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Created August 21, 2014 10:20
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Save revolunet/dbe52d5cdf0e38ce35fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract shapes from a single SVG to multiple files. good to create glyphes from a single file.
# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
extract all first-level elements (groups and paths) from an SVG file and extract as single SVG files
great to extract multiples glyphes from a single SVG files
works with groups and Line, Rect, Circle, Polyline, Polygon, Path
import os
import re
from xml.etree import ElementTree
ROOT_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
SVG_NS = ""
class Tag(object):
x_attr = 'x'
y_attr = 'y'
def __init__(self, element):
self.element = element
def _get_x(self):
return self.element.attrib.get(self.x_attr)
def _get_y(self):
return self.element.attrib.get(self.y_attr)
def width(self):
raise None
def height(self):
raise None
def x(self):
return float(self._get_x())
def y(self):
return float(self._get_y())
def update(self, min_x, min_y):
self.element.set(self.x_attr, str(self.x - min_x))
self.element.set(self.y_attr, str(self.y - min_y))
class Rect(Tag):
def width(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get('width'))
def height(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get('height'))
class Circle(Tag):
x_attr = 'cx'
y_attr = 'cy'
def _get_x(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get(self.x_attr)) - float(self.element.attrib.get('r'))
def _get_y(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get(self.y_attr)) - float(self.element.attrib.get('r'))
def update(self, min_x, min_y):
self.element.set(self.x_attr, str(float(self.element.attrib.get(self.x_attr)) - min_x))
self.element.set(self.y_attr, str(float(self.element.attrib.get(self.y_attr)) - min_y))
def width(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get('r')) * 2
def height(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get('r')) * 2
class Polygon(Tag):
def _get_points(self):
return re.split('\s+', self.element.attrib.get('points').strip())
def _get_x(self):
min_x = float("inf")
for coord in self._get_points():
x, y = coord.split(',')
min_x = min(min_x, float(x))
return min_x
def _get_y(self):
min_y = float("inf")
for coord in self._get_points():
x, y = coord.split(',')
min_y = min(min_y, float(y))
return min_y
def update(self, min_x, min_y):
new_points = []
for coord in self._get_points():
x, y = coord.split(',')
float(x) - min_x,
float(y) - min_y
self.element.set('points', ' '.join(new_points))
def _get_size(self):
min_x = float('inf')
max_x = float('-inf')
min_y = float('inf')
max_y = float('-inf')
height = 0
for point in self._get_points():
x, y = map(lambda a: float(a), point.split(','))
min_x = min(min_x, x)
max_x = max(max_x, x)
min_y = min(min_y, y)
max_y = max(max_y, y)
width = max_x - min_x
height = max_y - min_y
return width, height
def width(self):
return self._get_size()[0]
def height(self):
return self._get_size()[1]
class Path(Tag):
REGEXP = 'm(\d+\.\d+,\d+\.\d+)'
def _get_start(self):
return re.split(self.REGEXP, self.element.attrib.get('d'))[1]
def _get_x(self):
min_x = float("inf")
start = self._get_start()
x, y = start.split(',')
min_x = min(min_x, float(x))
return min_x
def _get_y(self):
min_y = float("inf")
start = self._get_start()
x, y = start.split(',')
min_y = min(min_y, float(y))
return min_y
def update(self, min_x, min_y):
self.element.set('d', re.sub(self.REGEXP,'m{0},{1}'.format(
float(self.x - min_x),
float(self.y - min_y)
), self.element.attrib.get('d')))
def get_size(self):
parts = re.findall(r'(?:[mcls\s]([^mcls\sz]+))', self.element.attrib.get('d'))
min_x = float('inf')
max_x = float('-inf')
min_y = float('inf')
max_y = float('-inf')
for part in parts[1:]:
x, y = part.split(',')
min_x = min(min_x, float(x))
max_x = max(max_x, float(x))
min_y = min(min_y, float(y))
max_y = max(max_y, float(y))
width = max_x
height = max_y
return width, height
def width(self):
return self.get_size()[0]
def height(self):
return self.get_size()[1]
class Line(Tag):
def _get_x(self):
min_x = min(float(self.element.attrib.get('x1')), float(self.element.attrib.get('x2')))
return min_x
def _get_y(self):
min_y = min(float(self.element.attrib.get('y1')), float(self.element.attrib.get('y2')))
return min_y
def update(self, min_x, min_y):
x1 = str(float(self.element.attrib['x1']) - min_x)
y1 = str(float(self.element.attrib['y1']) - min_y)
x2 = str(float(self.element.attrib['x2']) - min_x)
y2 = str(float(self.element.attrib['y2']) - min_y)
self.element.set('x1', x1)
self.element.set('x2', x2)
self.element.set('y1', y1)
self.element.set('y2', y2)
def width(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get('x2')) - float(self.element.attrib.get('x1'))
def height(self):
return float(self.element.attrib.get('y2')) - float(self.element.attrib.get('y1'))
class Group(object):
def __init__(self, element, output_width=350):
self.element = element
self.tag_id = element.attrib.get('id')
self.output_width = output_width
self.paths = []
def _init_paths(self):
convert group path to local objects
self.paths = []
if self.element.tag.replace('{' + SVG_NS + '}', '') != 'g':
self.element = [self.element]
for path in self.element:
tag = path.tag.replace('{' + SVG_NS + '}', '')
tag2 = None
if tag == 'circle':
tag2 = Circle(path)
elif tag == 'path':
tag2 = Path(path)
elif tag == 'line':
tag2 = Line(path)
elif tag == 'rect':
tag2 = Rect(path)
elif tag in ['polyline', 'polygon']:
tag2 = Polygon(path)
if tag2:
def update_paths(self):
compute min x, min y, width, height and reposition the paths
to center the object
min_x = float("inf")
min_y = float("inf")
width = 0
height = 0
# offset_x = offset_y = 50
for path in self.paths:
min_x = min(min_x, path.x)
min_y = min(min_y, path.y)
width = max(width, path.width)
height = max(height, path.height)
offset_x = (self.output_width - width) / 2
offset_y = (self.output_width - height) / 2
for path in self.paths:
path.update(min_x - offset_x, min_y - offset_y)
def as_svg(self):
svg = []
for path in self.paths:
svg.append(ElementTree.tostring(path.element).replace('ns0:', ''))
return """<svg width="{0}" height="{0}" xmlns="" xmlns:svg="">
<g id="{1}">
def convertGroup(group):
tags = []
if group.tag.replace('{' + SVG_NS + '}', '') != 'g':
group = [group]
for path in group:
tag = path.tag.replace('{' + SVG_NS + '}', '')
tag2 = None
if tag == 'circle':
tag2 = Circle(path)
elif tag == 'path':
tag2 = Path(path)
elif tag == 'line':
tag2 = Line(path)
elif tag == 'rect':
tag2 = Rect(path)
elif tag in ['polyline', 'polygon']:
tag2 = Polygon(path)
if tag2:
return Group(tags)
if __name__=='__main__':
source = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, 'GLYPHES-3.svg')
svg = ElementTree.parse(source)
svg = svg.getroot()
# extract all first level elements
for element in svg.findall('./*'):
if 'id' in element.attrib and element.attrib.get('id').startswith('svg_'):
# convert to svg and write iter(collection)
transformer = Group(element)
filename = '{0}.svg'.format(element.attrib.get('id'))
outfile = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, filename)
with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
print '[+] extracted', filename
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