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Created April 30, 2019 10:45
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Tic Tac Toe Python game for 2 people
# Specifically for the iPython Notebook environment for clearing output
from IPython.display import clear_output
import random
# Global variables
theBoard = [' '] * 10 # a list of empty spaces
available = [str(num) for num in range(0,10)] # a List Comprehension
players = [0,'X','O'] # note that players[1] == 'X' and players[-1] == 'O'
def display_board(a,b):
print('Available TIC-TAC-TOE\n'+
' moves\n\n '+
a[7]+'|'+a[8]+'|'+a[9]+' '+b[7]+'|'+b[8]+'|'+b[9]+'\n '+
'----- -----\n '+
a[4]+'|'+a[5]+'|'+a[6]+' '+b[4]+'|'+b[5]+'|'+b[6]+'\n '+
'----- -----\n '+
a[1]+'|'+a[2]+'|'+a[3]+' '+b[1]+'|'+b[2]+'|'+b[3]+'\n')
# Available TIC-TAC-TOE
# moves
# 7|8|9 | |
# ----- -----
# 4|5|6 | |
# ----- -----
# 1|2|3 | |
def display_board(a,b):
print(f'Available TIC-TAC-TOE\n moves\n\n {a[7]}|{a[8]}|{a[9]} {b[7]}|{b[8]}|{b[9]}\n ----- -----\n {a[4]}|{a[5]}|{a[6]} {b[4]}|{b[5]}|{b[6]}\n ----- -----\n {a[1]}|{a[2]}|{a[3]} {b[1]}|{b[2]}|{b[3]}\n')
# Available TIC-TAC-TOE
# moves
# 7|8|9 | |
# ----- -----
# 4|5|6 | |
# ----- -----
# 1|2|3 | |
def place_marker(avail,board,marker,position):
board[position] = marker
avail[position] = ' '
def win_check(board,mark):
return ((board[7] == board[8] == board[9] == mark) or # across the top
(board[4] == board[5] == board[6] == mark) or # across the middle
(board[1] == board[2] == board[3] == mark) or # across the bottom
(board[7] == board[4] == board[1] == mark) or # down the middle
(board[8] == board[5] == board[2] == mark) or # down the middle
(board[9] == board[6] == board[3] == mark) or # down the right side
(board[7] == board[5] == board[3] == mark) or # diagonal
(board[9] == board[5] == board[1] == mark)) # diagonal
def random_player():
return random.choice((-1, 1))
def space_check(board,position):
return board[position] == ' '
def full_board_check(board):
return ' ' not in board[1:]
def player_choice(board,player):
position = 0
while position not in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] or not space_check(board, position):
position = int(input('Player %s, choose your next position: (1-9) '%(player)))
print("I'm sorry, please try again.")
return position
def replay():
return input('Do you want to play again? Enter Yes or No: ').lower().startswith('y')
while True:
print('Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!')
toggle = random_player()
player = players[toggle]
print('For this round, Player %s will go first!' %(player))
game_on = True
input('Hit Enter to continue')
while game_on:
position = player_choice(theBoard,player)
if win_check(theBoard, player):
print('Congratulations! Player '+player+' wins!')
game_on = False
if full_board_check(theBoard):
print('The game is a draw!')
toggle *= -1
player = players[toggle]
# reset the board and available moves list
theBoard = [' '] * 10
available = [str(num) for num in range(0,10)]
if not replay():
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