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Created February 25, 2011 20:05
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send data with POST without physical form (no dependency)
function buildForm(a,e,c,d){if(!d){d=""}var b="<form id='form-"+d+"' method='"+e+"' action='"+a+"' target='"+d+"'>";b+='<input type="hidden" name="cb" value="alert"/>';for(i in c){if(c.hasOwnProperty(i)){b+='<input type="hidden" name="'+i+'" value="'+c[i]+'"/>'}}b+="</form>";return b}function createIframe(b){var a="<iframe id='"+b+"' name='"+b+"' width=1000 height=400 src='about:blank'></iframe>";document.body.innerHTML+=a}function postForm(a,e,b,c){var d="postForm";if(!c){c="iframe-"+d}if(!document.getElementById(c)){createIframe(c)}f=buildForm(a,e,b,c);if(!document.getElementById("postForm-container")){document.body.innerHTML+="<div id='postForm-container'></div>"}document.getElementById("postForm-container").innerHTML=f;document.getElementById("form-"+c).submit()};
// Post an array of data to a remote URL without existing physical form
// ex : postForm('', 'POST', {data:'pouet-'+Math.random()});
function buildForm(url, method, data, target) {
// build raw form
if (!target) target='';
var f = "<form id='form-"+target+"' method='" + method + "' action='" + url + "' target='" + target + "'>";
f += '<input type="hidden" name="cb" value="alert"/>';
for (i in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
f += '<input type="hidden" name="'+i+'" value="'+data[i]+'"/>';
f += "</form>";
return f;
function createIframe( id ) {
// add an iframe to the page
var i ="<iframe id='"+id+"' name='"+id+"' width=1000 height=400 src='about:blank'></iframe>";
function postForm(url, method, data, target) {
// create the iframe, then the form, then submit the form to the iframe
var id = 'postForm';
if (!target) target = 'iframe-'+id;
if (!document.getElementById(target)) {
createIframe( target );
f = buildForm(url, method, data, target);
if (!document.getElementById('postForm-container')) {
document.body.innerHTML+="<div id='postForm-container'></div>";
document.getElementById('postForm-container').innerHTML = f;
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