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Last active December 28, 2015 19:59
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Save revolunet/7553725 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sample cordova with web fallback fonctions for AngularJS
* angular-phonegap-bridges
* (c) 2013 Julien Bouquillon -
* License: MIT
(function() {
'use strict';
angular.module('revolunet.cordova', [
factory('CordovaBridge', ['$rootScope', 'FormBuilder', '$document', '$translate', '$window', function ($rootScope, FormBuilder, $document, $translate, $window) {
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
me.isCordova = true;
var locale = ($window.navigator.language.substr(0,2)=='fr')?'fr':'en';
var me = {
locale: locale,
isCordova: false,
callbackHost: '',
open: function(url, target, options) {
if (!target) target='_blank';
if (!options) options='location=no,closebuttoncaption=Fermer';
return, target, options);
alert: function(msg) {
if (me.isCordova) {
navigator.notification.alert(msg, angular.noop, 'Title');
} else {
confirm: function(msg, cb, buttonsTexts) {
function confirmed(buttonIndex) {
return cb(buttonIndex===2);
if (me.isCordova) {
var okLabel = $translate('confirm.ok'),
cancelLabel = $translate('confirm.cancel');
if (!buttonsTexts) buttonsTexts = cancelLabel + ',' + okLabel;
navigator.notification.confirm(msg, confirmed, 'Title', buttonsTexts);
} else {
getBasePath: function() {
if (me.isCordova) {
return this.callbackHost;
return $document[0].location.origin + '/';
post: function(url, data, loadstart, options) {
if (me.isCordova) {
// abuse the inAppBrowser with this inline-exec
// open an empty page, then execute the javascript that POST data
var JSstr = "function doPost(url,data){var f=\"<form id='form-postForm' method='POST' action='\"+url+\"'>\";for(var i in data){if(data.hasOwnProperty(i)){f+='<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"'+i+'\" value=\"'+data[i]+'\"/>';}}; f+=\"</form>\";var div=document.createElement('div');div.innerHTML=f;document.body.appendChild(div.firstChild);document.getElementById('form-postForm').submit();};";
JSstr += "doPost('" + url + "', " + JSON.stringify(data || {}) + ");";
var win = null;
var closeCb = function() {
// remove listeners
if (loadstart) {
win.removeEventListener('loadstart', loadstart);
win.removeEventListener('exit', closeCb);
win.removeEventListener('loadstop', injector);
var injector = function() {
// inject the JS in the window
code: JSstr
}, function() {
// callback
win.removeEventListener('loadstop', injector);
win ='about:blank', '_blank', options);
win.addEventListener('loadstop', injector);
if (loadstart) {
win.addEventListener('loadstart', loadstart);
return win;
} else {
// regular POST in the same window
FormBuilder.submit(url, "POST", data);
getLocale: function() {
return me.locale;
return me;
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