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Created January 16, 2023 01:48
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Redis Cluster migration Script
#Working Solution with the runtime of 2:30 mins
from rediscluster import RedisCluster
from multiprocessing import Pool
# Connect to source Redis cluster
src_redis = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[{"host": "", "port": "6379"}], decode_responses=True,skip_full_coverage_check=True)
# Connect to destination Redis cluster
dst_redis = RedisCluster(startup_nodes=[{"host": "", "port": "6379"}], decode_responses=True,skip_full_coverage_check=True)
# Define a function to migrate keys from one cluster to another
def migrate_keys(src_keys):
str_value = src_redis.get(src_keys)
dst_redis.set(src_keys, str_value)
except Exception as e:
key_type = src_redis.type(src_keys)
if(key_type == 'list'):
list_value = src_redis.lrange(src_keys, 0, -1)
for data in list_value:
dst_redis.rpush(src_keys, data)
elif(key_type == 'hash'):
hash_value = src_redis.hgetall(src_keys)
dst_redis.hset(src_keys, mapping=hash_value)
print("Invalid key type: ", key_type,"\nCopying skipped")
# Get all keys from source Redis cluster
source_keys = src_redis.scan_iter("*")
# Create a pool of worker processes
pool = Pool(processes=10)
print("Migration started!")
# Use map function to migrate keys in parallel, source_keys)
# Close the pool
print("Migration completed!")
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