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Created May 21, 2015 01:46
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Drupal add graph metatags with preprocess_html
* Implements hook_preprocess_html()
* Adds open graph tags
* @param array $variables
function module_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
* Init Metatags
* Don't need to do this on admin pages
//Fetch node
if(!path_is_admin(current_path())) {
$node = menu_get_object();
$meta = array();
* Title
* Use site name for homepage
* Use default page title or node title
if ( drupal_is_front_page() ) {
$meta['title'] = trim(variable_get('site_name'));
else {
//Get drupal title (views pages, node title)
$meta['title'] = drupal_get_title();
//Fallback to node title (needed if node title is hidden)
if(empty($meta['title'])) {
$meta['title'] = trim($node->title);
* Url
$meta['url'] = url(current_path(), array('absolute' => TRUE));
* Site name
$meta['site_name'] = trim(variable_get('site_name'));
* Description
* Add tokens to $content_tokens in the order that you want them
* to be checked. The first token that returns a result will be
* used.
//Set default
$raw_description = variable_get('site_slogan');
//Tokens to check. Given in order
$content_tokens = array(
//Check tokens. Break at first token find
foreach ($content_tokens as $token) {
$token_value = token_replace($token, array('node' => $node), array('clear' => true));
if($token_value) {
$raw_description = $token_value;
//Set value
//trim to 100 words
//strip html
//trim white space
//remove line breaks
$meta['description'] = str_replace(array("\r", "\r\n", "\n"), '', trim(dnv_custom_limit_words(strip_tags($raw_description),100)));
* Image
* Add tokens to $image_tokens in the order that you want them
* to be checked. The first token that returns a result will be
* used.
//Set default
$image_path = '';
//Tokens to check. Given in order
$image_tokens = array(
//Check tokens. Break at first token find
foreach ($image_tokens as $token) {
$token_value = token_replace($token, array('node' => $node), array('clear' => true));
if($token_value) {
$image_path = $token_value;
//Set value
$meta['image'] = $image_path;
* Print open graph tags
$open_graph_attributes = array('title', 'site_name', 'url', 'description', 'image');
foreach ( $meta as $tag => $value ) {
if ( $value && in_array($tag, $open_graph_attributes) ) {
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => array(
'property' => 'og:'.$tag,
'content' => $value,
), 'og_'.$tag);
* Print Twitter card stuff
$twitter_card_attributes = array('title', 'description', 'image', 'url');
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => array(
'name' => 'twitter:card',
'content' => 'summary',
), 'twitter_card');
foreach ( $meta as $tag => $value ) {
if ( $value && in_array($tag, $twitter_card_attributes) ) {
'#tag' => 'meta',
'#attributes' => array(
'name' => 'twitter:'.$tag,
'content' => $value,
), 'twitter_'.$tag);
* End of Metatags
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