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Created July 25, 2012 13:50
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Results: The essential tools, libs and frameworks you're using for front-end development survey.
This is incredibly unscientific and not meant to determine which tool is best. Just which tools seem to be in heavy use.
I'm doing this to help web developers stay on top of commonly used tools. Since change constantly but at least this gives
a snapshot of what's frequently used.
1031 Total Responses between 7/24/12 & 7/25/12
- These were multiple choice.
- I cleaned a number of empty submissions
- That the following options were added after 218 people had already replied
so those values could've been much higher if added at the beginning.
* Git
* ExtJS
* Ember.js
* prefix-free
* JSBin
* JSFiddle
* dabblet
* Kendo UI
* Wijmo
* Coffeescript
- A note about Enyo. I've held off on including the tool in these stats because there was a high number of out-of-place submissions
for it and they were all seemed clustered together around the same time. Additionally, most were single Enyo submissions with no other
option chosen. Just seemed too odd to me but I'll put out the data and if someone else wants to publish, go for it.
jQuery 916 89%
Modernizr 525 51%
Git 489 47%
HTML5 Boilerplate 439 43%
Sublime Text 2 442 43%
jQuery UI 421 41%
Bootstrap 346 34%
Sass 316 31%
JSFiddle 261 25%
Underscore 245 24%
LESS 237 23%
Backbone 215 21%
Compass 182 18%
RequireJS 173 17%
Handlebars 108 10%
JSBin 102 10%
Coffeescript 104 10%
KnockoutJS 95 9%
Grunt 80 8%
Jasmine 87 8%
Qunit 67 7%
Kendo UI 66 6%
Zepto 52 5%
Mocha 41 4%
MooTools 38 4%
YUI 41 4%
AngularJS 34 3%
ExtJS 29 3%
prefix-free 31 3%
dabblet 29 3%
Dojo 20 2%
Ember.js 16 2%
Wijmo 20 2%
Other Technologies Submitted:
Stylus 15
Zurb Foundation 11
Vim 11
CodeKit 9
Mustache.js 7
Notepad++ 6
Coda 2 5
Textmate 5
JSHint 4
Hogan.js 4
Lo-Dash 4
jQuery Mobile 4
Respond.js 3
Chrome Dev Tools 3
320 & Up 3
Sencha Touch 3
Middleman 3
Selectivzr 3
LiveReload 3
PhantomJS 3
Codepen 3
Mercurial 3
Font Awesome 3
WebStorm 3
Brunch 2
D3 2
MacVim 2
SignalR 2
Buster.js 2
Montage.js 2
JSTestDriver 2
Sinon.js 2
JSRender 2
JSLint 2
Closure Library 2
ImageOptim 2 2
Blueimp File Upload 2
Moment.js 2
HTML5Shiv 2
Dreamweaver 2
Chico UI 2
AmplifyJS 2
Dart 1
O2 Framework 1
Postal.js 1
Cloud9 IDE 1
Prototype 1
Scriptaculous 1
Bestiejs 1
jQuery Tools 1
Typekit 1
Icanhaz 1
Injector.js 1
CSS Lint 1
VMWare Fusion 1
Photoshop 1
InDesign 1
Persisten Color Picker 1
iTerm2 1
CANjs 1
Aura 1
Nib 1
Laravel 1
IntelliJ 1
Mobify.js 1
Ender 1
Three.js 1
Adobe Shadow 1
Waypoints 1
Espresso 2 1
NetBeans 1
iOS Simulator 1
Opera Mobile Simulator 1
Charles Proxy 1
haml 1
adb debugging for Android Chrome 1
Cucumber.js 1
Jekyll 1
jQGrid 1
SlickGrid 1
Closure Compiler 1
Closure Templates 1
Closure Linter 1
App Cloud 1
Source Tree 1
Mediaelement.js 1
Flash/Actionscript 1
Punch 1
HTML5 Reset 1
hg 1
MDN Docs 1
Juicer 1
Regexr 1 1
WrapUp 1 1
CSSPie 1
Chaplin 1
Hammer.js 1
Normalize.css 1
Backbone.Marionette 1
Aloha 1
Bunyip 1
TestSwarm 1
NodeJS 1
has.js 1 1 1
Accessiweb Checklist 1
YepNope.js 1
Zen Coding 1
CSS Reset 1
Fiddler 1
CasperJS 1
Cujo.js 1
UglifyJS 1
emacs 1
Touchy.js 1
Caja 1
bzr 1
mockJSON 1
Ant 1
JavaScriptMVC 1
Infragistics jQuery Components 1
Eclipse 1
eXpress Aplication Framework 1
Prefixr 1
ProtoFluid 1
Spry 1
Telerik MVC 1
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