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Last active December 20, 2015 14:29
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Visual aid for CamelCase code in the ACE Editor; this can be compiled into a Bookmarklet
# Copyright (c) 2013 Michele Bini; MIT license
ace = window.ace ? window.__ace_shadowed__
if require = ace?.require
require ["ace/layer/text"], ({Text}) ->
orig = Text.prototype.$renderToken
patched = do (
rgx = new RegExp "[a-z][0-9]*[A-Z]", "g"
) -> (builder, col, token, value) ->
if match = rgx.exec value
type = token.type
type_c = type + ".camel"
p = 0
q = rgx.lastIndex - 1
s = value.substring(p, q)
col = @, builder, col, { type, value: s }, s
s = value.substring(q, p = q + 1)
col = @, builder, col, { type: type_c, value: s }, s
break unless match = rgx.exec value
s = value.substring(p) @, builder, col, { type, value: s }, s
orig.apply @, arguments
Text.prototype.$renderToken = patched
unless document.getElementById "camelcapcss"
x = document.createElement "style" = "camelcapcss"
x.innerHTML = ".ace_camel { font-weight: bold; }"
document.head.appendChild x
for x in document.getElementsByClassName("ace_editor")
if x = x?.env?.editor
if x = x?.renderer
console.log "Attempting to reset mode"
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