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Last active April 26, 2017 18:39
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  • Save rex-lin/7f4b26d9bbd2c136af70cf0ad2b04048 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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First Open Due to Push Analysis - Android
-- adjuststed for daylights savings
drop table analysts.push_sent_appboy;
drop table analysts.push_open_appboy;
drop table analysts.push_open_amplitude;
SELECT external_user_id, (time + (0*INTERVAL '1 hour'))::date as date, min((time + (0*INTERVAL '1 hour'))) as event_time
into analysts.push_sent_appboy
FROM appboy."event"
where (time + (0*INTERVAL '1 hour'))::date between '2017-03-15' and '2017-04-25'
and event_name = '$campaign_received'
and external_user_id not like ''
-- android
and app_id = '3097b70c-5cab-4304-b8a7-9745c7f196b0'
group by 1,2
order by 1,2,3 asc;
SELECT external_user_id, (time + (0*INTERVAL '1 hour'))::date as date, min((time + (0*INTERVAL '1 hour'))) as event_time
into analysts.push_open_appboy
FROM appboy."event"
where (time + (0*INTERVAL '1 hour'))::date between '2017-01-01' and '2017-01-31'
and event_name = '$push_opened'
and external_user_id not like ''
and app_id = '3097b70c-5cab-4304-b8a7-9745c7f196b0'
group by 1,2
order by 1,2,3 asc;
select user_id, event_time::date as date, min(event_time) as event_time
into analysts.push_open_amplitude
from events147385
where event_time::date between '2017-01-01' and '2017-01-31'
and user_id not like ''
and user_id is not null
group by 1,2
order by 1,2,3 asc;
select date, d_user_id, round((push_first_open*1.0)/(d_user_id*1.0),3) as push_first_open_ratio
from (
select date, count(distinct user_id) as d_user_id, sum(case when push_first_open = 'push_open' then 1 else 0 end) as push_first_open
select a.user_id,, a.event_time as first_open_time, b.event_time as first_push_time, c.event_time as first_push_open_time,
(EXTRACT(hour FROM b.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM b.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM b.event_time)) -
(EXTRACT(hour FROM a.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM a.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM a.event_time)) as time_diff_sent,
(EXTRACT(hour FROM c.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM c.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM c.event_time)) -
(EXTRACT(hour FROM a.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM a.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM a.event_time)) as time_diff_open,
case when (EXTRACT(hour FROM b.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM b.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM b.event_time)) -
(EXTRACT(hour FROM a.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM a.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM a.event_time)) > 0 then 'open_first' else 'push_first' end
as order,
-- attribute the first open to push
case when
((((EXTRACT(hour FROM b.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM b.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM b.event_time)) -
(EXTRACT(hour FROM a.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM a.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM a.event_time))) between -900 and 60) or
(((EXTRACT(hour FROM c.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM c.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM c.event_time)) -
(EXTRACT(hour FROM a.event_time)*60*60 + EXTRACT(minutes FROM a.event_time)*60 + EXTRACT(seconds FROM a.event_time))) between -120 and 5))
then 'push_open' else '0' end
as push_first_open
from analysts.push_open_amplitude a
left join analysts.push_sent_appboy b on (a.user_id = b.external_user_id and
left join analysts.push_open_appboy c on (a.user_id = c.external_user_id and
group by 1
order by 1 asc);
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