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Created September 9, 2010 18:40
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Save retornam/572308 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
set APP_NAME="name of app"
set CHROME_PROVIDERS="content"
set TMP_DIR="build"
rem remove any left-over files from previous build
del /Q %APP_NAME%.xpi
del /S /Q %TMP_DIR%
mkdir %TMP_DIR%\chrome\content
robocopy content %TMP_DIR%\chrome\content /E
robocopy locale %TMP_DIR%\chrome\locale /E
robocopy skin %TMP_DIR%\chrome\skin /E
robocopy defaults %TMP_DIR%\defaults /E
copy install.rdf %TMP_DIR%
copy chrome.manifest %TMP_DIR%
rem generate the XPI file
cd %TMP_DIR%
echo "Generating %APP_NAME%.xpi..."
"c:\program files\7-zip\7z.exe" a -r -y -tzip ../ *
rename %APP_NAME%.xpi
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