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Rewanth Tammana rewanthtammana

View GitHub Profile
- loki.all.rules.yml
- interval: 1m
- series: 'cortex_ring_members{container="service", job="zj88t-prometheus/workload-zj88t/0", name="service", namespace="loki", node="", pod="loki-service-676b8c897b-rq298", provider="aws", service_priority="highest", state="Unhealthy"}'
values: "0+0x20 1+0x160" # 1 unhealthy value after 20 minutes
- series: 'loki_panic_total{app="loki-service", container="service", job="zj88t-prometheus/workload-zj88t/0", namespace="loki", node="", pod="loki-service-676b8c897b-rq29", provider="aws", service_priority="highest"}'
- name: loki
# Rules inspired from loki-mixins -
- alert: LokiRequestErrors
description: This alert checks that we have less than 10% errors on Loki requests.
expr: |
100 * sum(rate(loki_request_duration_seconds_count{status_code=~"5.."}[1m])) by (namespace, job, route)
cd ~/environment
unzip -d pipeline
cd ~/environment/pipeline/
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp config.yaml.sample config.yaml
cdk bootstrap

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rewanthtammana on github.
  • I am rewanthtammana ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBECZndiO7ez7E4uTEa78vuaJgllZBNEMfY4MvFY9V-rAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

rewanthtammana / audit.yaml
Created September 27, 2021 12:23
Kubernetes audit configuration
kind: Policy
# Don't log requests for health & few other non-sensitive endpoints
- level: None
- "/healthz*"
- "/readyz*"
- "/livez*"
- "/logs"
# lsb_release -a
# /etc/apt/sources.list for squeeze
deb squeeze main
deb squeeze-lts main
# also edit /etc/resolv.conf with google's DNS and comment the provided DNS.
# lsb_release -a
# /etc/apt/sources.list for squeeze
deb squeeze main
deb squeeze-lts main
const plugin_version = '2018-1000-1000'
const plugin_name = '888-block-all'
// 本插件用于测试拦截效果
// 这个插件的逻辑是,不管请求是否正常,一律拦截
// 若要开启这个插件,请先删除下面的 throw :-)
// throw new Error("本插件会拦截所有操作,为了防止误操作,请请删掉这一行")
'use strict'
const plugin_version = '2018-1000-1000'
const plugin_name = '888-block-all'
// This plugin is used to test the interception effect
// The logic of this plugin is that it will be intercepted regardless of whether the request is normal or not.
// To open this plugin, first remove the following throw :-)
// Throw new Error ("This plugin will block all operations, in order to prevent misuse, please delete this line")
'use strict'
Hints given - I don't like HTTP but I like table tennis.
Table tennis is also called as ping pong. This means the data is transmitted in ping packets. So, our data is in ICMP packets.
Add a filter in wireshark, ip.proto=="icmp" and you will get all the icmp packets.
You can also see that there is a data value in the ICMP packets. There are so many data packets and I used tshark to automate extration stuff but the results were not of any use.
Then I observed the size of data in each packet varies, they are of different sizes like 48 bytes and 2 bytes.
You can clearly see that the 48 byte packets are trash data. So, I manually written all the 2 bytes values on the paper and then decoded that value which gave me the flag.
Flag - hackim18{'51mpL3st_Ch4ll3ng3_s0lv3d'}