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Created March 6, 2017 09:18
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(ns app-name.middleware.cors
"Ring middleware for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing."
(:require [clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as str]
[macchiato.util.response :as r :refer [get-header]]))
(defn origin
"Returns the Origin request header."
[request] (get-header request "origin"))
(defn preflight?
"Returns true if the request is a preflight request"
(= (request :request-method) :options))
(defn lower-case-set
"Converts strings in a sequence to lower-case, and put them into a set"
(->> s
(map str/trim)
(map str/lower-case)
(defn parse-headers
"Transforms a comma-separated string to a set"
(->> (str/split (str s) #",")
(remove str/blank?)
(defn allow-preflight-headers?
"Returns true if the request is a preflight request and all the headers that
it's going to use are allowed. Returns false otherwise."
[request allowed-headers]
(if (nil? allowed-headers)
(parse-headers (get-header request "access-control-request-headers"))
(lower-case-set (map name allowed-headers)))))
(defn allow-method?
"In the case of regular requests it checks if the request-method is allowed.
In the case of preflight requests it checks if the
access-control-request-method is allowed."
[request allowed-methods]
(let [preflight-name [:headers "access-control-request-method"]
request-method (if (preflight? request)
(keyword (str/lower-case
(get-in request preflight-name "")))
(:request-method request))]
(contains? allowed-methods request-method)))
(defn allow-request?
"Returns true if the request's origin matches the access control
origin, otherwise false."
[request access-control]
(let [origin (origin request)
allowed-origins (:access-control-allow-origin access-control)
allowed-headers (:access-control-allow-headers access-control)
allowed-methods (:access-control-allow-methods access-control)]
(if (and origin
(seq allowed-origins)
(seq allowed-methods)
(some #(re-matches % origin) allowed-origins)
(if (preflight? request)
(allow-preflight-headers? request allowed-headers)
(allow-method? request allowed-methods))
true false)))
(defn header-name
"Returns the capitalized header name as a string."
(if header
(->> (str/split (name header) #"-")
(map str/capitalize )
(str/join "-" ))))
(defn normalize-headers
"Normalize the headers by converting them to capitalized strings."
(let [upcase #(str/join ", " (sort (map (comp str/upper-case name) %)))
to-header-names #(str/join ", " (sort (map (comp header-name name) %)))]
(fn [acc [k v]]
(assoc acc (header-name k)
(case k
:access-control-allow-methods (upcase v)
:access-control-allow-headers (to-header-names v)
{} headers)))
(defn add-headers
"Add the access control headers using the request's origin to the response."
[request access-control response]
(if-let [origin (origin request)]
(update-in response [:headers] merge
(assoc access-control :access-control-allow-origin origin))
(defn add-allowed-headers
"Adds the allowed headers to the request"
[request allowed-headers response]
(if (preflight? request)
(let [request-headers (get-header request "access-control-request-headers")
allowed-headers (if (nil? allowed-headers)
(parse-headers request-headers)
(if allowed-headers
(update-in response [:headers] merge
{:access-control-allow-headers allowed-headers})
(defn add-access-control
"Add the access-control headers to the response based on the rules
and what came on the header."
[request access-control response]
(let [allowed-headers (access-control :access-control-allow-headers)
rest-of-headers (dissoc access-control
unnormalized-resp (->> response
(add-headers request rest-of-headers)
(add-allowed-headers request allowed-headers))]
(update-in unnormalized-resp [:headers] normalize-headers)))
(defn normalize-config
(-> (apply hash-map access-control)
(update-in [:access-control-allow-methods] set)
(update-in [:access-control-allow-headers] #(if (coll? %) (set %) %))
(update-in [:access-control-allow-origin] #(if (sequential? %) % [%]))))
(defn wrap-cors
"Middleware that adds Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers.
(def handler
(-> routes
:access-control-allow-origin #\"\"
:access-control-allow-methods [:get :put :post :delete])))
[handler & access-control]
(let [access-control (normalize-config access-control)]
(fn [request respond raise]
(if (and (preflight? request) (allow-request? request access-control))
(let [blank-response {:status 200
:headers {}
:body "preflight complete"}]
(respond (add-access-control request access-control blank-response)))
(if (origin request)
(if (allow-request? request access-control)
(handler request #(respond (add-access-control request access-control %)) raise)
(handler request respond raise))
(handler request respond raise))))))
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