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Last active April 27, 2016 20:21
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Drupal hook to get the Display Suite field group attributes input option to use tokens. NOTE: only works in template.php i believe, and not modules.
//@file template.php
* Implements hook_field_group_pre_render_alter()
* Add token support for field group attributes
* NOTE: this is basically a copy/paste of field_group_pre_render_html_element()
* from the field_group module with some changes
* @param mixed $element
* @param object $group
* @param array $form
function template_field_group_pre_render_alter(&$element, $group, & $form) {
$entity_type = $form['#entity_type'];
//Fallback for field collections
$entity = isset($form['#'.$entity_type]) ? $form['#'.$entity_type] :$form['#entity'];
$html_element = isset($group->format_settings['instance_settings']['element']) ? $group->format_settings['instance_settings']['element'] : 'div';
$show_label = isset($group->format_settings['instance_settings']['show_label']) ? $group->format_settings['instance_settings']['show_label'] : 0;
$label_element = isset($group->format_settings['instance_settings']['label_element']) ? $group->format_settings['instance_settings']['label_element'] : 'div';
//NOTE: This is the line of code that is altered from original function
$attributes = isset($group->format_settings['instance_settings']['attributes']) ? ' ' . token_replace($group->format_settings['instance_settings']['attributes'], array($entity_type => $entity)) : '';
$group->classes = trim($group->classes);
// This regex split the attributes string so that we can pass that
// later to drupal_attributes().
preg_match_all('/([^\s=]+)="([^"]+)"/', $attributes, $matches);
$element_attributes = array();
// Put the attribute and the value together.
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $attribute) {
$element_attributes[$attribute] = $matches[2][$key];
// Add the classes to the attributes array.
if (!isset($element_attributes['class']) && $group->classes) {
$element_attributes['class'] = $group->classes;
elseif (isset($element_attributes['class']) && $group->classes) {
$element_attributes['class'] .= ' ' . $group->classes;
$attributes = drupal_attributes($element_attributes);
$element['#prefix'] = '<' . $html_element . $attributes . '>';
if ($show_label) {
$element['#prefix'] .= '<' . $label_element . '><span>' . check_plain(t($group->label)) . '</span></' . $label_element . '>';
$element['#suffix'] = '</' . $html_element . '>';
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