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Applescript to get frontmost tab’s url and title of various browsers.
# This example will return both the URL and title for the frontmost tab of the active browser, separated by a newline.
# Keep in mind that by using `using terms from`, we’re basically requiring that referenced browser to be available on the system
# (i.e., to use this on "Google Chrome Canary" or "Chromium", "Google Chrome" needs to be installed).
# This is required to be able to use a variable in `tell application`. If it is undesirable, the accompanying example should be used instead.
tell application "System Events" to set frontApp to name of first process whose frontmost is true
set currentTabUrl to ""
set currentTabTitle to ""
if (frontApp is "Safari") or (frontApp is "Webkit") then
using terms from application "Safari"
tell application frontApp to set currentTabUrl to URL of front document
tell application frontApp to set currentTabTitle to name of front document
end using terms from
else if (frontApp is "Google Chrome") or (frontApp is "Google Chrome Canary") or (frontApp is "Chromium") then
using terms from application "Google Chrome"
tell application frontApp to set currentTabUrl to URL of active tab of front window
tell application frontApp to set currentTabTitle to title of active tab of front window
end using terms from
else if frontApp is "Firefox" then
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "l" using command down
keystroke "c" using command down
end tell
delay 0.5
set currentTabUrl to the clipboard
set currentTabTitle to ""
end if
return currentTabUrl & "\n" & currentTabTitle
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