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Last active April 15, 2017 13:33
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  • Save retrography/8da73ae460e11597fa7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save retrography/8da73ae460e11597fa7c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple shell script that converts audio files into Apple Lossless (ALAC) format. It can be used to create an Automator service on MacOSX. Requires brew, ffmpeg, coreutils, AtomicParsley and rmtrash.


  • Install requirements using brew

Requires ffmpeg, coreutils, AtomicParsley and rmtrash If you don't have brew:

xcode-select --install
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then install the required packages:

brew install ffmpeg coreutils AtomicParsley rmtrash
  • Create audio2alac OSX service
  1. In Automator create a service for audio files and set it to run a shell script

  2. Set "Pass input:" to "As arguments" and then replace the auto-generated shell script with the one above

  3. Save the service with a name you like (e.g. audio2alac)

A new service should show up on the context menu when right-clicking audio files in finder.

# Simple shell script to make a "audio2flac" automator workflow
# Copyright © 2014 Mahmood S. Zargar
for f in "$@"
abspath=$(greadlink -fn "${f}")
export PIC_OPTIONS="removeTempPix"
if [[ "${abspath}" == "${filename}" ]]; then exit 1; fi
if ffmpeg -i "${abspath}" -y -acodec alac "${filename}"; then
ffmpeg -i "${abspath}" -y -loglevel quiet -an -vcodec copy "${dirname}/000cover000.jpg" || :
AtomicParsley "${filename}" --artwork "${dirname}"/*.(jpg|png) --overWrite || :
rmtrash "${dirname}/000cover000.jpg" || :
# Send to original to Trash after successful conversion
# rmtrash "${abspath}" || :
else exit 1
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