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Created August 22, 2019 21:47
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lazy val root = ( project in file( "." ) ).settings( libraryDependencies ++= clulabProcessors
++ kafka
++ logging
++ scalaTest
++ embeddedKafka
++ scalaMock, // the mess below is to resolve conflicting versions of various dependencies
excludeDependencies ++= Seq( ExclusionRule( "org.slf4j", "slf4j-log4j12" ),
ExclusionRule( "", "" ), // out of date because of oracle jee debacle
ExclusionRule( "commons-beanutils", "commons-beanutils-core" ), // bean utils and collections
// conflict
// ExclusionRule( "commons-collections", "commons-collections" ),
ExclusionRule( "javax.servlet", "servlet-api" ), // this is a old servlet api artifact, use new
ExclusionRule( "io.netty", "netty-all" ) ), // hbase shades some netty jars, we prefer the hbase
dependencyOverrides ++= Seq( //"commons-collections" % "commons-collections" % "3.2.1",
"commons-beanutils" % "commons-beanutils" % "1.9.2",
"" % "protobuf-java" % "2.5.0" ) )
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