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Last active April 11, 2024 16:34
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import zipfile
import sys
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
namespaces = {
'a': '',
'r': '',
'p': '',
README = """
Pandoc-compatible pptx templates must adhere to the following rules:
- There must be at least 4 slides in the slide masters, named ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout[1-4].xml. Each of these templates has a number of expected elements to be found under p:sp / p:nvSpPr / p:nvPr
- ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml is a title slide, and must:
- have a p:ph element with type="ctrTitle"
- have a p:ph element with type="subTitle"
- have a p:ph element with type="dt"
- ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml is a title + content slide, and must:
- have a p:ph element with type="title"
- have a p:ph element *without* a type attribute
- ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml is a section header slide, and must:
- have a p:ph element with either type="title" or type="ctrTitle"
- ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml is a title + two-content slide, and must:
- have a p:ph element with type="title"
- have at least two p:ph elements *without* a type attribute
class SlideLayout:
def __init__(self, pptx, path, tpe, name):
self.path = path
with as layout:
layout ="utf-8")
self.layout = ET.fromstring(layout)
self.parent = {c:p for p in self.layout.iter() for c in p}
self.errors = 0
self.warnings = 0
self.check_metadata(tpe, name)
def warning(self, msg):
print(f'warning: {self.path} {msg}')
self.warnings += 1
def error(self, msg):
print(f'error: {self.path} {msg}')
self.errors += 1
def find_with_heritage(self, query, heritage):
nodes = self.layout.iterfind(query, namespaces)
nodes = [node for node in nodes if self.check_heritage(node, heritage)]
return nodes
def check_heritage(self, node, tags):
tags = tags[:]
parent = self.parent.get(node, None)
while parent and len(tags) > 0:
tag = parent.tag
for ns, url in namespaces.items():
tag = tag.replace('{' + url + '}', ns + ':')
if tags[-1] != tag: break
parent = self.parent.get(parent, None)
return len(tags) == 0
def check_metadata(self, tpe, name):
if 'type' in self.layout.attrib and self.layout.attrib['type'] != tpe:
print(f'warning: {self.path} is not of type "{tpe}"')
self.warnings += 1
if self.layout.find('p:cSld', namespaces).attrib['name'] != name:
print(f'warning: {self.path} is not named "{name}"')
self.warnings += 1
class TitleSlideLayout(SlideLayout):
def __init__(self, pptx):
super().__init__(pptx, 'ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml', 'title', 'Title Slide')
def check(self):
heritage = ['p:sp', 'p:nvSpPr', 'p:nvPr']
for tpe in ['ctrTitle', 'subTitle', 'dt']:
if len(self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph[@type="{tpe}"]', heritage)) != 1:
self.error(f'should have a placeholder (p:ph) with type="{tpe}" under {" / ".join(heritage)}')
class ContentSlideLayout(SlideLayout):
def __init__(self, pptx):
super().__init__(pptx, 'ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml', 'obj', 'Title and Content')
def check(self):
heritage = ['p:sp', 'p:nvSpPr', 'p:nvPr']
for tpe in ['title']:
if len(self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph[@type="{tpe}"]', heritage)) != 1:
self.error(f'should have a placeholder (p:ph) with type="{tpe}" under {" / ".join(heritage)}')
if len([ph for ph in self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph', heritage) if 'type' not in ph]) == 0:
self.error(f'should have a placeholder (p:ph) under {" / ".join(heritage)} without a type"')
for tpe in ['body']:
if len(self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph[@type="{tpe}"]', heritage)) > 0:
self.warning(f'has body placeholder (p:ph) with type="{tpe}" under {" / ".join(heritage)} (expected no type attribute)')
class SectionSlideLayout(SlideLayout):
def __init__(self, pptx):
super().__init__(pptx, 'ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml', 'secHead', 'Section Header')
def check(self):
heritage = ['p:sp', 'p:nvSpPr', 'p:nvPr']
nodes = self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph[@type="title"]', heritage) + self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph[@type="ctrTitle"]', heritage)
if len(nodes) != 1:
self.error(f'should have a placeholder (p:ph) under {" / ".join(heritage)} with type="title" or "ctrTitle"')
class TwoContentSlideLayout(SlideLayout):
def __init__(self, pptx):
super().__init__(pptx, 'ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml', 'twoObj', 'Two Content')
def check(self):
heritage = ['p:sp', 'p:nvSpPr', 'p:nvPr']
for tpe in ['title']:
if len(self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph[@type="{tpe}"]', heritage)) != 1:
self.error(f'should have a placeholder (p:ph) with @type="{tpe}" under {" / ".join(heritage)}')
if len([ph for ph in self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph', heritage) if 'type' not in ph]) < 2:
self.error(f'should have two placeholders (p:ph) without a type under {" / ".join(heritage)}"')
for tpe in ['body']:
if len(self.find_with_heritage(f'.//p:ph[@type="{tpe}"]', heritage)) > 0:
self.warning(f'has body placeholder (p:ph) with type="{tpe}" under {" / ".join(heritage)} (expected no type attribute)')
with zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1], 'r') as pptx:
errors = 0
warnings = 0
for slide in [TitleSlideLayout(pptx), ContentSlideLayout(pptx), SectionSlideLayout(pptx), TwoContentSlideLayout(pptx) ]:
errors += slide.errors
warnings += slide.warnings
print(f'warnings: {warnings}')
print(f'errors: {errors}')
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