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Created February 12, 2024 11:40
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// class from
* Asyncronous iterable iterator for IndexedDB object stores or indexes
* @author Florian Lentsch <>
* @license MIT
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* REQUIREMENTS: You may have to add "lib": ["esnext.asynciterable"] to
* your tsconfig.json - see
* ____________________________________________________________________________
* USAGE SAMPLE (Based on the samples at
* const customersStore = db.transaction("customers", "readwrite").objectStore("customers")
* // List all customers:
* const allCustomers = new IDBIterator(customersStore)
* for await (let customer of allCustomers) {
* console.log("Customer", customer)
* }
* // List Donnas:
* const customersCalledDonna = new IDBIterator(
* customersStore.index("name"),
* IDBKeyRange.only("Donna")
* )
* for await (let customer of customersCalledDonna) {
* console.log("Customer called 'Donna'", customer)
* }
class IDBIterator implements AsyncIterableIterator<any> {
private cursorRequest: IDBRequest
private cursor: IDBCursorWithValue
private curResolver: (result: IteratorResult<any>) => void
constructor(private objectStore: IDBObjectStore | IDBIndex, private keyRange: IDBKeyRange = null) { }
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<any> {
return this
public next(): Promise<IteratorResult<any>> {
return new Promise<IteratorResult<any>>(async resolve => {
// We need to store the resolver as an instance variable, since else the
// success callback would always try to resolve the promise of the first
// next() call only:
this.curResolver = resolve
if (!this.cursorRequest) {
// Initial request -> Open the cursor and listen for subsequent success events:
this.cursorRequest = this.objectStore.openCursor(this.keyRange)
this.cursorRequest.onsuccess = (e) => {
this.cursor = <IDBCursorWithValue>(<any>
if (this.cursor) {
this.curResolver({ value: this.cursor.value, done: false })
else {
// We have reached the end:
this.curResolver({ value: null, done: true })
else {
// 2nd request or later -> continue (Still, the above success
// listener will be called when the cursor has been moved forward):
export async function promise(request) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
request.onsuccess = function(event) {
request.onerror = function(event) {
request.onabort = function(event) {
reject(new Error('Abort'))
type T = any
type PK = any
class Store {
constructor(public objectStore: IDBObjectStore) { }
async add(object: T): Promise<PK> {
return promise(this.objectStore.add(object))
async put(object: T): Promise<PK> {
return promise(this.objectStore.put(object))
async delete(object: T): Promise<void> {
return promise(this.objectStore.delete(object))
async get(key: PK): Promise<void> {
return promise(this.objectStore.get(key))
async getAll(): Promise<T[]> {
return promise(this.objectStore.getAll())
async getAllKeys(): Promise<PK[]> {
return promise(this.objectStore.getAllKeys())
async clear(): Promise<void> {
return promise(this.objectStore.getAllKeys())
each(keyRange: IDBKeyRange = null): IDBIterator {
return new IDBIterator(this.objectStore, keyRange)
export function tx(db, stores, mode): { tx: IDBTransaction, [key: string]: IDBObjectStore } {
if (typeof stores === 'string') stores = [ stores ]
const transaction = db.transaction(stores, mode)
const env = { tx: promise(transaction) }
for (const store of stores) {
env[store] = new Store(env.tx.objectStore(store))
return env
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