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Created July 26, 2012 15:27
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Results from the "Other" Submissions
Stylus 15
Zurb Foundation 11
Vim 11
CodeKit 9
Mustache.js 7
Notepad++ 6
Coda 2 5
Textmate 5
JSHint 4
Hogan.js 4
Lo-Dash 4
jQuery Mobile 4
Respond.js 3
Chrome Dev Tools 3
320 & Up 3
Sencha Touch 3
Middleman 3
Selectivzr 3
LiveReload 3
PhantomJS 3
Codepen 3
Mercurial 3
Font Awesome 3
WebStorm 3
Brunch 2
D3 2
MacVim 2
SignalR 2
Buster.js 2
Montage.js 2
JSTestDriver 2
Sinon.js 2
JSRender 2
JSLint 2
Closure Library 2
ImageOptim 2 2
Blueimp File Upload 2
Moment.js 2
HTML5Shiv 2
Dreamweaver 2
Chico UI 2
AmplifyJS 2
Dart 1
O2 Framework 1
Postal.js 1
Cloud9 IDE 1
Prototype 1
Scriptaculous 1
Bestiejs 1
jQuery Tools 1
Typekit 1
Icanhaz 1
Injector.js 1
CSS Lint 1
VMWare Fusion 1
Photoshop 1
InDesign 1
Persisten Color Picker 1
iTerm2 1
CANjs 1
Aura 1
Nib 1
Laravel 1
IntelliJ 1
Mobify.js 1
Ender 1
Three.js 1
Adobe Shadow 1
Waypoints 1
Espresso 2 1
NetBeans 1
iOS Simulator 1
Opera Mobile Simulator 1
Charles Proxy 1
haml 1
adb debugging for Android Chrome 1
Cucumber.js 1
Jekyll 1
jQGrid 1
SlickGrid 1
Closure Compiler 1
Closure Templates 1
Closure Linter 1
App Cloud 1
Source Tree 1
Mediaelement.js 1
Flash/Actionscript 1
Punch 1
HTML5 Reset 1
hg 1
MDN Docs 1
Juicer 1
Regexr 1 1
WrapUp 1 1
CSSPie 1
Chaplin 1
Hammer.js 1
Normalize.css 1
Backbone.Marionette 1
Aloha 1
Bunyip 1
TestSwarm 1
NodeJS 1
has.js 1 1 1
Accessiweb Checklist 1
YepNope.js 1
Zen Coding 1
CSS Reset 1
Fiddler 1
CasperJS 1
Cujo.js 1
UglifyJS 1
emacs 1
Touchy.js 1
Caja 1
bzr 1
mockJSON 1
Ant 1
JavaScriptMVC 1
Infragistics jQuery Components 1
Eclipse 1
eXpress Aplication Framework 1
Prefixr 1
ProtoFluid 1
Spry 1
Telerik MVC 1
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