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Created October 25, 2023 10:24
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'use strict';
const espree = require('espree');
module.exports = {
preprocess: function (text, filename) {
if (text[0] !== '{') return [{ text, filename }]
// detect header
const prefix = `const ZoteroTranslator${} = `;
let ast = espree.parse(`${prefix}${text}`, { ecmaVersion: 2015 });
if (ast.body[0]?.declarations[0]?.init?.type !== 'ObjectExpression') throw new Error('No header in translator')
const headerLength = ast.body[0].end - prefix.length;
const re = new RegExp(`^([\\s\\S]{${headerLength}}[ \r\n]*)([\\s\\S]+?)(/[*][*] BEGIN TEST CASES [*][*]/[\\s\\S]*)?$`, 'i')
const [ , header, body, testcases ] = text.match(re)
const chunks = [
{ text: `(${header})`, filename: 'header.js', start: 0 },
{ text: body, filename: 'body.js', start: header.length },
if (testcases) {
chunks.push({ text: testcases, filename: 'tests.js', start: header.length + body.length })
return chunks
postprocess: function (messages, filename) {
console.log( => l.length))
messages = [].concat(...messages)
if (filename.match(/_(header|tests)[.]js$/)) {
return messages.filter(message => !['no-unused-vars', 'quote-props', 'no-unused-expressions'].includes(message.ruleId))
else {
return messages
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