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Last active May 30, 2021 06:24
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Basic scrape and write to CSV example using BS4
# basic scrape and write demonstration used in Goldsmiths digital sandbox 2014
import urllib # fetches raw web pages for us
import bs4 # turns raw web pages into object hierarchy and provides selectors (like CSS and Xpath does)
import csv # simplifies the process of writing data to Comma Separated Values in a file
# a list of URLs on YouTube that we want to scrape data from
pagesToScrape = [''
# open a file in append mode to write into in the same directory where we ran this script from
csvfile = open('tubedata.csv', 'a')
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
# loop over our list of URL's one at a time
for URL in pagesToScrape:
webpage = urllib.urlopen(URL) # fetch webpage
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(webpage) # make an object from the HTML
# extract info from soup
title = soup.find('span', {'id':'eow-title'}).string
uploader = soup.find('div', {'class':'yt-user-info'}).a.string
date = soup.find('div', {'id':'watch-uploader-info'}).strong.text[12:]
# another way of using BS4 to select stuff
views = soup.find("div", class_="watch-view-count").string
# views is a number with commas in it, lets make it a proper number by replacing the commas with nothing!
views = int(views.replace(',', ''))
# print info to screen, we can reomve excess white space around the title using the strip() function
print 'title: ', title.strip()
print 'uploader: ', uploader
print 'date: ', date
print 'views:' , views
csvwriter.writerow([title.strip(), uploader, date, views]) # write a row in the file
# ruggedise your script by using the python 'with' statement to open your file and the 'try-except' structure
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