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Created September 26, 2015 08:25
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import scala.annotation.tailrec
def atoi(chList:List[String]):Int = {
def atoiAccumulator(chList: List[String], accumulator: Int): Int = chList match {
case Nil => accumulator
case head :: tail =>
val tensMult = scala.math.pow(10, tail.length).toInt
val nxtAccumulator = (head.toInt * tensMult) + accumulator
atoiAccumulator(tail, nxtAccumulator)
atoiAccumulator(chList, 0)
val tst1 = atoi(List("1","3","5", "7","2","9"))
assert(tst1 == 135729, "Error in atoi")
val tst2 = atoi(List("4","2","8", "7","1","9"))
assert(tst2 == 428719, "Error in atoi")
val tst3 = atoi(List("0","2","8", "7","1","9"))
assert(tst3 == 28719, "Error in atoi")
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