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Created September 27, 2023 01:13
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Rune Scripts: PrefixVarint and Base 26 (A=1) Name
Convert between rune symbols and values using Base 26 (A=1)
Similar rust implementation at
class Rune {
constructor(public value: number) { }
public get name(): string {
let x = this.value;
let name = '';
while (x > 0) {
name += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".charAt((x - 1) % 26);
x = Math.floor((x - 1) / 26);
return name.split('').reverse().join('');
public static fromName(s: string): Rune {
s = s.toLowerCase()
let x = 0;
for (const c of s) {
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
x = x * 26 + c.charCodeAt(0) - 'a'.charCodeAt(0) + 1;
} else {
throw new Error(`invalid character in sat name: ${c}`);
return new Rune(x);
Similar rust implementation at:
function countLeadingZeros(input: string) {
let splitted = input.split("");
let count = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
if (+splitted[i] !== 0) {
return count;
function encodePrefixVarint(value: bigint, buf: Buffer): number {
const leadingZeros = countLeadingZeros(value.toString(2).padStart(64, '0'));
let bytesRequired: number = 1;
// Define the thresholds for leading zeros to determine bytes required
const thresholds = [7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56];
for (let i = 0; i < thresholds.length; i++) {
if (leadingZeros <= thresholds[i]) {
bytesRequired = PREFIX_VARINT_BUF_SIZE - i;
switch (bytesRequired) {
case 9:
buf[0] = 255;
buf.writeBigUInt64LE(value, 1);
return bytesRequired;
case 8:
buf[0] = 254;
for (let i = 1; i <= 7; i++) {
buf[i] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * (i - 1))) & BigInt(0xFF));
return bytesRequired;
case 1:
buf[0] = Number(value & BigInt(0xFF));
return bytesRequired;
const prefixMask = 256 - (1 << (PREFIX_VARINT_BUF_SIZE - bytesRequired))
value <<= BigInt(bytesRequired);
buf[0] = Number(((value & BigInt(0xFF)) >> BigInt(bytesRequired)) | BigInt(prefixMask));
for (let i = 1; i < bytesRequired; i++) {
buf[i] = Number((value >> BigInt(8 * i)) & BigInt(0xFF));
return bytesRequired;
function decodePrefixVarint(buf: Buffer): bigint {
const firstByte = buf[0];
switch (true) {
case (firstByte & 128) === 0: // Leading ones: 0
return BigInt(firstByte);
case (firstByte & 192) === 128: // Leading ones: 1
return (BigInt(firstByte & 0x3F) | (BigInt(buf[1]) << BigInt(6)));
case (firstByte & 224) === 192: // Leading ones: 2
return (BigInt(firstByte & 0x1F) | (BigInt(buf[1]) | (BigInt(buf[2]) << BigInt(8))) << BigInt(5));
case (firstByte & 240) === 224: // Leading ones: 3
let value3 = BigInt(firstByte & 0x0F);
value3 |= (BigInt(buf[1]) | (BigInt(buf[2]) << BigInt(8)) | (BigInt(buf[3]) << BigInt(16))) << BigInt(4);
return value3;
case (firstByte & 248) === 240: // Leading ones: 4
let value4 = BigInt(firstByte & 0x07);
value4 |= (BigInt(buf.readUInt32LE(1))) << BigInt(3);
return value4;
case (firstByte & 252) === 248: // Leading ones: 5
return (BigInt(firstByte & 0x03) |
(BigInt(buf[1]) |
(BigInt(buf[2]) << BigInt(8)) |
(BigInt(buf[3]) << BigInt(16)) |
(BigInt(buf[4]) << BigInt(24)) |
(BigInt(buf[5]) << BigInt(32))) << BigInt(2));
case (firstByte & 254) === 252: // Leading ones: 6
let value6 = BigInt(firstByte & 0x01);
value6 |= (BigInt(buf.readUInt32LE(1)) | (BigInt(buf.readUInt16LE(5)) << BigInt(32))) << BigInt(1);
return value6;
case firstByte === 254: // Leading ones: 7
const tempBuf = Buffer.alloc(8);
tempBuf[0] = firstByte;
buf.copy(tempBuf, 1, 1, 8); // Copy next 7 bytes from buf into tempBuf starting from position 1
return (tempBuf.readBigUInt64LE(0) >> BigInt(8));
case firstByte === 255: // Leading ones: 8
return buf.readBigUInt64LE(1);
throw new Error('Invalid prefix varint');
// Test cases
(async () => {
const testCases = [
{ value: 0n, expected: '00' },
{ value: 1n, expected: '01' },
{ value: 127n, expected: '7f' },
{ value: 128n, expected: '8002' },
{ value: 16383n, expected: 'bfff' },
{ value: 16384n, expected: 'c00002' },
{ value: 2097151n, expected: 'dfffff' },
{ value: 2097152n, expected: 'e0000002' },
{ value: 21000000n, expected: 'e0f40614' },
{ value: 268435455n, expected: 'efffffff' },
{ value: 268435456n, expected: 'f000000002' },
{ value: 34359738367n, expected: 'f7ffffffff' },
{ value: 34359738368n, expected: 'f80000000002' }, //
{ value: 4398046511103n, expected: 'fbffffffffff' }, //
{ value: 4398046511104n, expected: 'fc000000000002' },
{ value: 562949953421311n, expected: 'fdffffffffffff' },
{ value: 562949953421312n, expected: 'fe00000000000002' },
{ value: 72057594037927935n, expected: 'feffffffffffffff' },
{ value: 72057594037927936n, expected: 'ff0000000000000001' },
{ value: 18446744073709551615n, expected: 'ffffffffffffffffff' },
for (const testCase of testCases) {
const buf = Buffer.alloc(PREFIX_VARINT_BUF_SIZE);
const encodedLength = encodePrefixVarint(testCase.value, buf);
if (testCase.expected !== buf.slice(0, encodedLength).toString('hex')) {
throw new Error(`Expected ${testCase.expected} but got ${buf.slice(0, encodedLength).toString('hex')}`);
const decoded = decodePrefixVarint(buf);
if (testCase.value !== decoded) {
throw new Error(`Expected ${testCase.value} but got ${decoded}`);
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