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Created August 20, 2013 17:23
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Save reuk/6284484 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Finds solutions to the Knight's Tour problem on arbitrarily-sized boards and from any starting position.
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
data Board = Board [[Bool]]
deriving (Eq, Show)
newBoard :: Board
newBoard = newBoard' 8 8
where newBoard' x y = Board $ take y $ repeat $ take x $ repeat False
data Position a = Position (a, a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Position where
fmap f (Position (x, y)) = Position (f x, f y)
instance Applicative Position where
pure x = Position (x, x)
(Position (f, g)) <*> (Position (x, y)) = Position (f x, g y)
instance Num a => Num (Position a) where
(+) = (<*>) . (<$>) (+)
(-) = (<*>) . (<$>) (-)
(*) = (<*>) . (<$>) (*)
abs = fmap abs
signum = fmap signum
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
start :: Position Int
start = Position (0, 0)
solve :: Board -> [Position Int] -> (Position Int) -> [Position Int]
--solve b m p | trace (show b) False = undefined
solve b m p | (boardFull b) = m
| positionVisited b p = []
| otherwise = if next /= [] then head next else []
where updatedBoard = updateBoard b p
next = filter (/= []) $ map (solve updatedBoard (p:m)) (nextPositions updatedBoard p)
updateBoard :: Board -> (Position Int) -> Board
updateBoard = replaceBoardElement True
replaceBoardElement :: Bool -> Board -> (Position Int) -> Board
replaceBoardElement bool (Board board) (Position (x, y)) = Board (replacexy board)
where replacexy = replace (\ y' a -> if y' == y then (replacex a) else a)
replacex = replace (\ x' b -> if x' == x then bool else b)
replace :: (Int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
replace = replace' 0
where replace' _ _ [] = []
replace' counter f (x:xs) = (f counter x):(replace' (counter + 1) f xs)
boardFull :: Board -> Bool
boardFull (Board b) = and $ concat b
nextPositions :: Board -> (Position Int) -> [Position Int]
nextPositions b p = filter (withinBoard b) ((+ p) <$> relativePositions)
where relativePositions = [(Position (i, j)) | i <- [-2, -1, 1, 2], j <- [-2, -1, 1, 2], (abs i) /= (abs j)]
withinBoard (Board board) (Position (x, y)) = (withinDimension board y) && (withinDimension (board !! y) x)
where withinDimension list position = 0 <= position && position < (length list)
positionVisited :: Board -> (Position Int) -> Bool
positionVisited (Board b) (Position (x, y)) = (b !! y) !! x
main = print $ solve newBoard [] start
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