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Created February 3, 2020 22:21
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R code for slides in "Machine Learning Operations for R"
#### Code from slides
## This code is excerpted from experiments-with-R.Rmd,
## edited and reformatted for use on slides
## SLIDE: Prepare Data
ws <- load_workspace_from_config()
nassCDS <- read.csv("nassCDS.csv")
# Lots of cleaning code
ds <- get_default_datastore(ws)
target_path <- "accidentdata"
target_path = target_path,
overwrite = TRUE)
## SLIDE: Compute
ws <- load_workspace_from_config()
compute_target <- create_aml_compute(
workspace = ws,
cluster_name = "rcluster",
vm_size = "STANDARD_D2_V2",
vm_priority = "lowpriority",
min_nodes = 0,
max_nodes = 2)
## SLIDE: Experiments
exp <- experiment(ws, "accident")
est <- estimator(source_directory = ".",
entry_script = "accident-glmnet.R",
script_params = list(
"--data_folder" = ds$path(target_path),
"--percent_train" = 0.75),
compute_target = compute_target)
run.glmnet <- submit_experiment(exp, est)
## Register Model
model <- register_model(
model_path = "outputs/model.rds",
model_name = "accidents_model_caret",
description = "Predict accident probability")
r_env <- r_environment(name = "basic_env",
inference_config <- inference_config(
entry_script = "accident_predict_caret.R",
source_directory = ".",
environment = r_env)
## Deploy model to container service
aci_config <-
cpu_cores = 1, memory_gb = 0.5)
aci_service <- deploy_model(ws,
accident.endpoint <- get_webservice(
ws, "accident-pred-caret")$scoring_uri
## Integrate into app
v <- POST(accident.endpoint,
prob <- content(v)[[1]]*100
## R commands you can use to run models, etc manually from the Compute Instance
## The working directory should be the root folder of the azureml-sdk-for-r repository
accidents <- readRDS( file.path(
"vignettes/experiments-with-R/accidentdata", #opt$data_folder,
## Create data partition
train.pct <- 0.80
accident_idx <- createDataPartition(accidents$dead, p = train.pct, list = FALSE)
accident_trn <- accidents[accident_idx, ]
accident_tst <- accidents[-accident_idx, ]
## Utility function for calculating accuracy in test set
calc_acc = function(actual, predicted) {
mean(actual == predicted)
## SLIDE: Training models
ws <- load_workspace_from_config()
exp <- experiment(ws, "accident-caret")
cluster_name <- "research-cluster"
compute_target <- get_compute(ws, cluster_name = cluster_name)
if (is.null(compute_target)) {
compute_target <- create_aml_compute(workspace = ws,
cluster_name = cluster_name,
vm_size = "STANDARD_D2_V2",
vm_priority = "lowpriority",
min_nodes = 1,
max_nodes = 4)
wait_for_provisioning_completion(compute_target, show_output = TRUE)
ds <- get_default_datastore(ws)
target_path <- "accidentdata"
train_pct_exp <- 0.85
## GLM model
exp <- experiment(ws, "accident")
est <- estimator(source_directory = "./vignettes/train-and-deploy-to-aci",
entry_script = "accident-glm.R",
script_params = list("--data_folder" = ds$path(target_path),
"--percent_train" = train_pct_exp),
compute_target = compute_target
run <- submit_experiment(exp, est)
## KNN model
exp <- experiment(ws, "accident")
est <- estimator(source_directory = "./vignettes/train-and-deploy-to-aci",
entry_script = "accident-knn.R",
script_params = list("--data_folder" = ds$path(target_path),
"--percent_train" = train_pct_exp),
compute_target = compute_target
run <- submit_experiment(exp, est)
## GLMNET model
exp <- experiment(ws, "accident")
est <- estimator(source_directory = "./vignettes/train-and-deploy-to-aci",
entry_script = "accident-glmnet.R",
script_params = list("--data_folder" = ds$path(target_path),
"--percent_train" = train_pct_exp),
compute_target = compute_target
run <- submit_experiment(exp, est)
### Test endpoint
accident.endpoint <- get_webservice(ws, "accident-predict-caret")$scoring_uri
newdata <- data.frame( # valid values shown below
dvcat="10-24", # "1-9km/h" "10-24" "25-39" "40-54" "55+"
seatbelt="none", # "none" "belted"
frontal="frontal", # "notfrontal" "frontal"
sex="f", # "f" "m"
ageOFocc=25, # age in years, 16-97
yearVeh=2002, # year of vehicle, 1955-2003
airbag="none", # "none" "airbag"
occRole="pass" # "driver" "pass"
accident_model <- readRDS("outputs/model.rds")
predict(accident_model, newdata=newdata, type="prob")[,"dead"]
v <- POST(accident.endpoint, body=newdata, encode="json")
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