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Created June 27, 2012 12:00
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Save retnuh/3003645 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
tweaked web_send.js etc.
* Copyright 2007-2009 Tyler Close under the terms of the MIT X license found
* at
* web_send.js version: 2009-06-06
* This library doesn't actually pass the ADsafe verifier, but rather is
* designed to provide a controlled interface to the network, that can be
* loaded as an ADsafe library. Clients of this library have permission to send
* requests to the window target, and any target returned in a request
* response. ADsafe verified clients *cannot* construct a remote reference
* from whole cloth by providing a URL. In this way, a server can control the
* client's network access by controlling what remote references are made
* available to the client.
* In addition to messaging, the client is also permitted to read/write the
* window title and navigate the window to any received remote target.
/*global ADSAFE, window, ActiveXObject, XMLHttpRequest */
/*jslint white: false, nomen: false, regexp: false, bitwise: true, eqeqeq: true,
immed: true, newcap: true, plusplus: true, strict: true, undef: true */
//"use strict";
ADSAFE.lib('web', function (lib) {
* Does an object define a given key?
function includes(map, key) {
return map &&, key);
* secret slot to extract the URL from a remote reference
var unsealedURLref = null;
function unsealURLref(p) {
unsealedURLref = null;
if ('function' === typeof p) { p(); }
var r = unsealedURLref;
unsealedURLref = null;
return r;
* value returned on a 404 server response
var notYetPumpkin = lib.Q.reject({
'class': [ 'org.ref_send.promise.Failure', 'NaO' ],
status: 404,
phrase: 'Not Found'
* advance declaration of send() function for JSLint
var send = undefined;
* Constructs a remote reference.
* @param href absolute URLref for target resource
* @param props optional properties of the returned promise
function sealURLref(href, props) {
if ('string' !== typeof href) { throw new Error(); }
var cache = null;
var resolved = false;
function proxy(op, arg1, arg2, arg3) {
if (undefined === op) {
unsealedURLref = href;
return resolved ? cache() : proxy;
if ('WHEN' === op) {
if (!cache) {
var pr = lib.Q.defer();
cache = pr.promise;
var a = 0;
var b = 1 * 1000;
var retry = function (x) {
if (notYetPumpkin === x) {
// poll for the resolved value of the promise
ADSAFE.later(function () {
send(proxy, href, 'GET', retry);
}, b);
var c = Math.min(a + b, 60 * 60 * 1000);
a = b;
b = c;
} else {
// if it resolved to itself, it's a remote
// reference, not a promise
resolved = true;
send(proxy, href, 'GET', retry);
// process when blocks in the same order as other requests
send(cache, href, 'WHEN', null, null, [ arg1, arg2 ]);
} else {
send(proxy, href, op, function (r) {
if (notYetPumpkin === r) {
// resend on the resolved value of the promise
proxy('WHEN', function (x) {
(('function' === typeof x) ? x : lib.Q.ref(x))(
op, arg1, arg2, arg3);
}, function (reason) {
if (arg1) { arg1(lib.Q.reject(reason)); }
} else {
if (arg1) { arg1(r); }
}, arg2, arg3);
if (props) {
for (var k in props) { if (includes(props, k)) {
if ('@' !== k) {
proxy[k] = props[k];
} }
return proxy;
* Produces a relative URL reference.
* @param base absolute base URLref
* @param href absolute target URLref
function relateURI(base, href) {
var baseOP = /^([a-zA-Z][\w\-\.\+]*:\/\/[^\/]*\/)([^\?#]*)/.exec(base);
var hrefOPR = /^([a-zA-Z][\w\-\.\+]*:\/\/[^\/]*\/)([^\?#]*)(.*)$/.
if (!baseOP || !hrefOPR || baseOP[1] !== hrefOPR[1]) { return href; }
// determine the common parent folder
var basePath = baseOP[2].split('/');
var hrefPath = hrefOPR[2].split('/');
var maxMatch = Math.min(basePath.length, hrefPath.length) - 1;
var i = 0;
while (i !== maxMatch && basePath[i] === hrefPath[i]) { i += 1; }
// wind up to the common parent folder
var cd = '';
for (var n = basePath.length - i - 1; 0 !== n; n -= 1) { cd += '../'; }
if ('' === cd) {
cd = './';
return cd + hrefPath.slice(i).join('/') + hrefOPR[3];
* Produce the JSON text for a JSON value.
* @param base absolute base URLref
* @param arg JSON value to serialize
function serialize(base, arg) {
if (null === arg || 'object' !== typeof arg) {
arg = { '=' : arg };
return JSON.stringify(arg, function (key, value) {
if ('function' === typeof value) {
unsealedURLref = null;
value = value();
var href = unsealedURLref;
unsealedURLref = null;
if (null !== href) {
var r = {};
for (var k in value) { if (includes(value, k)) {
if ('@' !== k) {
r[k] = value[k];
} }
r['@'] = relateURI(base, href);
return r;
if ('function' === typeof value && includes(value, 'reason')) {
return {
'!' : value('WHEN', null, function (e) { return e; })
if ('number' === typeof value && !isFinite(value)) {
return { '!' : { 'class': [ 'NaN' ] } };
if (includes(value, '@')) { throw new Error('forged reference'); }
return value;
}, ' ');
* Resolves a relative URL reference.
* @param base absolute base URL
* @param href relative URL to resolve
function resolveURI(base, href) {
if (/^[a-zA-Z][\w\-\.\+]*:/.test(href)) { return href; }
base = /^[^#]*/.exec(base)[0]; // never include base fragment
if ('' === href) { return base; }
if (/^#/.test(href)) { return base + href; }
if (/^\/\//.test(href)) {
return (/^[a-zA-Z][\w\-\.\+]*:/).exec(base)[0] + href;
if (/^\//.test(href)) {
return (/^[a-zA-Z][\w\-\.\+]*:\/\/[^\/]*/).exec(base)[0] + href;
base = /^[^\?]*/.exec(base)[0]; // drop base query
if (/^\?/.test(href)) { return base + href; }
// unwind relative path operators
base = base.substring(0, base.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var baseOP = /^([a-zA-Z][\w\-\.\+]*:\/\/[^\/]*\/)(.*)$/.exec(base);
var origin = baseOP[1];
var path = baseOP[2];
while (true) {
if (/^\.\.\//.test(href)) {
path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/',path.length-2)+1);
href = href.substring('../'.length);
} else if (/^\.\//.test(href)) {
href = href.substring('./'.length);
} else {
if (/^\.\.(#|\?|$)/.test(href)) {
path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/', path.length-2) + 1);
href = href.substring('..'.length);
if (/^\.(#|\?|$)/.test(href)) {
href = href.substring('.'.length);
return origin + path + href;
* Deserializes the return value from an HTTP response.
* @param base base URL for request
* @param http HTTP response
function deserialize(base, http) {
switch (http.status) {
case 200:
case 201:
case 202:
case 203:
return JSON.parse(http.responseText, function (key, value) {
if (includes(value, '!')) { return lib.Q.reject(value['!']); }
if (includes(value, '@')) {
return sealURLref(resolveURI(base, value['@']), value);
if (includes(value, '=')) { return value['=']; }
return value;
case 204:
case 205:
return {};
case 404:
return notYetPumpkin;
return lib.Q.reject({
'class': [ 'org.ref_send.promise.Failure', 'NaO' ],
status: http.status,
phrase: http.statusText
* Constructs a Request-URI with options.
* @param href target URLref
* @param q optional client-specified query
* @param x optional session key
* @param w optional message window number
function makeRequestURI(href, q, x, w) {
var requestQuery = '';
if (undefined !== q && null !== q) {
requestQuery = '?q=' + encodeURIComponent(String(q));
if (x) {
requestQuery += ('' === requestQuery) ? '?' : '&';
requestQuery += 'x=' + encodeURIComponent(String(x));
requestQuery += '&w=' + encodeURIComponent(String(w));
var pqf = /([^\?#]*)([^#]*)(.*)/.exec(href);
if (pqf[2]) {
requestQuery += ('' === requestQuery) ? '?' : '&';
requestQuery += pqf[2].substring(1);
if (pqf[3]) {
var args = pqf[3].substring(1).split('&');
for (var i = 0; i !== args.length; i += 1) {
if (/^=/.test(args[i])) {
var id = args[i].substring(1);
requestQuery += '#' + id;
if (i + 1 !== args.length) {
requestQuery += (id ? '&' : '') +
args.slice(i + 1).join('&');
requestQuery += ('' === requestQuery) ? '?' : '&';
requestQuery += args[i];
return pqf[1] + requestQuery;
* Constructs a pending request queue.
function makeSession() {
var x = null; // session id
var w = 0; // number of received responses
var pending = []; // pending requests
var initialized = false; // session initialization request queued?
var connection = null; // current connection
function popRequest(msg) {
w += 1;
if (msg !== pending.shift()) { throw new Error(); }
if (0 === pending.length) {
connection = null;
} else {
function makeConnection(timeout) {
if (undefined === timeout) {
timeout = 15 * 1000;
var http;
if (this.XMLHttpRequest) {
http = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
http = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
var heartbeat = (new Date()).getTime();
var m = function () {
if (m !== connection) { return; }
var msg = pending[0];
if ('WHEN' === msg.op) {
popRequest(msg);'WHEN', msg.argv[0], msg.argv[1]);
var requestURI = makeRequestURI(msg.href, msg.q,
msg.idempotent ? null : x, w);
try {, /^[^#]*/.exec(requestURI)[0], true);
} catch (reason) {
if (msg.resolve) { msg.resolve(lib.Q.reject(reason)); }
http.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (3 === http.readyState || 4 === http.readyState) {
heartbeat = (new Date()).getTime();
if (m !== connection) { return; }
if (4 !== http.readyState) { return; }
try {
if (http.status < 200 || http.status >= 500) { return; }
} catch (e) { return; }
if (msg.resolve) {
msg.resolve(deserialize(requestURI, http));
if (undefined === msg.argv) {
} else {
try {
* Use Content-Type "text/plain" so that a POST request
* remains a 'simple method' in the rules for
* cross-domain XHR.
http.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
} catch (e) {}
http.send(serialize(requestURI, msg.argv));
if (timeout) { (function () {
var watcher = function () {
if (connection !== m) { return; }
var delta = ((new Date()).getTime()) - heartbeat;
if (delta >= timeout) {
if (x || pending[0].idempotent) {
connection = makeConnection(
Math.min(10 * timeout, 60 * 60 * 1000));
try { http.abort(); } catch (e) {}
} else {
ADSAFE.later(watcher, timeout - delta);
ADSAFE.later(watcher, timeout);
}()); }
return m;
return function (target, href, op, resolve, q, argv) {
var idempotent = 'GET' === op || 'HEAD' === op ||
'PUT' === op || 'DELETE' === op ||
'OPTIONS' === op || 'TRACE' === op ||
'WHEN' === op;
if (!idempotent && !initialized) {
idempotent: true,
href: resolveURI(href, '?q=fresh&s=sessions'),
op: 'GET',
resolve: function (value) {
if (includes(value, 'sessionKey')) {
x = value.sessionKey;
initialized = true;
idempotent: idempotent,
target: target,
href: href,
op: op,
resolve: resolve,
q: q,
argv: argv
if (!connection) {
connection = makeConnection();
* Enqueues an HTTP request.
* @param target target reference
* @param href target URLref
* @param op HTTP verb
* @param resolve response resolver
* @param q query string argument
* @param argv JSON value for request body
send = (function () {
var sessions = { /* origin => session */ };
return function (target, href, op, resolve, q, argv) {
var origin = resolveURI(href, '/');
var session = ADSAFE.get(sessions, origin);
if (!session) {
session = makeSession();
ADSAFE.set(sessions, origin, session);
return session(target, href, op, resolve, q, argv);
function allowedNavigationScheme(href) {
return (/^https:/i).test(href) || (/^http:/i).test(href);
return {
* Gets a remote reference for the window's current location.
getLocation: function () { return sealURLref(window.location.href); },
* Navigate the window.
* @param target remote reference for new location
* @return <code>true</code> if navigation successful,
* else <code>false</code>
navigate: function (target) {
var href = unsealURLref(target);
if (null === href) { return false; }
if (!allowedNavigationScheme(href)) { return false; }
return true;
* Sets the 'href' attribute.
* @param element element to modify
* @param target remote reference
* @return the element, or the ':rest' of the bunch if not modified
href: function (element, target) {
if (element.count()) {
if (null === target) {
} else {
var href = unsealURLref(target);
if (null !== href && allowedNavigationScheme(href)) {
var _node = element.___nodes___[0];
if ('A' === _node.tagName.toUpperCase()) {
_node.setAttribute('href', href);
} else {
element = element.q(':rest');
} else {
element = element.q(':rest');
return element;
* Sets the 'src' attribute.
* @param element element to modify
* @param target remote reference
* @return the element, or the ':rest' of the bunch if not modified
src: function (element, target) {
if (element.count()) {
if (null === target) {
} else {
var src = unsealURLref(target);
if (null !== src && allowedNavigationScheme(src)) {
var _node = element.___nodes___[0];
switch (_node.tagName.toUpperCase()) {
case 'IMG':
case 'INPUT':
_node.setAttribute('src', makeRequestURI(src));
element = element.q(':rest');
} else {
element = element.q(':rest');
return element;
* Constructs a remote reference from a URLref held in a password field.
* @param field bunch containing a single password field
fetch: function (field) {
var _nodes = field.___nodes___;
if (1 !== _nodes.length) { return; }
var _node = _nodes[0];
if (!(/^INPUT$/i).test(_node.tagName)) { return; }
if ('password' !== _node.type) { return; }
var href = _node.value;
if (!/^[a-zA-Z][\w\-\.\+]*:/.test(href)) { return null; }
return sealURLref(href);
* Gets the document title.
getTitle: function () { return window.document.title; },
* Sets the document title.
* @param text new title text
title: function (text) { window.document.title = text; },
// Non-ADsafe API
* Constructs a remote reference.
* @param base optional remote reference for base URLref
* @param href URLref to wrap
* @param args optional query argument map
_ref: function (base, href, args) {
var url = resolveURI(unsealURLref(base), href);
if (undefined !== args && null !== args) {
var query = '?';
if ('object' === typeof args) {
for (var k in args) { if (includes(args, k)) {
if ('?' !== query) {
query += '&';
query += encodeURIComponent(String(k)) + '=' +
} }
} else {
query += args;
url = resolveURI(url, query);
return sealURLref(url);
* Extracts the URLref contained within a remote reference.
* @param arg remote reference to extract URLref from
* @param target optional remote reference for base URL
* @return the URLref, or <code>null</code> if not a remote reference
_url: function (arg, target) {
var href = unsealURLref(arg);
if (null === href || !target) { return href; }
var base = unsealURLref(target);
if (null === base) { return href; }
return relateURI(base, href);
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