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Created November 17, 2019 21:40
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  • Save retorquere/110ba7ce9ee252c309c974672913fcca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save retorquere/110ba7ce9ee252c309c974672913fcca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const zotero = require('./zotero-bibtex')
const fs = require('fs')
const bib = fs.readFileSync('test/files/long.bib', 'utf-8')
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
with open('../translators/BibTeX.js') as f:
bibtex =
bibtex = '''
const Promise = undefined
const Zotero = {
input: '',
pos: 0,
items: [],
Zotero.debug = function(msg) { }
const ZU = Zotero.Utilities = { }
Zotero.Utilities.trimInternal = function(str) { return str.trim() }
Zotero.Utilities.trim = function(str) { return str.trim() }
Zotero.Utilities.fieldIsValidForType = function() { return true }
Zotero.Utilities.formatDate = function(spec) { return months[spec.month] }
Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars = function(str) {
if (str && typeof str != 'string') {
Zotero.debug('#htmlSpecialChars: non-string arguments are deprecated. Update your code',
1, undefined, true);
str = str.toString();
if (!str) return '';
return str
.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/"/g, '"')
.replace(/'/g, ''')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/&lt;ZOTERO([^\\/]+)\\/&gt;/g, function (str, p1, offset, s) {
switch (p1) {
case 'BREAK':
return '<br/>';
case 'HELLIP':
return '&#8230;';
return p1;
Zotero.Utilities.text2html = function (/**String**/ str, /**Boolean**/ singleNewlineIsParagraph) {
str = Zotero.Utilities.htmlSpecialChars(str);
// \\n => <p>
if (singleNewlineIsParagraph) {
str = '<p>'
+ str.replace(/\\n/g, '</p><p>')
.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp; ')
+ '</p>';
// \\n\\n => <p>, \\n => <br/>
else {
str = '<p>'
+ str.replace(/\\n\\n/g, '</p><p>')
.replace(/\\n/g, '<br/>')
.replace(/ /g, '&nbsp; ')
+ '</p>';
return str.replace(/<p>\\s*<\\/p>/g, '<p>&nbsp;</p>');
Zotero.Utilities.cleanAuthor = function(author, type, useComma) {
var allCaps = 'A-Z' +
'\\u0400-\\u042f'; //cyrilic
var allCapsRe = new RegExp('^[' + allCaps + ']+$');
var initialRe = new RegExp('^-?[' + allCaps + ']$');
if(typeof(author) != "string") {
throw new Error("cleanAuthor: author must be a string");
author = author.replace(/^[\\s\\u00A0\\.\\,\\/\\[\\]\\:]+/, '')
.replace(/[\\s\\u00A0\\.\\,\\/\\[\\]\\:]+$/, '')
.replace(/[\\s\\u00A0]+/, ' ');
if(useComma) {
// Add spaces between periods
author = author.replace(/\\.([^ ])/, ". $1");
var splitNames = author.split(/, ?/);
if(splitNames.length > 1) {
var lastName = splitNames[0];
var firstName = splitNames[1];
} else {
var lastName = author;
} else {
// Don't parse "Firstname Lastname [Country]" as "[Country], Firstname Lastname"
var spaceIndex = author.length;
do {
spaceIndex = author.lastIndexOf(" ", spaceIndex-1);
var lastName = author.substring(spaceIndex + 1);
var firstName = author.substring(0, spaceIndex);
} while (!/\\w/.test(lastName[0]) && spaceIndex > 0)
if(firstName && allCapsRe.test(firstName) &&
firstName.length < 4 &&
(firstName.length == 1 || lastName.toUpperCase() != lastName)) {
// first name is probably initials
var newFirstName = "";
for(var i=0; i<firstName.length; i++) {
newFirstName += " "+firstName[i]+".";
firstName = newFirstName.substr(1);
//add periods after all the initials
if(firstName) {
var names = firstName.replace(/^[\\s\\.]+/,'')
//remove spaces surronding any dashes
var newFirstName = '';
for(var i=0, n=names.length; i<n; i++) {
newFirstName += names[i];
if(initialRe.test(names[i])) newFirstName += '.';
newFirstName += ' ';
firstName = newFirstName.replace(/ -/g,'-').trim();
return {firstName:firstName, lastName:lastName, creatorType:type};
var ZOTERO_TRANSLATOR_INFO = ''' + bibtex + '''
function parse(bib) {
Zotero.input = bib
Zotero.pos = 0
return Zotero.items
Zotero.Item = function(itemType) {
this.itemType = itemType
this.creators = []
this.notes = []
Zotero.Item.prototype.complete = function() {
} = function(l) {
const t = Zotero.input.substr(Zotero.pos, l)
Zotero.pos += l
return t
module.exports = { parse }
with open('zotero-bibtex.js', 'w') as f:
os.system('node mkzb.js')
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