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Last active November 29, 2015 22:48
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Clojure scraping of campaignmonitor's email client CSS support
;; Create a JSON representation of campaignmonitor's email CSS support table
(ns scrape.main
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(:require [ :as json])
(:require [clojure.core.matrix :as matrix]))
(def ^:dynamic *base-url* "")
(def ^:dynamic *feature-names-selector* [:#csstable :tbody :td.element-style])
(def ^:dynamic *email-clients-selector* [:#csstable :thead :td.client])
(def ^:dynamic *support-selector*
[:#csstable :tbody :> [:tr (html/but :.short)] [:td (html/but :.element-style)]])
(defn fetch-url
"Fetch and parse HTML response returned by request to provided URL."
(html/html-resource ( url)))
(defn extract-text
"Extract text vector, given a resource and selector."
[html-resource selector]
(mapv html/text (html/select html-resource selector)))
(defn extract-matrix
"Extract 2D vector matrix, given a resource, partition length, and selector."
[html-resource partition-length selector]
{:pre [(pos? partition-length)]
:post [(= (1 (count (distinct (map count %)))))]}
(partition partition-length (extract-text html-resource selector)))
(defn build
"Build up final hashmap data-structure."
[clients clients-support feature-names]
{:pre [(pos? client-support)
(= (count clients) (count clients-support))
(= (count (first client-support)) (count feature-names))]}
(hash-map :clients
(mapv #(hash-map :client %1
:features (zipmap feature-names %2))
(defn -main
(let [root (fetch-url *base-url*)
feature-names (extract-text root *feature-names-selector*)
clients (extract-text root *email-clients-selector*)
clients-support (matrix/transpose ;; feature-indexed (row) -> client-indexed (col)
(matrix/emap #(case % "No" 0 "Info" 1 "Yes" 2)
(extract-matrix root (count clients) *support-selector*)))]
(json/write-str (build clients clients-support feature-names)))))
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