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Last active January 12, 2021 19:43
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  • Save retrogradeorbit/3fb72e6538e98c6fa5fb787c64f5f80b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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build new up to date acmetool package on digital ocean droplet
#!/usr/bin/env spire
;; spin up a digital ocean droplet
;; build latest acmetool
;; patch and update debian package
;; download acmetool binary and new package
;; destroy droplet
;; requirements:
;; spire 0.1.0-alpha.15 or above
;; digitalocean.clj and new-utils.clj in same directory (available in gists)
;; to run:
;; export DO_TOKEN="mydoapitoken"
;; spire build-acmetool.clj
;; you should then end up with acmetool and acmetool_0.2.1_amd64.deb
;; inside your local directory
(ns build-acmetool
(:require [spire.modules :as spire]
[spire.utils :as utils]
[spire.default :as default]
[digitalocean :as do]
[net-utils :as net-utils]
[clojure.string :as string]
;; my digital ocean ssh key name (to add to the machine so I can ssh in)
(def digitalocean-ssh-key-name "desktop key")
(def ssh-key (-> (do/account-keys)
(do/get-key-by-name digitalocean-ssh-key-name)))
(def build-machine
{:name "build-machine"
:region "nyc3"
:size "s-1vcpu-2gb"
:image "ubuntu-18-04-x64"
:backups false
:ipv6 true
:user_data nil
:private_networking nil
:volumes nil
:tags ["build-acmetool"]
:ssh_keys [(:id ssh-key)]}
;; for nrepl dev
#_ (default/set-ssh! {:hostname (-> build-machine
(do/create-or-return-droplet [:name :region])
(get-in [:networks :v4 0 :ip_address])
:username "root"})
(defn install-deps []
(spire/apt :update)
(spire/apt :upgrade)
(spire/apt :install ["golang-1.10" "libcap-dev" "build-essential"]))
(defn build-acmetool []
(spire/shell {:print true
:cmd "git clone"})
(spire/shell {:print true
:cmd "make"
:dir "acmetool"
:env {:PATH "/usr/lib/go-1.10/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"}}))
(defn download-acmetool []
(spire/download {:src "acmetool/bin/acmetool"
:dest "acmetool"}))
(defn make-deb []
(spire/shell {:cmd "apt-get -d -y install acmetool"})
(spire/shell {:cmd "cp /var/cache/apt/archives/acmetool_*.deb ./"})
(spire/mkdir {:path "tmp"})
(when (not (utils/succeeded? (spire/stat "tmp/DEBIAN")))
(spire/shell {:cmd "dpkg-deb -R acmetool_0.0.62-2_amd64.deb tmp"}))
(spire/shell {:cmd "cp acmetool/bin/acmetool tmp/usr/bin"})
(spire/line-in-file :present {:path "tmp/DEBIAN/control"
:string-match "Version"
:line "Version: 0.2.1"})
(let [md5sum (-> (spire/shell {:cmd "md5sum usr/bin/acmetool"
:dir "tmp"})
(spire/line-in-file :present
{:path "tmp/DEBIAN/md5sums"
:string-match "usr/bin/acmetool"
:line md5sum}))
(spire/shell {:cmd "dpkg-deb -b tmp acmetool_0.2.1_amd64.deb"}))
(defn download-deb []
(spire/download {:src "acmetool_0.2.1_amd64.deb"
:dest "./"}))
(defn build []
(let [{:keys [networks] :as droplet} (do/create-or-return-droplet build-machine [:name :region])
ip-address (get-in networks [:v4 0 :ip_address])]
(net-utils/wait-for-port ip-address 22)
(spire/ssh {:hostname ip-address
:username "root"
:accept-host-key true}
(do/delete-droplet droplet)))
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