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  • Save retrogradeorbit/3e2837e713b474b4ba98b9ff9fc9557d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save retrogradeorbit/3e2837e713b474b4ba98b9ff9fc9557d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hot loading C wasm into the browser while preserving the state of the heap
;; on initial compile we want to make sure loader is loaded before reloader
;; these import orders ensure that. Just import this core ns from mainline.
(ns myproject.wasm.core
(:require [myproject.wasm.heap]
typedef unsigned char uint8;
typedef unsigned int uint32;
int calc(int a, int b)
return a*b;
uint8 get_byte(uint8 *buffer, int i)
return buffer[i];
void set_byte(uint8 *buffer, int i, uint8 v)
(ns myproject.wasm.heap)
(def page-size (* 64 1024))
(def initial-pages 16) ;; 1 MiB
(def maximum-pages (* 16 32)) ;; 32 MiB
;; a heap that gets reused between reloaded wasm code
(defonce memory
(clj->js {:initial initial-pages
:maximum maximum-pages})))
;; all the different views into the wasm heap
(defonce heap-uint8 (js/Uint8Array. (.-buffer memory)))
(defonce heap-uint16 (js/Uint16Array. (.-buffer memory)))
(defonce heap-uint32 (js/Uint32Array. (.-buffer memory)))
(defonce heap-int8 (js/Int8Array. (.-buffer memory)))
(defonce heap-int16 (js/Int16Array. (.-buffer memory)))
(defonce heap-int32 (js/Int32Array. (.-buffer memory)))
;; our basic heap allocator:
;; memory map is composed of [start-byte end-byte size] records.
;; memory is allocated out of first free sufficient space
;; gaps are bridged on freeing
(defrecord block [start-byte end-byte size])
(defonce memory-map
(atom nil))
(defn init-memory-map! [heap-base]
(swap! memory-map
(fn [m]
(or m (let [start heap-base
s (size)
end (dec s)
block (->block. start end s)
{:free #{block}
:by-start {0 block}
:by-end {end block}
:alloc {}
:last-alloc nil})))))
(defn round-up-to-4-byte-boundary [b]
(+ (* 4 (int (/ b 4)))
(if (zero? (mod b 4)) 0 4)))
(defn allocate [{:keys [free by-start by-end alloc] :as allocated} bytes]
;; find first block of suitable size
(let [aligned-bytes (round-up-to-4-byte-boundary bytes)
block (->> free
(sort-by :start-byte)
(filter #(< bytes (:size %)))
;; if block is nil, we are out of memory and should grow the heap.
(when block
;; slice the size of the front of the block
(let [{:keys [start-byte end-byte size]} block
new-start (+ start-byte aligned-bytes)
new-block (->block. new-start end-byte (- size aligned-bytes))
new-alloc (->block. start-byte (dec new-start) aligned-bytes)]
{:free (-> free (disj block) (conj new-block))
:by-start (-> by-start (dissoc start-byte) (assoc new-start new-block))
:by-end (-> by-end (dissoc end-byte) (assoc end-byte new-block))
:alloc (assoc alloc start-byte new-alloc)
:last-alloc new-alloc}))))
(defn deallocate [{:keys [free by-start by-end alloc last-alloc]} ptr]
(let [{:keys [start-byte end-byte size] :as block} (alloc ptr)
prev (by-end (dec start-byte))
next (by-start (inc end-byte))
;; bridges gap between two free blocks
(and prev next)
(let [new-block (->block. (:start-byte prev)
(:end-byte next)
(inc (- (:end-byte next) (:start-byte prev))))]
{:free (-> free (disj prev next) (conj new-block))
:by-start (-> by-start (assoc (:start-byte prev) new-block))
:by-end (-> by-end (dissoc (:end-byte prev)) (assoc (:end-byte next) new-block))
:alloc (dissoc alloc start-byte)
:last-alloc last-alloc})
;; bridges gap to previous block
(let [new-block (->block. (:start-byte prev)
(inc (- end-byte (:start-byte prev))))]
{:free (-> free (disj prev) (conj new-block))
:by-start (-> by-start (assoc (:start-byte prev) new-block))
:by-end (-> by-end (dissoc (:end-byte prev)) (assoc end-byte new-block))
:alloc (dissoc alloc start-byte)
:last-alloc last-alloc})
;; bridges with next block
(let [new-block (->block. start-byte
(:end-byte next)
(inc (- (:end-byte next) prev)))]
{:free (-> free (disj next) (conj new-block))
:by-start (-> by-start (dissoc (:start-byte next)) (assoc start-byte new-block))
:by-end (-> by-end (assoc (:end-byte next) new-block))
:alloc (dissoc alloc start-byte)
:last-alloc last-alloc})
;; nothing joins. just remove it
{:free (conj free block)
:by-start (assoc by-start start-byte block)
:by-end (assoc by-end end-byte block)
:alloc (dissoc alloc start-byte)
:last-alloc last-alloc})))
(defn free-space [{:keys [free]}]
(reduce + (map :size free)))
(defn malloc [size]
(let [start (:start-byte (:last-alloc (swap! memory-map allocate size)))]
{:buffer (.subarray heap-uint8 start (+ start size))
:address start}))
(defn free [{:keys [address]}]
(swap! memory-map deallocate address))
(ns myproject.wasm.loader
(:require [myproject.wasm.heap :as heap]
[cljs.core.async :refer [go]]
[cljs.core.async.interop :refer [<p!]]))
;; load and reload compiled wasm modules keeping memory between them
(defonce module (atom {}))
(defn load-streaming [{:keys [name url]}]
(let [result
(js/fetch url)
(clj->js {:env {:memory heap/memory}})))
instance (.-instance result)
exports (.-exports instance)
heap-base (.-value (aget exports "__heap_base"))]
(swap! module assoc name
{:module (.-module result)
:instance (.-instance result)
:exports exports})
(heap/init-memory-map! heap-base)
(js/console.log (str "wasm " name " reloaded from " url " with heap-base " heap-base)))))
CLANG_DIR = $(HOME)/clang+llvm-13.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu-ubuntu-18.04
CLANG = $(CLANG_DIR)/bin/clang
LLC = $(CLANG_DIR)/bin/llc
LD = $(CLANG_DIR)/bin/wasm-ld
C_SRC := $(wildcard src/c/*.c)
OBJ_SRC := $(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(C_SRC))
%.o: %.c # delete competing implicit rule
%.ll: %.c
$(CLANG) \
--target=wasm32 \
-emit-llvm \
-c \
-S \
-std=c99 \
-o $@ \
-nostdlib \
%.o: %.ll
$(LLC) \
-march=wasm32 \
-filetype=obj \
resources/public/wasm/mymodule.wasm: $(OBJ_SRC)
$(LD) \
--no-entry \
--strip-all \
--import-memory \
--export=__heap_base \
-o $@ \
(ns myproject.wasm.reloader)
{:name :mymodule
:url "wasm/mymodule.wasm"})
(require '[babashka.pods :as pods])
(pods/load-pod 'org.babashka/fswatcher "0.0.2")
(require '[pod.babashka.fswatcher :as fw]
'[babashka.process :as p]
'[clojure.string :as string])
(def path "src/c")
(def event-types #{:write})
(def path-extensions #{"c" "h"})
(def build-command "make resources/public/wasm/mymodule.wasm")
(def reload-hook-command "touch src/cljs/myproject/wasm/reloader.cljs")
(defn file-extension [s]
(last (string/split s #"\.")))
(def watcher
(fw/watch path
(fn [{:keys [type path]}]
(when (and (event-types type)
(path-extensions (file-extension path)))
(println "compiling...")
(if (-> (p/process build-command {:inherit true})
(println "failed!")
(println "done.")
@(p/process reload-hook-command)))))))
(.join (Thread/currentThread))
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hkjels commented Mar 21, 2022

I came here from your blog-post @retrogradeorbit and thought you should have a link-back:
Well done btw!

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