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Created August 21, 2015 21:00
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Save reubenmoes/3f656161c6e33bfa1c2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Will check if there is a breadcrumb
* on the page and exit if not. If there is a large breadcrumb, it will
* add binding to hide inner elements
app.breadcrumb = (function($){
'use strict';
//Shared variables:
var selector = '.bread-crumb-nav',
* Module init
function init(){
//Exit early if no breadcrumb
if(!$(selector).length) {
//Set shared vars
$breadcrumb = $(selector);
//TODO: remove this line when .current is removed from markup
$breadcrumbItems = $('li', $breadcrumb);
//Only bind hiding if we have any inner breadcrumb elements
if($breadcrumbItems.length > 2) {
//Do initial hide checker
//Bind on resize.
$(window).smartresize(hideInnerElements, 400);
* On Resize, the breadcrumb should hide the elements in the middle
* so that the breadcrumb can stay visible on one line
* The breadcrumbs are setup to show the most important pages to
* the user, but not necessarily all of the pages. We will use JS
* to show at a minimum, the home page, section landing page,
* immediate parent page and the current page. The rest will be
* collapsed into the ellipsis as seen in the design. As the device
* width grows and provides additional room for more breadcrumb
* items, we will show more items on the page.
function hideInnerElements(){
//Keeping track of the width of how many items we have in the breadcrumb
var currentWidth,
//Buffer amount for the ellipsis that may be added
buffer = 35,
$first = $breadcrumbItems.first(),
$last = $breadcrumbItems.last(),
$itemsToHide = $();
//Reset the nav to the base state
//Check max width of container
maxWidth = $breadcrumb.width();
//We always show the first and last item. Add them to the current width
currentWidth = $first.width() + $last.width();
//Check each internal item to see if it will fit in the breadcrumb.
//If it doesn't fit, we break the loop and hide the items
//Get second to second from last: ignore first and last, because we already accounted for them
$breadcrumbItems.slice(1, -1).each(function(index, item){
var itemWidth;
itemWidth = $(item).width();
//If we were to add this item, would it be too big?
if((currentWidth + itemWidth + buffer) > maxWidth) {
//We hide this item and the rest of the internal items
$itemsToHide = $(item).nextUntil($last).add(item);
//No need to check anymore items
return false;
//Item will fit. Add it to the count
else {
currentWidth += $(item).width();
//If we have items to hide
/* Document ready
/* + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + */
$(document).on('ready', init);
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