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Created January 30, 2019 12:39
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# Separate LHS and RHS rules
r1$rulecount <- as.character(r1$rule)
max_col <- max(sapply(strsplit(r1$rulecount,' => '),length))
r_sep <- separate(data = r1, col = rule, into = paste0("Time",1:max_col), sep = " => ")
r_sep$Time2 <- substring(r_sep$Time2,3,nchar(r_sep$Time2)-2)
# Strip LHS baskets
max_time1 <- max(sapply(strsplit(r_sep$Time1,'},'),length))
r_sep$TimeClean <- substring(r_sep$Time1,3,nchar(r_sep$Time1)-2)
r_sep$TimeClean <- gsub("\\},\\{", "zzz", r_sep$TimeClean)
r_sep_items <- separate(data = r_sep, col = TimeClean, into = paste0("Previous_Items",1:max_time1), sep = "zzz")
# Get cleaned temporal rules: time reads sequentially from left to right
r_shift_na <- r_sep_items
for (i in seq(1, nrow(r_shift_na))){
for (col in seq(8, (6+max_time1))){
if ([i,col])==TRUE){
r_shift_na[i,col] <- r_shift_na[i,col-1]
r_shift_na[i,col-1] <- NA
names(r_shift_na)[2] <- "Predicted_Items"
cols <- c(7:(6+max_time1), 2:5)
temporal_rules <- r_shift_na[,cols]
temporal_rules <- temporal_rules[order(-temporal_rules$lift, -temporal_rules$confidence,
-temporal_rules$support, temporal_rules$Predicted_Items),]
write.csv(, file = "TemporalRules.csv", row.names = FALSE, na="")
# Get unique frequent itemsets existing in rules (subset of those in s1.df)
baskets_only <- temporal_rules[,1:(ncol(temporal_rules)-3)]
basket_mat <- as.vector(as.matrix(baskets_only))
freq_itemsets_in_rules <- unique(basket_mat[!])
write.csv(, file = "FreqItemsetsInRules.csv", row.names = FALSE)
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