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Last active February 13, 2023 14:08
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from typing import Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
from yin import YIN, localmin, parabolic_interp
def viterbi(log_prob: torch.Tensor, log_trans: torch.Tensor, log_init: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Viterbi algorithm.
log_prob: [torch.float32; [..., S, bins]], conditional log-likelihood.
log_trans: [torch.float32; [bins, bins]], transition log-probability.
log_init: [torch.float32; [bins]], log-probability of initial state.
states: [torch.long; [..., S]], index sequence.
# S
steps = log_prob.shape[-2]
# [..., bins]
value = log_prob[..., 0, :] + log_init
# [..., S, bins]
ptrs = torch.zeros_like(log_prob)
for i in range(1, steps):
# [..., bins]
max_val, ptrs[..., i, :] = (value[..., None] + log_trans).max(dim=-2)
# [..., bins]
value = log_prob[..., i, :] + max_val
# [..., S], backtracking
states = torch.zeros_like(log_prob[..., 0], dtype=torch.long)
# initial state
states[..., -1] = value.argmax(dim=-1)
for i in range(steps - 2, -1, -1):
# [...]
states[..., i] = ptrs[..., i + 1, :].gather(
-1, states[..., i + 1, None]).squeeze(dim=-1)
return states
class pYIN(YIN):
"""pYIN-based pitch estimation algorithm.
def __init__(self,
sr: int,
frame_time: float = 0.01,
freq_min: float = 75.,
freq_max: float = 600.,
down_sr: int = 16000,
bins_per_octave: int = 12,
bins_per_semitone: int = 100,
beta_parameters: Tuple[int, float] = (2, 18.),
num_thresholds = 100,
switch_prob: float = 0.01,
lambda_: float = 2.,
max_octave_trans: float = 35.92,
no_trough_prob: float = 0.01,
median_win: Optional[int] = 3):
sr: sampling rate.
frame_time: duration of the frame.
freq_min, freq_max: frequency min and max.
down_sr: downsampling sr for fast computation.
bins_per_octave: the number of the bins(semitones) in octave.
bins_per_semitone: the number of the bins in semitone.
beta_parameters: tuple of alpha, beta.
num_thresholds: the number of the harmonicity thresholds.
switch_prob: probability to swtich voiced to unvoiced.
lambda_: lambda value of boltzmann distribution (truncated discrete exponential).
max_octave_trans: maximum octave steps of transition per second.
self.median_win = median_win
# pYIN parameters
self.fmin = freq_min
self.bins_per_octave = bins_per_octave
self.bins_per_semitone = bins_per_semitone
self.lambda_ = lambda_
self.no_trough_prob = no_trough_prob
def sample(self, cmnd: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Sample pitch frequency based on Viterbi-path searching.
cmnd: [torch.float32; [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min]],
framed cumulative mean normalized difference.
[torch.float32; [..., S]], pitch sequence.
device = cmnd.device
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min]
lmin = localmin(cmnd)
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min, num_thresholds]
tholds = lmin[..., None] & (cmnd[..., None] < self.thresholds[1:])
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min, num_thresholds]
positions = torch.cumsum(tholds, dim=-2)
# boltzmann prior, truncated exponential
k, N = positions - 1, positions[..., -1, :]
_fact = np.expm1(-self.lambda_) / (-self.lambda_ * N).expm1()
prior = _fact[..., None, :] * (-self.lambda_ * k).exp()
# masking
prior[~tholds] = 0.
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min]
probs = torch.matmul(prior, self.beta_probs[:, None]).squeeze(dim=-1)
## add prob to global minima if no candidates below the threshold
## else add prob to each candidates below the threshold
# [..., T / strides]
global_min = cmnd.masked_fill(~lmin, np.inf).argmin(dim=-1)
# alias
num_tholds = tholds.shape[-1]
# [..., T / strides, 1, num_thresholds], threshold of global min
holds = tholds.gather(
global_min[..., None, None].repeat(
[1] * cmnd.dim() + [num_tholds]))
# [..., T / strides]
below_min = torch.count_nonzero(~holds.squeeze(dim=-2), dim=-1)
# [tholds]
a = torch.arange(num_tholds, device=device)
# add probs
global_min[..., None],
self.no_trough_prob * (
(a < below_min[..., None]).float() * self.beta_probs).sum(dim=-1, keepdim=True))
# [tau_max - tau_min]
tau = torch.arange(self.tau_max - self.tau_min, device=device)
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min]
pshifts = parabolic_interp(cmnd)
# refining peak
period = tau + self.tau_min + 1 + pshifts
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min], to frequency
f0s = self.down_sr / period.clamp_min(1e-5)
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min], quantize
bins = self.bins_per_octave * self.bins_per_semitone * (f0s / self.fmin).log2()
bins = bins.round().clamp(0, self.total_bins - 1).long()
# [..., T / strides, 2 x total_bins], observation probs
observed = torch.zeros(*bins.shape[:-1], self.total_bins * 2, device=device)
observed.scatter_(-1, bins, probs)
# voice probs
voiced = observed[..., :self.total_bins].sum(dim=-1).clamp(0., 1.)
observed[..., self.total_bins:] = (1 - voiced[..., None]) / self.total_bins
# path search
# [..., T / strides]
states = viterbi(
# convert to frequency
f0 = self.freqs[states % self.total_bins]
# if in voice
voiced_flag = states < self.total_bins
# unvoice to zero
f0[~voiced_flag] = 0.
# median pool
if self.median_win is not None:
f0 = torch.median(
f0.unfold(-1, self.median_win, 1),
return f0
def register_pyin_state(self,
frame_time: float,
fmin: float,
fmax: float,
bins_per_octave: int,
bins_per_semitone: int,
beta_parameters: Tuple[int, float],
num_thresholds: int,
switch_prob: float,
max_octave_trans: float):
# [num_thresholds + 1]
torch.linspace(0., 1., num_thresholds + 1),
# beta-distribution prior
import scipy.stats
a, b = beta_parameters
beta_cdf = torch.tensor(scipy.stats.beta.cdf(self.thresholds, a, b), dtype=torch.float32)
# [num_thresholds]
# the number of the possible bins
total_bins = int(
bins_per_octave * bins_per_semitone * np.log2(fmax / fmin))
self.total_bins = total_bins
# maximum octave steps of transition per frame
max_semitones_per_frame = round(
max_octave_trans * bins_per_octave * frame_time)
# local transition matrix with triangular window
## transition[i, j] = 0 if |i - j| > width
## transition[i, i] is maximal
## transition[i, i - width // 2:i + width // 2] = window
w = max_semitones_per_frame * bins_per_semitone + 1
# [total_bins]
a = torch.arange(total_bins)
# [total_bins, total_bins], bin-transition probs
grid = (w // 2 + 1 - (a - a[:, None]).abs()).clamp_min(0)
transition = grid / grid.sum(dim=-1)
# self-loop transition matrix
## transition[i, i] = p for all i
## transition[i, j] = (1 - p) / (states - 1) for all i != j
# [2, 2], voice-transition probs
t_switch = torch.full((2, 2), switch_prob)
t_switch[0, 0] = 1 - switch_prob
t_switch[1, 1] = 1 - switch_prob
# [2 x total_bins, 2 x total_bins], apply voice-probs
torch.kron(t_switch, transition),
# [2 x total_bins], initial probs, unvoiced
p_init = torch.zeros(2 * total_bins)
p_init[total_bins:] = 1 / total_bins
self.register_buffer('p_init', p_init, persistent=False)
# [total_bins]
fmin * 2 ** (a / (bins_per_octave * bins_per_semitone)),
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torchaudio.functional as AF
def localmin(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Local minima.
x: [torch.float32; [..., T]], input tensor.
[bool; [..., T]], local minima.
# [..., T + 1], x[i + 1] - x[i]
d = F.pad(x.diff(dim=-1), [1, 1])
# [..., T], dec & inc
return (d[..., :-1] <= 0) & (d[..., 1:] >= 0)
def parabolic_interp(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Parabolic interpolation for smoothing difference function.
x: [torch.float32; [..., C]], input tensor.
[torch.float32; [..., C]], parabolic shifts.
# [..., C - 2], previous, current, next
p, c, n = x[..., :-2], x[..., 1:-1], x[..., 2:]
# assume x is convex, then a > 0
a = n + p - 2 * c
b = 0.5 * (n - p)
# [..., C - 2]
shifts = -b / a
shifts[b.abs() >= a.abs()] = 0.
# [..., C], edge
return F.pad(shifts, [1, 1])
class YIN(nn.Module):
"""YIN-based pitch estimation algorithm.
def __init__(self,
sr: int,
frame_time: float = 0.01,
freq_min: float = 75.,
freq_max: float = 600.,
threshold: float = 0.2,
median_win: Optional[int] = 3,
down_sr: int = 16000):
sr: sampling rate.
frame_time: duration of the frame.
freq_min, freq_max: frequency min and max.
threshold: harmonicity threshold.
median_win: length of the window for median smoothing.
down_sr: downsampling sr for fast computation.
super().__init__() = sr
self.strides = int(down_sr * frame_time)
self.tau_max = int(down_sr // freq_min)
self.tau_min = int(down_sr // freq_max)
self.threshold = threshold
self.median_win = median_win
self.down_sr = down_sr
def cmnd(cls, signal: torch.Tensor, tmax: int, tmin: int) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Cumulative mean normalized difference.
signal: [torch.float32; [..., W]], input signal.
tmax, tmin: maximum, minimum value of the time-lag.
[torch.float32; [..., tmax - tmin]], CMND.
# one-based
# d[tau]
# = sum_{j=1}^{W-tau} (x[j] - x[j + tau])^2
# = sum_{j=1}^{W-tau} (x[j]^2 - 2x[j]x[j + tau] + x[j + tau]^2)
# = c[W - tau] - 2 * a[tau] + (c[W] - c[tau])
# where c[k] = sum_{j=1}^k x[j]^2
# a[tau] = sum_{j=1}^W x[j]x[j + tau]
# W
w = signal.shape[-1]
# [..., W + 1]
fft = torch.fft.rfft(signal, w * 2, dim=-1)
# [..., W x 2], symmetric
corr = torch.fft.irfft(fft * fft.conj(), dim=-1)
# [..., W]
cumsum = signal.square().cumsum(dim=-1)
# [..., tmax], difference
diff = (
# c[W - tau]
torch.flip(cumsum[..., -tmax:], dims=(-1,))
# -2 x a[tau]
- 2 * corr[..., :tmax]
# + (c[W] - c[tau])
+ cumsum[..., -1, None] - cumsum[..., :tmax])
# [..., tmax - 1], remove redundant
cumdiff = diff[..., 1:] / (diff[..., 1:].cumsum(dim=-1) + 1e-7)
# normalize
cumdiff = cumdiff * torch.arange(1, tmax, device=cumdiff.device)
# [..., tmax - tmin]
return F.pad(cumdiff, [1, 0], value=1.)[..., tmin:]
def forward(self, inputs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Estimate the pitch from the input signal based on YIN.
inputs: [torch.float32; [..., T]], input audio.
[torch.float32; [..., S]], pitch frequency.
down = AF.resample(inputs,, self.down_sr)
# set windows based on tau-max
w = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(self.tau_max))) + 1
# [..., T / strides, windows]
frames = F.pad(down, [0, w]).unfold(-1, w, self.strides)
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min], cumulative mean normalized difference
cmnd = YIN.cmnd(frames, self.tau_max, self.tau_min)
# sampling
return self.sample(cmnd)
def sample(self, cmnd: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Sample pitch frequency locally.
cmnd: [torch.float32; [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min]],
framed cumulative mean normalized difference.
[torch.float32; [..., S]], pitch sequence.
# [..., T / strides]
thold = (cmnd < self.threshold).long().argmax(dim=-1)
# if not found
thold[thold == 0] = self.tau_max - self.tau_min
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min] switch mask
thold = thold[..., None] <= torch.arange(
self.tau_max - self.tau_min, device=cmnd.device)
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min]
lmin = localmin(cmnd)
# [..., T / strides]
tau = (thold & lmin).long().argmax(dim=-1)
# if not found
tau[tau == self.tau_max - self.tau_min - 1] == 0
# [..., T / strides, tau_max - tau_min]
pshifts = parabolic_interp(cmnd)
# refining peak
period = tau + self.tau_min + 1 + pshifts.gather(-1, tau[..., None]).squeeze(dim=-1)
# [..., T / strides], to frequency
pitch = torch.where(
tau > 0,
self.down_sr / period,
torch.tensor(0., device=tau.device))
# median pool
if self.median_win is not None:
pitch = torch.median(
pitch.unfold(-1, self.median_win, 1),
return pitch
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