt(55) << 8);
tmpLe = buf.charCodeAt(56) | (buf.charCodeAt(57) << 8); tmpHe = buf.charCodeAt(58) | (buf.charCodeAt(59) << 8);
tmpLf = buf.charCodeAt(60) | (buf.charCodeAt(61) << 8); tmpHf = buf.charCodeAt(62) | (buf.charCodeAt(63) << 8);
} else {
tmpL0 = buf.charCodeAt( 0); tmpH0 = buf.charCodeAt( 1);
tmpL1 = buf.charCodeAt( 2); tmpH1 = buf.charCodeAt( 3);
tmpL2 = buf.charCodeAt( 4); tmpH2 = buf.charCodeAt( 5);
tmpL3 = buf.charCodeAt( 6); tmpH3 = buf.charCodeAt( 7);
tmpL4 = buf.charCodeAt( 8); tmpH4 = buf.charCodeAt( 9);
tmpL5 = buf.charCodeAt(10); tmpH5 = buf.charCodeAt(11);
tmpL6 = buf.charCodeAt(12); tmpH6 = buf.charCodeAt(13);
tmpL7 = buf.charCodeAt(14); tmpH7 = buf.charCodeAt(15);
tmpL8 = buf.charCodeAt(16); tmpH8 = buf.charCodeAt(17);
tmpL9 = buf.charCodeAt(18); tmpH9 = buf.charCodeAt(19);
tmpLa = buf.charCodeAt(20); tmpHa = buf.charCodeAt(21);
tmpLb = buf.charCodeAt(22); tmpHb = buf.charCodeAt(23);
tmpLc = buf.charCodeAt(24); tmpHc = buf.charCodeAt(25);
tmpLd = buf.charCodeAt(26); tmpHd = buf.charCodeAt(27);
tmpLe = buf.charCodeAt(28); tmpHe = buf.charCodeAt(29);
tmpLf = buf.charCodeAt(30); tmpHf = buf.charCodeAt(31);
var t;
aL += ((bL & cL) | (~bL & dL)) + tmpL0 + 0xa478; aH += ((bH & cH) | (~bH & dH)) + tmpH0 + 0xd76a;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 9) | ((aL << 7) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 9) | ((aH << 7) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & bL) | (~aL & cL)) + tmpL1 + 0xb756; dH += ((aH & bH) | (~aH & cH)) + tmpH1 + 0xe8c7;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 4) | ((dL << 12) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 4) | ((dH << 12) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & aL) | (~dL & bL)) + tmpL2 + 0x70db; cH += ((dH & aH) | (~dH & bH)) + tmpH2 + 0x2420;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 15) | ((cH << 1) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 15) | ((cL << 1) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & dL) | (~cL & aL)) + tmpL3 + 0xceee; bH += ((cH & dH) | (~cH & aH)) + tmpH3 + 0xc1bd;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 10) | ((bH << 6) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 10) | ((bL << 6) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL & cL) | (~bL & dL)) + tmpL4 + 0x0faf; aH += ((bH & cH) | (~bH & dH)) + tmpH4 + 0xf57c;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 9) | ((aL << 7) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 9) | ((aH << 7) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & bL) | (~aL & cL)) + tmpL5 + 0xc62a; dH += ((aH & bH) | (~aH & cH)) + tmpH5 + 0x4787;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 4) | ((dL << 12) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 4) | ((dH << 12) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & aL) | (~dL & bL)) + tmpL6 + 0x4613; cH += ((dH & aH) | (~dH & bH)) + tmpH6 + 0xa830;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 15) | ((cH << 1) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 15) | ((cL << 1) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & dL) | (~cL & aL)) + tmpL7 + 0x9501; bH += ((cH & dH) | (~cH & aH)) + tmpH7 + 0xfd46;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 10) | ((bH << 6) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 10) | ((bL << 6) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL & cL) | (~bL & dL)) + tmpL8 + 0x98d8; aH += ((bH & cH) | (~bH & dH)) + tmpH8 + 0x6980;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 9) | ((aL << 7) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 9) | ((aH << 7) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & bL) | (~aL & cL)) + tmpL9 + 0xf7af; dH += ((aH & bH) | (~aH & cH)) + tmpH9 + 0x8b44;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 4) | ((dL << 12) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 4) | ((dH << 12) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & aL) | (~dL & bL)) + tmpLa + 0x5bb1; cH += ((dH & aH) | (~dH & bH)) + tmpHa + 0xffff;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 15) | ((cH << 1) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 15) | ((cL << 1) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & dL) | (~cL & aL)) + tmpLb + 0xd7be; bH += ((cH & dH) | (~cH & aH)) + tmpHb + 0x895c;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 10) | ((bH << 6) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 10) | ((bL << 6) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL & cL) | (~bL & dL)) + tmpLc + 0x1122; aH += ((bH & cH) | (~bH & dH)) + tmpHc + 0x6b90;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 9) | ((aL << 7) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 9) | ((aH << 7) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & bL) | (~aL & cL)) + tmpLd + 0x7193; dH += ((aH & bH) | (~aH & cH)) + tmpHd + 0xfd98;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 4) | ((dL << 12) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 4) | ((dH << 12) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & aL) | (~dL & bL)) + tmpLe + 0x438e; cH += ((dH & aH) | (~dH & bH)) + tmpHe + 0xa679;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 15) | ((cH << 1) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 15) | ((cL << 1) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & dL) | (~cL & aL)) + tmpLf + 0x0821; bH += ((cH & dH) | (~cH & aH)) + tmpHf + 0x49b4;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 10) | ((bH << 6) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 10) | ((bL << 6) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL & dL) | (cL & ~dL)) + tmpL1 + 0x2562; aH += ((bH & dH) | (cH & ~dH)) + tmpH1 + 0xf61e;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 11) | ((aL << 5) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 11) | ((aH << 5) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & cL) | (bL & ~cL)) + tmpL6 + 0xb340; dH += ((aH & cH) | (bH & ~cH)) + tmpH6 + 0xc040;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 7) | ((dL << 9) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 7) | ((dH << 9) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & bL) | (aL & ~bL)) + tmpLb + 0x5a51; cH += ((dH & bH) | (aH & ~bH)) + tmpHb + 0x265e;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 2) | ((cL << 14) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 2) | ((cH << 14) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & aL) | (dL & ~aL)) + tmpL0 + 0xc7aa; bH += ((cH & aH) | (dH & ~aH)) + tmpH0 + 0xe9b6;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 12) | ((bH << 4) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 12) | ((bL << 4) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL & dL) | (cL & ~dL)) + tmpL5 + 0x105d; aH += ((bH & dH) | (cH & ~dH)) + tmpH5 + 0xd62f;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 11) | ((aL << 5) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 11) | ((aH << 5) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & cL) | (bL & ~cL)) + tmpLa + 0x1453; dH += ((aH & cH) | (bH & ~cH)) + tmpHa + 0x0244;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 7) | ((dL << 9) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 7) | ((dH << 9) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & bL) | (aL & ~bL)) + tmpLf + 0xe681; cH += ((dH & bH) | (aH & ~bH)) + tmpHf + 0xd8a1;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 2) | ((cL << 14) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 2) | ((cH << 14) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & aL) | (dL & ~aL)) + tmpL4 + 0xfbc8; bH += ((cH & aH) | (dH & ~aH)) + tmpH4 + 0xe7d3;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 12) | ((bH << 4) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 12) | ((bL << 4) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL & dL) | (cL & ~dL)) + tmpL9 + 0xcde6; aH += ((bH & dH) | (cH & ~dH)) + tmpH9 + 0x21e1;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 11) | ((aL << 5) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 11) | ((aH << 5) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & cL) | (bL & ~cL)) + tmpLe + 0x07d6; dH += ((aH & cH) | (bH & ~cH)) + tmpHe + 0xc337;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 7) | ((dL << 9) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 7) | ((dH << 9) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & bL) | (aL & ~bL)) + tmpL3 + 0x0d87; cH += ((dH & bH) | (aH & ~bH)) + tmpH3 + 0xf4d5;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 2) | ((cL << 14) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 2) | ((cH << 14) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & aL) | (dL & ~aL)) + tmpL8 + 0x14ed; bH += ((cH & aH) | (dH & ~aH)) + tmpH8 + 0x455a;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 12) | ((bH << 4) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 12) | ((bL << 4) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL & dL) | (cL & ~dL)) + tmpLd + 0xe905; aH += ((bH & dH) | (cH & ~dH)) + tmpHd + 0xa9e3;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 11) | ((aL << 5) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 11) | ((aH << 5) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL & cL) | (bL & ~cL)) + tmpL2 + 0xa3f8; dH += ((aH & cH) | (bH & ~cH)) + tmpH2 + 0xfcef;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 7) | ((dL << 9) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 7) | ((dH << 9) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL & bL) | (aL & ~bL)) + tmpL7 + 0x02d9; cH += ((dH & bH) | (aH & ~bH)) + tmpH7 + 0x676f;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 2) | ((cL << 14) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 2) | ((cH << 14) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL & aL) | (dL & ~aL)) + tmpLc + 0x4c8a; bH += ((cH & aH) | (dH & ~aH)) + tmpHc + 0x8d2a;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 12) | ((bH << 4) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 12) | ((bL << 4) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL ^ cL) ^ dL) + tmpL5 + 0x3942; aH += ((bH ^ cH) ^ dH) + tmpH5 + 0xfffa;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 12) | ((aL << 4) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 12) | ((aH << 4) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL ^ bL) ^ cL) + tmpL8 + 0xf681; dH += ((aH ^ bH) ^ cH) + tmpH8 + 0x8771;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 5) | ((dL << 11) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 5) | ((dH << 11) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL ^ aL) ^ bL) + tmpLb + 0x6122; cH += ((dH ^ aH) ^ bH) + tmpHb + 0x6d9d;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 16) | ((cH << 0) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 16) | ((cL << 0) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL ^ dL) ^ aL) + tmpLe + 0x380c; bH += ((cH ^ dH) ^ aH) + tmpHe + 0xfde5;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 9) | ((bH << 7) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 9) | ((bL << 7) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL ^ cL) ^ dL) + tmpL1 + 0xea44; aH += ((bH ^ cH) ^ dH) + tmpH1 + 0xa4be;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 12) | ((aL << 4) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 12) | ((aH << 4) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL ^ bL) ^ cL) + tmpL4 + 0xcfa9; dH += ((aH ^ bH) ^ cH) + tmpH4 + 0x4bde;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 5) | ((dL << 11) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 5) | ((dH << 11) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL ^ aL) ^ bL) + tmpL7 + 0x4b60; cH += ((dH ^ aH) ^ bH) + tmpH7 + 0xf6bb;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 16) | ((cH << 0) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 16) | ((cL << 0) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL ^ dL) ^ aL) + tmpLa + 0xbc70; bH += ((cH ^ dH) ^ aH) + tmpHa + 0xbebf;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 9) | ((bH << 7) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 9) | ((bL << 7) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL ^ cL) ^ dL) + tmpLd + 0x7ec6; aH += ((bH ^ cH) ^ dH) + tmpHd + 0x289b;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 12) | ((aL << 4) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 12) | ((aH << 4) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL ^ bL) ^ cL) + tmpL0 + 0x27fa; dH += ((aH ^ bH) ^ cH) + tmpH0 + 0xeaa1;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 5) | ((dL << 11) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 5) | ((dH << 11) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL ^ aL) ^ bL) + tmpL3 + 0x3085; cH += ((dH ^ aH) ^ bH) + tmpH3 + 0xd4ef;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 16) | ((cH << 0) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 16) | ((cL << 0) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL ^ dL) ^ aL) + tmpL6 + 0x1d05; bH += ((cH ^ dH) ^ aH) + tmpH6 + 0x0488;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 9) | ((bH << 7) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 9) | ((bL << 7) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += ((bL ^ cL) ^ dL) + tmpL9 + 0xd039; aH += ((bH ^ cH) ^ dH) + tmpH9 + 0xd9d4;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 12) | ((aL << 4) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 12) | ((aH << 4) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += ((aL ^ bL) ^ cL) + tmpLc + 0x99e5; dH += ((aH ^ bH) ^ cH) + tmpHc + 0xe6db;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 5) | ((dL << 11) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 5) | ((dH << 11) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += ((dL ^ aL) ^ bL) + tmpLf + 0x7cf8; cH += ((dH ^ aH) ^ bH) + tmpHf + 0x1fa2;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cL >> 16) | ((cH << 0) & 65535); cH = (cH >> 16) | ((cL << 0) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += ((cL ^ dL) ^ aL) + tmpL2 + 0x5665; bH += ((cH ^ dH) ^ aH) + tmpH2 + 0xc4ac;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 9) | ((bH << 7) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 9) | ((bL << 7) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += (cL ^ ((65535 - dL) | bL)) + tmpL0 + 0x2244; aH += (cH ^ ((65535 - dH) | bH)) + tmpH0 + 0xf429;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 10) | ((aL << 6) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 10) | ((aH << 6) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += (bL ^ ((65535 - cL) | aL)) + tmpL7 + 0xff97; dH += (bH ^ ((65535 - cH) | aH)) + tmpH7 + 0x432a;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 6) | ((dL << 10) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 6) | ((dH << 10) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += (aL ^ ((65535 - bL) | dL)) + tmpLe + 0x23a7; cH += (aH ^ ((65535 - bH) | dH)) + tmpHe + 0xab94;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 1) | ((cL << 15) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 1) | ((cH << 15) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += (dL ^ ((65535 - aL) | cL)) + tmpL5 + 0xa039; bH += (dH ^ ((65535 - aH) | cH)) + tmpH5 + 0xfc93;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 11) | ((bH << 5) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 11) | ((bL << 5) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += (cL ^ ((65535 - dL) | bL)) + tmpLc + 0x59c3; aH += (cH ^ ((65535 - dH) | bH)) + tmpHc + 0x655b;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 10) | ((aL << 6) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 10) | ((aH << 6) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += (bL ^ ((65535 - cL) | aL)) + tmpL3 + 0xcc92; dH += (bH ^ ((65535 - cH) | aH)) + tmpH3 + 0x8f0c;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 6) | ((dL << 10) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 6) | ((dH << 10) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += (aL ^ ((65535 - bL) | dL)) + tmpLa + 0xf47d; cH += (aH ^ ((65535 - bH) | dH)) + tmpHa + 0xffef;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 1) | ((cL << 15) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 1) | ((cH << 15) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += (dL ^ ((65535 - aL) | cL)) + tmpL1 + 0x5dd1; bH += (dH ^ ((65535 - aH) | cH)) + tmpH1 + 0x8584;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 11) | ((bH << 5) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 11) | ((bL << 5) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += (cL ^ ((65535 - dL) | bL)) + tmpL8 + 0x7e4f; aH += (cH ^ ((65535 - dH) | bH)) + tmpH8 + 0x6fa8;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 10) | ((aL << 6) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 10) | ((aH << 6) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += (bL ^ ((65535 - cL) | aL)) + tmpLf + 0xe6e0; dH += (bH ^ ((65535 - cH) | aH)) + tmpHf + 0xfe2c;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 6) | ((dL << 10) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 6) | ((dH << 10) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += (aL ^ ((65535 - bL) | dL)) + tmpL6 + 0x4314; cH += (aH ^ ((65535 - bH) | dH)) + tmpH6 + 0xa301;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 1) | ((cL << 15) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 1) | ((cH << 15) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += (dL ^ ((65535 - aL) | cL)) + tmpLd + 0x11a1; bH += (dH ^ ((65535 - aH) | cH)) + tmpHd + 0x4e08;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 11) | ((bH << 5) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 11) | ((bL << 5) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
aL += (cL ^ ((65535 - dL) | bL)) + tmpL4 + 0x7e82; aH += (cH ^ ((65535 - dH) | bH)) + tmpH4 + 0xf753;
aH += aL >> 16;
aL &= 65535; aH &= 65535;
t = (aH >> 10) | ((aL << 6) & 65535); aH = (aL >> 10) | ((aH << 6) & 65535);
aL = t + bL; aH += bH; if (aL > 65535) { aL &= 65535; aH++; }
aH &= 65535;
dL += (bL ^ ((65535 - cL) | aL)) + tmpLb + 0xf235; dH += (bH ^ ((65535 - cH) | aH)) + tmpHb + 0xbd3a;
dH += dL >> 16;
dL &= 65535; dH &= 65535;
t = (dH >> 6) | ((dL << 10) & 65535); dH = (dL >> 6) | ((dH << 10) & 65535);
dL = t + aL; dH += aH; if (dL > 65535) { dL &= 65535; dH++; }
dH &= 65535;
cL += (aL ^ ((65535 - bL) | dL)) + tmpL2 + 0xd2bb; cH += (aH ^ ((65535 - bH) | dH)) + tmpH2 + 0x2ad7;
cH += cL >> 16;
cL &= 65535; cH &= 65535;
t = (cH >> 1) | ((cL << 15) & 65535); cH = (cL >> 1) | ((cH << 15) & 65535);
cL = t + dL; cH += dH; if (cL > 65535) { cL &= 65535; cH++; }
cH &= 65535;
bL += (dL ^ ((65535 - aL) | cL)) + tmpL9 + 0xd391; bH += (dH ^ ((65535 - aH) | cH)) + tmpH9 + 0xeb86;
bH += bL >> 16;
bL &= 65535; bH &= 65535;
t = (bL >> 11) | ((bH << 5) & 65535); bH = (bH >> 11) | ((bL << 5) & 65535);
bL = t + cL; bH += cH; if (bL > 65535) { bL &= 65535; bH++; }
bH &= 65535;
t = this.a_[0] += aL; this.a_[1] += aH; if (t > 65535) { this.a_[0] -= 65536; this.a_[1]++; } this.a_[1] &= 65535;
t = this.b_[0] += bL; this.b_[1] += bH; if (t > 65535) { this.b_[0] -= 65536; this.b_[1]++; } this.b_[1] &= 65535;
t = this.c_[0] += cL; this.c_[1] += cH; if (t > 65535) { this.c_[0] -= 65536; this.c_[1]++; } this.c_[1] &= 65535;
t = this.d_[0] += dL; this.d_[1] += dH; if (t > 65535) { this.d_[0] -= 65536; this.d_[1]++; } this.d_[1] &= 65535;
/* sprintf(buf, "%08x", i32); */
int2hex8 : function(i32) {
var i, c, ret = "";
var hex = "0123456789abcdef";
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
c = i32 >>> (i * 8);
ret += hex.charAt((c >> 4) & 15);
ret += hex.charAt(c & 15);
return ret;
update_std : function(buf, charSize) {
var a = this.a_, b = this.b_, c = this.c_, d = this.d_;
var tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, tmp5, tmp6, tmp7, tmp8, tmp9, tmpa, tmpb, tmpc, tmpd, tmpe, tmpf;
if (charSize == 1) {
tmp0 = buf.charCodeAt( 0) | (buf.charCodeAt( 1) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt( 2) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt( 3) << 24);
tmp1 = buf.charCodeAt( 4) | (buf.charCodeAt( 5) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt( 6) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt( 7) << 24);
tmp2 = buf.charCodeAt( 8) | (buf.charCodeAt( 9) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(10) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(11) << 24);
tmp3 = buf.charCodeAt(12) | (buf.charCodeAt(13) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(14) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(15) << 24);
tmp4 = buf.charCodeAt(16) | (buf.charCodeAt(17) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(18) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(19) << 24);
tmp5 = buf.charCodeAt(20) | (buf.charCodeAt(21) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(22) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(23) << 24);
tmp6 = buf.charCodeAt(24) | (buf.charCodeAt(25) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(26) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(27) << 24);
tmp7 = buf.charCodeAt(28) | (buf.charCodeAt(29) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(30) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(31) << 24);
tmp8 = buf.charCodeAt(32) | (buf.charCodeAt(33) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(34) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(35) << 24);
tmp9 = buf.charCodeAt(36) | (buf.charCodeAt(37) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(38) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(39) << 24);
tmpa = buf.charCodeAt(40) | (buf.charCodeAt(41) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(42) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(43) << 24);
tmpb = buf.charCodeAt(44) | (buf.charCodeAt(45) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(46) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(47) << 24);
tmpc = buf.charCodeAt(48) | (buf.charCodeAt(49) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(50) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(51) << 24);
tmpd = buf.charCodeAt(52) | (buf.charCodeAt(53) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(54) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(55) << 24);
tmpe = buf.charCodeAt(56) | (buf.charCodeAt(57) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(58) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(59) << 24);
tmpf = buf.charCodeAt(60) | (buf.charCodeAt(61) << 8) | (buf.charCodeAt(62) << 16) | (buf.charCodeAt(63) << 24);
} else {
tmp0 = buf.charCodeAt( 0) | (buf.charCodeAt( 1) << 16);
tmp1 = buf.charCodeAt( 2) | (buf.charCodeAt( 3) << 16);
tmp2 = buf.charCodeAt( 4) | (buf.charCodeAt( 5) << 16);
tmp3 = buf.charCodeAt( 6) | (buf.charCodeAt( 7) << 16);
tmp4 = buf.charCodeAt( 8) | (buf.charCodeAt( 9) << 16);
tmp5 = buf.charCodeAt(10) | (buf.charCodeAt(11) << 16);
tmp6 = buf.charCodeAt(12) | (buf.charCodeAt(13) << 16);
tmp7 = buf.charCodeAt(14) | (buf.charCodeAt(15) << 16);
tmp8 = buf.charCodeAt(16) | (buf.charCodeAt(17) << 16);
tmp9 = buf.charCodeAt(18) | (buf.charCodeAt(19) << 16);
tmpa = buf.charCodeAt(20) | (buf.charCodeAt(21) << 16);
tmpb = buf.charCodeAt(22) | (buf.charCodeAt(23) << 16);
tmpc = buf.charCodeAt(24) | (buf.charCodeAt(25) << 16);
tmpd = buf.charCodeAt(26) | (buf.charCodeAt(27) << 16);
tmpe = buf.charCodeAt(28) | (buf.charCodeAt(29) << 16);
tmpf = buf.charCodeAt(30) | (buf.charCodeAt(31) << 16);
a += tmp0 + 0xd76aa478 + ((b & c) | (~b & d)); a = b + ((a << 7) | (a >>> 25));
d += tmp1 + 0xe8c7b756 + ((a & b) | (~a & c)); d = a + ((d << 12) | (d >>> 20));
c += tmp2 + 0x242070db + ((d & a) | (~d & b)); c = d + ((c << 17) | (c >>> 15));
b += tmp3 + 0xc1bdceee + ((c & d) | (~c & a)); b = c + ((b << 22) | (b >>> 10));
a += tmp4 + 0xf57c0faf + ((b & c) | (~b & d)); a = b + ((a << 7) | (a >>> 25));
d += tmp5 + 0x4787c62a + ((a & b) | (~a & c)); d = a + ((d << 12) | (d >>> 20));
c += tmp6 + 0xa8304613 + ((d & a) | (~d & b)); c = d + ((c << 17) | (c >>> 15));
b += tmp7 + 0xfd469501 + ((c & d) | (~c & a)); b = c + ((b << 22) | (b >>> 10));
a += tmp8 + 0x698098d8 + ((b & c) | (~b & d)); a = b + ((a << 7) | (a >>> 25));
d += tmp9 + 0x8b44f7af + ((a & b) | (~a & c)); d = a + ((d << 12) | (d >>> 20));
c += tmpa + 0xffff5bb1 + ((d & a) | (~d & b)); c = d + ((c << 17) | (c >>> 15));
b += tmpb + 0x895cd7be + ((c & d) | (~c & a)); b = c + ((b << 22) | (b >>> 10));
a += tmpc + 0x6b901122 + ((b & c) | (~b & d)); a = b + ((a << 7) | (a >>> 25));
d += tmpd + 0xfd987193 + ((a & b) | (~a & c)); d = a + ((d << 12) | (d >>> 20));
c += tmpe + 0xa679438e + ((d & a) | (~d & b)); c = d + ((c << 17) | (c >>> 15));
b += tmpf + 0x49b40821 + ((c & d) | (~c & a)); b = c + ((b << 22) | (b >>> 10));
a += tmp1 + 0xf61e2562 + ((b & d) | (c & ~d)); a = b + ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27));
d += tmp6 + 0xc040b340 + ((a & c) | (b & ~c)); d = a + ((d << 9) | (d >>> 23));
c += tmpb + 0x265e5a51 + ((d & b) | (a & ~b)); c = d + ((c << 14) | (c >>> 18));
b += tmp0 + 0xe9b6c7aa + ((c & a) | (d & ~a)); b = c + ((b << 20) | (b >>> 12));
a += tmp5 + 0xd62f105d + ((b & d) | (c & ~d)); a = b + ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27));
d += tmpa + 0x02441453 + ((a & c) | (b & ~c)); d = a + ((d << 9) | (d >>> 23));
c += tmpf + 0xd8a1e681 + ((d & b) | (a & ~b)); c = d + ((c << 14) | (c >>> 18));
b += tmp4 + 0xe7d3fbc8 + ((c & a) | (d & ~a)); b = c + ((b << 20) | (b >>> 12));
a += tmp9 + 0x21e1cde6 + ((b & d) | (c & ~d)); a = b + ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27));
d += tmpe + 0xc33707d6 + ((a & c) | (b & ~c)); d = a + ((d << 9) | (d >>> 23));
c += tmp3 + 0xf4d50d87 + ((d & b) | (a & ~b)); c = d + ((c << 14) | (c >>> 18));
b += tmp8 + 0x455a14ed + ((c & a) | (d & ~a)); b = c + ((b << 20) | (b >>> 12));
a += tmpd + 0xa9e3e905 + ((b & d) | (c & ~d)); a = b + ((a << 5) | (a >>> 27));
d += tmp2 + 0xfcefa3f8 + ((a & c) | (b & ~c)); d = a + ((d << 9) | (d >>> 23));
c += tmp7 + 0x676f02d9 + ((d & b) | (a & ~b)); c = d + ((c << 14) | (c >>> 18));
b += tmpc + 0x8d2a4c8a + ((c & a) | (d & ~a)); b = c + ((b << 20) | (b >>> 12));
a += tmp5 + 0xfffa3942 + ((b ^ c) ^ d); a = b + ((a << 4) | (a >>> 28));
d += tmp8 + 0x8771f681 + ((a ^ b) ^ c); d = a + ((d << 11) | (d >>> 21));
c += tmpb + 0x6d9d6122 + ((d ^ a) ^ b); c = d + ((c << 16) | (c >>> 16));
b += tmpe + 0xfde5380c + ((c ^ d) ^ a); b = c + ((b << 23) | (b >>> 9));
a += tmp1 + 0xa4beea44 + ((b ^ c) ^ d); a = b + ((a << 4) | (a >>> 28));
d += tmp4 + 0x4bdecfa9 + ((a ^ b) ^ c); d = a + ((d << 11) | (d >>> 21));
c += tmp7 + 0xf6bb4b60 + ((d ^ a) ^ b); c = d + ((c << 16) | (c >>> 16));
b += tmpa + 0xbebfbc70 + ((c ^ d) ^ a); b = c + ((b << 23) | (b >>> 9));
a += tmpd + 0x289b7ec6 + ((b ^ c) ^ d); a = b + ((a << 4) | (a >>> 28));
d += tmp0 + 0xeaa127fa + ((a ^ b) ^ c); d = a + ((d << 11) | (d >>> 21));
c += tmp3 + 0xd4ef3085 + ((d ^ a) ^ b); c = d + ((c << 16) | (c >>> 16));
b += tmp6 + 0x04881d05 + ((c ^ d) ^ a); b = c + ((b << 23) | (b >>> 9));
a += tmp9 + 0xd9d4d039 + ((b ^ c) ^ d); a = b + ((a << 4) | (a >>> 28));
d += tmpc + 0xe6db99e5 + ((a ^ b) ^ c); d = a + ((d << 11) | (d >>> 21));
c += tmpf + 0x1fa27cf8 + ((d ^ a) ^ b); c = d + ((c << 16) | (c >>> 16));
b += tmp2 + 0xc4ac5665 + ((c ^ d) ^ a); b = c + ((b << 23) | (b >>> 9));
a += tmp0 + 0xf4292244 + (c ^ (~d | b)); a = b + ((a << 6) | (a >>> 26));
d += tmp7 + 0x432aff97 + (b ^ (~c | a)); d = a + ((d << 10) | (d >>> 22));
c += tmpe + 0xab9423a7 + (a ^ (~b | d)); c = d + ((c << 15) | (c >>> 17));
b += tmp5 + 0xfc93a039 + (d ^ (~a | c)); b = c + ((b << 21) | (b >>> 11));
a += tmpc + 0x655b59c3 + (c ^ (~d | b)); a = b + ((a << 6) | (a >>> 26));
d += tmp3 + 0x8f0ccc92 + (b ^ (~c | a)); d = a + ((d << 10) | (d >>> 22));
c += tmpa + 0xffeff47d + (a ^ (~b | d)); c = d + ((c << 15) | (c >>> 17));
b += tmp1 + 0x85845dd1 + (d ^ (~a | c)); b = c + ((b << 21) | (b >>> 11));
a += tmp8 + 0x6fa87e4f + (c ^ (~d | b)); a = b + ((a << 6) | (a >>> 26));
d += tmpf + 0xfe2ce6e0 + (b ^ (~c | a)); d = a + ((d << 10) | (d >>> 22));
c += tmp6 + 0xa3014314 + (a ^ (~b | d)); c = d + ((c << 15) | (c >>> 17));
b += tmpd + 0x4e0811a1 + (d ^ (~a | c)); b = c + ((b << 21) | (b >>> 11));
a += tmp4 + 0xf7537e82 + (c ^ (~d | b)); a = b + ((a << 6) | (a >>> 26));
d += tmpb + 0xbd3af235 + (b ^ (~c | a)); d = a + ((d << 10) | (d >>> 22));
c += tmp2 + 0x2ad7d2bb + (a ^ (~b | d)); c = d + ((c << 15) | (c >>> 17));
b += tmp9 + 0xeb86d391 + (d ^ (~a | c)); b = c + ((b << 21) | (b >>> 11));
this.a_ = (this.a_ + a) & 0xffffffff;
this.b_ = (this.b_ + b) & 0xffffffff;
this.c_ = (this.c_ + c) & 0xffffffff;
this.d_ = (this.d_ + d) & 0xffffffff;
fillzero : function(size) {
var buf = "";
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
buf += "\x00";
return buf;
main : function(buf, bufSize, update, self, charSize) {
if (charSize == 1) {
var totalBitSize = bufSize * 8;
while (bufSize >= 64) {
self[update](buf, charSize);
buf = buf.substr(64);
bufSize -= 64;
buf +="\x80";
if (bufSize >= 56) {
buf += this.fillzero(63 - bufSize);
self[update](buf, charSize);
buf = this.fillzero(56);
} else {
buf += this.fillzero(55 - bufSize);
buf += String.fromCharCode(totalBitSize & 0xff, (totalBitSize >>> 8) & 0xff, (totalBitSize >>> 16) & 0xff, totalBitSize >>> 24);
buf += "\x00\x00\x00\x00"; // in stead of (totalBitSize) >> 32
self[update](buf, charSize);
} else {
/* charSize == 2 */
var totalBitSize = bufSize * 16;
while (bufSize >= 32) {
self[update](buf, charSize);
buf = buf.substr(32);
bufSize -= 32;
buf +="\x80";
if (bufSize >= 28) {
buf += this.fillzero(31 - bufSize);
self[update](buf, charSize);
buf = this.fillzero(28);
} else {
buf += this.fillzero(27 - bufSize);
buf += String.fromCharCode(totalBitSize & 0xffff, totalBitSize >>> 16);
buf += "\x00\x00"; // in stead of (totalBitSize) >> 32
self[update](buf, charSize);
VERSION : "1.0",
BY_UTF16 : 1,
calc_Fx : function(msg, mode) {
var charSize = (arguments.length == 2 && mode == this.BY_UTF16) ? 2 : 1;
this.a_ = [0x2301, 0x6745];
this.b_ = [0xab89, 0xefcd];
this.c_ = [0xdcfe, 0x98ba];
this.d_ = [0x5476, 0x1032];
this.main(msg, msg.length, "update_Fx", this, charSize);
return this.int2hex8_Fx(this.a_) + this.int2hex8_Fx(this.b_) + this.int2hex8_Fx(this.c_) + this.int2hex8_Fx(this.d_);
calc_std : function(msg, mode) {
var charSize = (arguments.length == 2 && mode == this.BY_UTF16) ? 2 : 1;
this.a_ = 0x67452301;
this.b_ = 0xefcdab89;
this.c_ = 0x98badcfe;
this.d_ = 0x10325476;
this.main(msg, msg.length, "update_std", this, charSize);
return this.int2hex8(this.a_) + this.int2hex8(this.b_) + this.int2hex8(this.c_) + this.int2hex8(this.d_);
} // end of MD5
}; // end of CybozuLabs
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