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Created February 22, 2019 19:43
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A demonstration of the Monty Hall problem.
"""A demonstration of the Monty Hall problem."""
import argparse
import random
import json
# n is the number of times you switch, and also the number of times you don't switch
# accuracy increases as n increases
# n can be overridden with the first command line argument passed, e.g.
# ./ 314
# sets n=314
# ./
# sets n to what it is set to below:
n = 1000
DOORS = 3 # MUST be >=3
# what to subtract from `DOORS` in order to get the upper bound
doors_subtrahend = 1 - DOORS_LOWER_BOUND
doors_upper_bound = DOORS - doors_subtrahend
def main():
global n
args = parse_args()
n = args.iterations
switching_probability = car_when_switching_probability()
stats = simulate(DOORS, n)
print_output(args, stats, switching_probability)
return 0
def car_when_switching_probability(door_count: int=DOORS, return_ratio: bool=True):
"""Calculates the probability of getting a car when you switch. Assumes there is 1 car.
door_count: How many doors there are.
return_ratio: Whether you want a float returned, or a 2-tuple of integers representing the ratio
(in the format of (numerator, denominator))"""
# probability of getting a goat as your first choice
# represented as a 2-tuple of the ratio
first_choice_goat_prob = (door_count - 1, door_count)
# probability that you will switch to a car, given that you got a goat the first time
switch_to_car_prob = (1, door_count - 2)
prob = []
# multiply the fractions (because it's the probability of them both happening)
for i in range(2): # 2 = length of the above tuples
prob.append(first_choice_goat_prob[i] * switch_to_car_prob[i])
if return_ratio:
# not going to simplify the fraction because it will always result in either
# odd/even
# or even/odd
# so there's less chance of the ratio not being coprime
# for all the smaller numbers of doors, the ratio is already coprime
# idk whether or not there are any non-coprime ratios and i don't think it's worth it to check
return tuple(prob)
return prob[0]/prob[1]
class ObjectWithAttrs:
"""A generic class for storing attributes. init function takes kwargs which are the attributes."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def simulate(door_count: int, _n: int):
"""Simulates the Monty Hall problem ``n`` times for switching, and ``n`` times again for not switching.
Returns an object with a ``switching`` and ``not_switching`` attribute, both of which contain
integers representing how many times the player won a car."""
switching = 0
not_switching = 0
for switch in (True, False): # iterate twice: once for switching, once for not switching
for j in range(_n): # now simulate Monty Hall n times
result = monty_hall(door_count, switch)
if result:
if switch:
switching += 1
not_switching += 1
return ObjectWithAttrs(switching=switching, not_switching=not_switching)
def monty_hall(door_count: int, switch: bool):
"""Complete one simulation of the Monty Hall problem.
Returns a ``bool`` representing whether or not the player won a car."""
car_door = randomly_choose_door()
first_choice = randomly_choose_door()
opened_door = open_a_door(door_count, car_door, first_choice)
final_choice = switch_doors(door_count, first_choice, opened_door) if switch else first_choice
return final_choice == car_door
def parse_args():
"""Handles argument parsing with the ``argparse`` module."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("iterations", action="store", default=n, type=int, nargs="?",
help="How many times the Monty Hall problem will be simulated "
"for both switching and not switching doors respectively. (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", action="store_true", dest="json",
help="Output JSON instead of human-friendly output.")
return parser.parse_args()
def randomly_choose_door(lower_bound: int=DOORS_LOWER_BOUND, upper_bound: int=doors_upper_bound):
return random.randint(lower_bound, upper_bound)
def switch_doors(door_count: int, first_choice: int, opened_door: int):
"""Chooses a random door to switch to which is not the one which has been opened nor the first choice door.
Returns an int representing which door has been switched to."""
# 2 representing the first choice door and the opened door, both of which can't be chosen now
remaining_doors = door_count - 2
choice = random.randint(0, remaining_doors - doors_subtrahend)
cannot_choose = [opened_door, first_choice] # doors which cannot be switched to
# sorting in order to avoid a situation where
# first_choice = opened_door - 1
# choice = first_choice
# therefore
# choice = opened_door due to adding 1 for ``first_choice`` but have already processed ``opened_door``
# account for said doors
# can be imagined as, say, [0, 1, 2, opened_door, 3, 4, first_choice]
# becoming [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], where opened_door is 3 and first_choice is 6
# so 3 and 4 have become 4 and 5
for door in cannot_choose:
if choice >= door:
choice += 1
# if choice is over the upper door bound, set it to the lower door bound
# this can be imagined as a circular set like {... 1, 2, 0, 1, 2 ...}
# so instead of being 3, it would be 0. or instead of being 4, it would be 1
if choice > doors_upper_bound:
choice -= door_count
final_choice = choice
return final_choice
def open_a_door(door_count: int, car_door: int, first_choice: int):
"""Returns a goat door to open which is neither the first choice door nor the car door."""
opened_door = None
# choosing a door to open is not random as which door is opened doesn't affect the odds
# so long as it's a non-prize door which is opened
# and obviously your first choice door can't be opened either as that defeats the purpose
for door in range(door_count):
if door not in (car_door, first_choice):
opened_door = door
if opened_door is None:
raise ValueError("All doors were either player's first chosen door or a car door. "
"This probably means that DOORS < 3. DOORS must be >=3. "
"You can fix this by editing the constant assignment at the top of the script.")
return opened_door
def print_output(args, stats, switching_probability):
"""Handles printing the output."""
if args.json:
output = {
"iterations": n,
"doors": DOORS,
"switching": stats.switching,
"not_switching": stats.not_switching
print(json.dumps(output, indent=4))
print(f"Cars attained when switching: {stats.switching}/{n} "
f"(mathematically expected is ~{switching_probability[0]}/{switching_probability[1]})")
print(f"Cars attained when not switching: {stats.not_switching}/{n} (mathematically expected is ~1/{DOORS})")
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