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Created August 5, 2020 14:29
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[error] Options accepted by async:
[error] allkernel=<bool> Only include kernel-mode events.
[error] alluser=<bool> Only include user-mode events.
[error] ann=<bool> Annotate Java method names.
[error] cstack=<mode> How to traverse C stack: Supported: [fp, lbr, no].
[error] dir=<dir> Output directory.
[error] direction=<direction> Direction(s) of flame graph. Supported: [forward,
[error] reverse, both]. (default: [both])
[error] event=<event> Event to sample: cpu, alloc, wall, lock, cache-misses,
[error] etc. (default: [cpu])
[error] exclude=<regexp+> Exclude stack traces with the specified pattern.
[error] filter=<boolean> Enable thread filtering during collection. Useful
[error] for wall clock profiling, but only if the workload
[error] registers the relevant threads programatically
[error] via `AsyncProfiler.JavaApi.getInstance().filterThread(thread,
[error] enabled)`. (default: [false])
[error] flat=<int> Number of top flat profiles to include in the default
[error] output. (default: [200])
[error] framebuf=<bytes> Size of profiler framebuffer.
[error] help Display help.
[error] include=<regexp+> Output only stack traces containing the specified
[error] pattern.
[error] interval=<ns> Profiling interval.
[error] jstackdepth=<frames> Maximum Java stack depth.
[error] libPath=<path> Location of asyncProfiler library. If not specified,
[error] System.loadLibrary will be used and the library
[error] must be made available to the forked JVM in an entry
[error] of -Djava.library.path or LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
[error] minwidth=<pixels> Skip frames smaller than px
[error] output=<format+> Output format(s). Supported: [text, collapsed,
[error] flamegraph, tree, jfr]. (default: [text])
[error] rawCommand=<command> Command to pass directly to async-profiler. Use
[error] to access new features of JMH profiler that are not
[error] yet supported in this option parser.
[error] sig=<bool> Print method signatures.
[error] simple=<bool> Simple class names instead of FQN.
[error] threads=<bool> Profile threads separately.
[error] title=<string> SVG title.
[error] traces=<int> Number of top traces to include in the default output.
[error] (default: [200])
[error] verbose=<bool> Output the sequence of commands. (default: [false])
[error] width=<pixels> SVG width.
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