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  • Save rewbs/d32b090234bbd567bb6041ea74e92666 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rewbs/d32b090234bbd567bb6041ea74e92666 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"0": "tiny cute swamp bunny, highly detailed, intricate, ultra hd, sharp photo, crepuscular rays, in focus, by tomasz alen kopera",
"30": "anthropomorphic clean cat, surrounded by fractals, epic angle and pose, symmetrical, 3d, depth of field, ruan jia and fenghua zhong",
"60": "a beautiful coconut --neg photo, realistic",
"90": "a beautiful durian, trending on Artstation"
"animation_prompts_positive": "",
"animation_prompts_negative": "",
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art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688479,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999563050396,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 11.180124223602485\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 18,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688480,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 38,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688480,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999566105987,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 11.801242236024844\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 19,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688481,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 40,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688481,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999569161578,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 12.422360248447205\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 20,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688482,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 42,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688482,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999957221717,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 13.043478260869565\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 21,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688483,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 44,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688483,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999575272763,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 13.664596273291925\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 22,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688484,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 46,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688484,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999578328354,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 14.285714285714285\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 23,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688485,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 48,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688485,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999581383945,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 14.906832298136646\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 24,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688486,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 50,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688486,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999584439536,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 15.527950310559005\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 25,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688487,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 52,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688487,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999587495128,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 16.149068322981368\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 26,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688488,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 54,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688488,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999959055072,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 16.77018633540373\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 27,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688489,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 56,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688489,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999593606312,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 17.391304347826086\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 28,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688490,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 58,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688490,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999596661904,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 18.012422360248447\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 29,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688491,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 60,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688491,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999599717495,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 18.633540372670808\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 30,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688492,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 62,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688492,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999602773086,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 19.25465838509317\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 31,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688493,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 64,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688493,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999605828678,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 19.875776397515526\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 32,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688494,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 66,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688494,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999960888427,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 20.496894409937887\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 33,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688495,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 68,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688495,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999611939862,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 21.11801242236025\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 34,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688496,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 70,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688496,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999614995453,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 21.73913043478261\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 35,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688497,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 72,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688497,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999618051045,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 22.36024844720497\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 36,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688498,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 74,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688498,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999621106636,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 22.981366459627328\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 37,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688499,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 76,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688499,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999624162228,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 23.60248447204969\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 38,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688500,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 78,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688500,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999962721782,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 24.22360248447205\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 39,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688501,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 80,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688501,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999630273412,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 24.84472049689441\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 40,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688502,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 82,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688502,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999633329003,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 25.465838509316768\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 41,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688503,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 84,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688503,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999636384594,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 26.08695652173913\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 42,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688504,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 86,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688504,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999639440186,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 26.70807453416149\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 43,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688505,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 88,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688505,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999642495779,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 27.32919254658385\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 44,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688506,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 90,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688506,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999964555137,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 27.95031055900621\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 45,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688507,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 92,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688507,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999964860696,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 28.57142857142857\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 46,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688508,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 94,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688508,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999651662553,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 29.19254658385093\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 47,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688509,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 96,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688509,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999654718145,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 29.81366459627329\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 48,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688510,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 98,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688510,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999657773736,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 30.434782608695656\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 49,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688511,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 100,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688511,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999660829327,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 31.05590062111801\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 50,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688512,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 102,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688512,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999966388492,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 31.67701863354037\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 51,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688513,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 104,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688513,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999966694051,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 32.298136645962735\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 52,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688514,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 106,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688514,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999669996103,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 32.91925465838509\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 53,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688515,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 108,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688515,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999673051694,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 33.54037267080746\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 54,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688516,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 110,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688516,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999676107286,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 34.161490683229815\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 55,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688517,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 112,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688517,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999679162877,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 34.78260869565217\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 56,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688518,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 114,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688518,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999682218468,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 35.40372670807454\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 57,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688519,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 116,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688519,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999685274061,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 36.024844720496894\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 58,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688520,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 118,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688520,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999688329653,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 36.64596273291926\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 59,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688521,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 120,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688521,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999691385244,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 37.267080745341616\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 60,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688522,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 122,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688522,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999694440835,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 37.88819875776397\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 61,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688523,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 124,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688523,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999697496428,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 38.50931677018634\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 62,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688524,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 126,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688524,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999700552019,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 39.130434782608695\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 63,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688525,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 128,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688525,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999703607611,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 39.75155279503105\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 64,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688526,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 130,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688526,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999706663203,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 40.37267080745342\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 65,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688527,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 132,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688527,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999709718794,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 40.993788819875775\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 66,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688528,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 134,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688528,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999712774385,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 41.61490683229814\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 67,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688529,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 136,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688529,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999715829976,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 42.2360248447205\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 68,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688530,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 138,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688530,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999718885569,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 42.857142857142854\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 69,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688531,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 140,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688531,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999721941161,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 43.47826086956522\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 70,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688532,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 142,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688532,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999724996752,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 44.099378881987576\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 71,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688533,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 144,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688533,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999728052343,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 44.72049689440994\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 72,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688534,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 146,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688534,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999731107935,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 45.3416149068323\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 73,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688535,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 148,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688535,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999734163526,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 45.962732919254655\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 74,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688536,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 150,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688536,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999737219119,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 46.58385093167702\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 75,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688537,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 152,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688537,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999740274711,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 47.20496894409938\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 76,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688538,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 154,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688538,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999743330302,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 47.82608695652174\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 77,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688539,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 156,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688539,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999746385893,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 48.4472049689441\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 78,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688540,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 158,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688540,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999749441486,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 49.06832298136646\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 79,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688541,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 160,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688541,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999752497078,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 49.68944099378882\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 80,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688542,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 162,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688542,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999755552669,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 50.31055900621118\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 81,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688543,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 164,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688543,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999975860826,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 50.931677018633536\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 82,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688544,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 166,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688544,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999761663851,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 51.5527950310559\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 83,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688545,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 168,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688545,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999764719443,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 52.17391304347826\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 84,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688546,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 170,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688546,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999767775036,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 52.79503105590062\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 85,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688547,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 172,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688547,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999770830627,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 53.41614906832298\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 86,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688548,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 174,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688548,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999773886219,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 54.037267080745345\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 87,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688549,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 176,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688549,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999977694181,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 54.6583850931677\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 88,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688550,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 178,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688550,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999779997401,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 55.27950310559007\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 89,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688551,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 180,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688551,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999783052994,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 55.90062111801242\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 90,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688552,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 182,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688552,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999786108586,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 56.52173913043478\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 91,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688553,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 184,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688553,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999789164177,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 57.14285714285714\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 92,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688554,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 186,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688554,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999792219768,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 57.7639751552795\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 93,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688555,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 188,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688555,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999979527536,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 58.38509316770186\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 94,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688556,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 190,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688556,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999798330951,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 59.006211180124225\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 95,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688557,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 192,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688557,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999801386544,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 59.62732919254658\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 96,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688558,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 194,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688558,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999804442135,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 60.24844720496895\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 97,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688559,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 196,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688559,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999807497727,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 60.86956521739131\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 98,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688560,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 198,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688560,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999810553318,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 61.49068322981367\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 99,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688561,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 200,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688561,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999813608909,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 62.11180124223602\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 100,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688562,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 202,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688562,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999816664501,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 62.732919254658384\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 101,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688563,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 204,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688563,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999819720094,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 63.35403726708074\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 102,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688564,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 206,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688564,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999822775685,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 63.975155279503106\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 103,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688565,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 208,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688565,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999825831276,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 64.59627329192547\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 104,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688566,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 210,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688566,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999828886868,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 65.21739130434783\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 105,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688567,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 212,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688567,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999983194246,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 65.83850931677019\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 106,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688568,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 214,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688568,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999834998052,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 66.45962732919256\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 107,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688569,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 216,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688569,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999838053643,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 67.08074534161491\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 108,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688570,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 218,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688570,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999841109235,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 67.70186335403726\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 109,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688571,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 220,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688571,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999844164826,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 68.32298136645963\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 110,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688572,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 222,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688572,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999847220418,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 68.94409937888199\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 111,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688573,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 224,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688573,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999850276009,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 69.56521739130434\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 112,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688574,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 226,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688574,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999853331602,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 70.1863354037267\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 113,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688575,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 228,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688575,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999856387193,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 70.80745341614907\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 114,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688576,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 230,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688576,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999859442784,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 71.42857142857143\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 115,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688577,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 232,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688577,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999862498376,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 72.04968944099379\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 116,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688578,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 234,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688578,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999865553968,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 72.67080745341616\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 117,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688579,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 236,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688579,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999986860956,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 73.29192546583852\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 118,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688580,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 238,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688580,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999987166515,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 73.91304347826086\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 119,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688581,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 240,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688581,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999874720743,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 74.53416149068323\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 120,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688582,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 242,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688582,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999877776334,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 75.15527950310559\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 121,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688583,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 244,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688583,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999880831926,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 75.77639751552795\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 122,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688584,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 246,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688584,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999883887519,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 76.3975155279503\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 123,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688585,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 248,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688585,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999988694311,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 77.01863354037268\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 124,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688586,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 250,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688586,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.999998899987,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 77.63975155279503\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 125,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688587,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 252,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688587,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999893054292,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 78.26086956521739\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 126,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688588,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 254,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688588,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999896109884,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 78.88198757763976\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 127,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688589,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 256,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688589,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999899165476,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 79.5031055900621\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 128,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688590,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 258,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688590,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999902221067,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 80.12422360248446\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 129,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688591,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 260,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688591,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999905276658,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 80.74534161490683\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 130,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688592,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 262,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688592,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999990833225,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 81.36645962732919\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 131,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688593,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 264,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688593,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999911387843,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 81.98757763975155\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 132,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688594,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 266,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688594,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999914443434,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 82.6086956521739\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 133,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688595,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 268,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688595,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999917499026,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 83.22981366459628\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 134,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688596,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 270,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688596,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999920554617,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 83.85093167701864\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 135,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688597,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 272,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688597,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999923610208,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 84.472049689441\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 136,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688598,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 274,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688598,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999926665801,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 85.09316770186336\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 137,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688599,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 276,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688599,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999929721393,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 85.71428571428571\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 138,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688600,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 278,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688600,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999932776984,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 86.33540372670807\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 139,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688601,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 280,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688601,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999935832575,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 86.95652173913044\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 140,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688602,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 282,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688602,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999938888166,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 87.5776397515528\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 141,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688603,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 284,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688603,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999941943759,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 88.19875776397515\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 142,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688604,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 286,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688604,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999944999351,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 88.81987577639751\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 143,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688605,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 288,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688605,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999948054942,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 89.44099378881988\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 144,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688606,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 290,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688606,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999951110534,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 90.06211180124224\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 145,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688607,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 292,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688607,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999954166125,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 90.6832298136646\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 146,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688608,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 294,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688608,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999957221716,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 91.30434782608695\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 147,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688609,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 296,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688609,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999960277309,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 91.92546583850931\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 148,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688610,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 298,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688610,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999963332901,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 92.54658385093167\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 149,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688611,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 300,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688611,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999966388492,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 93.16770186335404\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 150,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688612,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 302,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688612,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999969444083,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 93.7888198757764\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 151,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688613,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 304,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688613,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999972499675,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 94.40993788819875\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 152,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688614,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 306,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688614,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999975555266,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 95.03105590062113\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 153,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688615,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 308,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688615,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999978610859,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 95.65217391304348\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 154,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688616,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 310,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688616,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.9999998166645,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 96.27329192546584\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 155,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688617,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 312,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688617,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999984722042,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 96.8944099378882\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 156,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688618,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 314,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688618,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999987777633,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 97.51552795031056\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 157,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688619,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 316,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688619,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999990833224,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 98.13664596273291\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 158,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688620,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 318,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688620,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999993888817,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 98.75776397515527\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 159,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688621,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 320,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688621,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 99.99999996944409,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 99.37888198757764\n },\n {\n \"frame\": 160,\n \"strength\": 0.6,\n \"seed\": 3272688622,\n \"rotation_3d_z\": 322,\n \"deforum_prompt\": \"A cluster of beautiful (strange) (fungus, lychen, mushroom:1.1) in a lush forest, cinematic lighting, (photorealistic), depth of field, macro photography. --neg cropped, watermark, logo, text, signature, copyright, writing, letters, low quality, artefacts, bad art, poorly drawn, lowres, simple, pixelated, grain, noise, blurry, cartoon, computer game, video game, painting, drawing, sketch, disfigured, deformed, ugly\",\n \"subseed\": 3272688622,\n \"subseed_strength\": 0,\n \"strength_delta\": 0,\n \"strength_pc\": 100,\n \"seed_delta\": 1,\n \"seed_pc\": 100,\n \"rotation_3d_z_delta\": 2,\n \"rotation_3d_z_pc\": 100\n }\n ],\n \"rendered_frames_meta\": {\n \"strength\": {\n \"max\": 0.6,\n \"min\": 0.6,\n \"isFlat\": true\n },\n \"seed\": {\n \"max\": 3272688622,\n \"min\": 3272688462,\n \"isFlat\": false\n },\n \"rotation_3d_z\": {\n \"max\": 322,\n \"min\": 2,\n \"isFlat\": false\n }\n }\n}"
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