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Created June 2, 2020 05:07
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An example of concurrency programming with actors I learned from the book The Pragmatic Programmer
* Excerpted from "The Pragmatic Programmer, 20th Anniversary Edition",
* published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
* Copyrights apply to this code. It may not be used to create training material,
* courses, books, articles, and the like. Contact us if you are in doubt.
* We make no guarantees that this code is fit for any purpose.
* Visit for more book information.
const { start, dispatch, stop, spawn, spawnStateless } = require('nact');
const router = (module, state, msg, context) => {
let action = module[msg.type];
if (action && typeof (action) == "function") {
const nextState = action(msg, context, state);
return nextState !== undefined ? nextState : state;
else {
console.log(`${} customer ignores unknown message:`, msg);
return state;
const start_actor = (actors, name, module, initial_state={}) => {
return spawn(actors,
(state, msg, context) => {
return router(module, state, msg, context)
{ initialState: initial_state }
const sleep = (milliseconds) => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds))
const pieCaseActor = {
'get slice': (msg, context, state) => {
if (state.slices.length == 0) {
{ type: 'error', msg: "no pie left", customer: msg.customer })
return state
else {
var slice = state.slices.shift() + " pie slice";
{ type: 'put on table', food: slice });
{ type: 'add to order', food: slice, customer: msg.customer });
return state;
const waiterActor = {
"order": (msg, ctx, state) => {
if (msg.wants == "pie") {
{ type: "get slice", customer: msg.customer, waiter: ctx.self })
else {
console.dir(`Don't know how to order ${msg.wants}`);
"add to order": (msg, ctx) =>
console.log(`Waiter adds ${} to ${}'s order`),
"error": (msg, ctx) => {
dispatch(msg.customer, { type: 'no pie left', msg: msg.msg });
console.log(`\nThe waiter apologizes to ${}: ${msg.msg}`)
const customerActor = {
'hungry for pie': (msg, ctx, state) => {
return dispatch(state.waiter,
{ type: "order", customer: ctx.self, wants: 'pie' })
'put on table': (msg, ctx, _state) =>
console.log(`${} sees "${}" appear on the table`),
'no pie left': (_msg, ctx, _state) =>
console.log(`${} sulks…`)
const actorSystem = start();
let pieCase = start_actor(
{ slices: ["apple", "peach", "cherry"] });
let waiter = start_actor(
{ pieCase: pieCase });
let c1 = start_actor(actorSystem, 'customer1',
customerActor, { waiter: waiter });
let c2 = start_actor(actorSystem, 'customer2',
customerActor, { waiter: waiter });
dispatch(c1, { type: 'hungry for pie', waiter: waiter });
dispatch(c2, { type: 'hungry for pie', waiter: waiter });
dispatch(c1, { type: 'hungry for pie', waiter: waiter });
dispatch(c2, { type: 'hungry for pie', waiter: waiter });
dispatch(c1, { type: 'hungry for pie', waiter: waiter });
.then(() => {
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