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Last active July 3, 2020 17:11
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const expect = require("chai").expect;
const { stub } = require("sinon");
const companyRepository = require("../src/repositories/company.repository");
const companyService = require("../src/services/company.service");
const usersMock = require("./mocks/users");
const employeesMock = require("./mocks/employees");
describe("test company service", function () {
afterEach(() => {
// This is required to clean up the mock after each test.
// The goal is the next testing will not be affected or disturbed by the previous mock.
describe("test fetch company profile", function () {
it("should succeed", async function () {
const fetchUsersFn = stub(companyRepository, "fetchUsers").returns(usersMock);
const fetchEmployeesFn = stub(companyRepository, "fetchEmployees").returns(;
const companyProfile = await companyService.fetchCompanyProfile();
const expectedData = {
companyName: 'Facebook Inc',
companyUsers: [
{ id: 1, name: 'mojombo' },
{ id: 2, name: 'defunkt' },
companyEmployees: [
{ id: 1, name: 'Tiger Nixon' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Garrett Winters' },
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