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Last active September 7, 2023 03:22
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Manually install go-c8y-cli just using the binary

Manually download and install the binary

  1. Download the binary

    Linux / MacOS / WSL

    Make sure you choose the appropriate cpu architecture for your machine! Check out the options in the assets section of the latest release.

    mkdir -p "$HOME/bin"
    wget -O "$HOME/bin/c8y" 
    chmod +x "$HOME/bin/c8y"
    # Add this line to your shell profile
    export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"

    Windows Native (PowerShell)

    mkdir "$HOME/bin"
    Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile "$HOME/bin/c8y.exe"
    # Add this line to your shell profile ($ may need to create the file/folders)
    $env:PATH = "$HOME/bin;" + $env:PATH
  2. Install default views (via a go-c8y-cli extension, this requires git to be installed!)

    c8y extensions install reubenmiller/c8y-defaults

    If you don't have git installed then you can just download the repository from directly.

    The c8y-defaults folder should be placed in the following folder:

    mkdir -p "$HOME/.cumulocity/extensions"
  3. Load the tab completions

    # bash
    source <(c8y completion bash)
    # zsh
    autoload -U compinit; compinit
    source <(c8y completion zsh)
    # PowerShell
    c8y completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

    It helps if add this command in your shell profile so that you don't have to run the command each time you want to use go-c8y-cli.

    For zsh users, you might also want to add the following zsh profile (~/.zshrc) to make the tab completion more readable.

    # zsh styles
    zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
    # bind shift+tab to reverse menu complete
    zmodload zsh/complist
    bindkey -M menuselect '^[[Z' reverse-menu-complete
  4. Create a new session (only need to do it once)

    c8y sessions create
  5. Activate the session

    # bash
    eval "$(c8y sessions set)"
    # zsh
    eval "$(c8y sessions set)"
    # PowerShell
    c8y sessions set | out-string | invoke-expression
  6. Start using go-c8y-cli

    c8y devices list
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