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Last active October 26, 2017 15:47
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Some useful expressions in Python
This gist contains some useful things which are frequently used in Python or are boring to copy by hand.
- L11-L45 : ANSI characters to color and format outputs to Linux terminals.
- L47-L100 : Weekdays and months names.
Feel free to post any idea or suggestion!
# An Enum with all ANSI characters allowing to color / modify text in a Linux console.
# See
class Color(Enum):
"""ANSI characters to color printed strings. (Foreground, Background)"""
NONE = ('', '')
RESET = ("\033[39m", "\033[49m")
BLACK = ("\033[30m", "\033[40m")
RED = ("\033[31m", "\033[41m")
GREEN = ("\033[32m", "\033[42m")
YELLOW = ("\033[33m", "\033[43m")
BLUE = ("\033[34m", "\033[44m")
MAGENTA = ("\033[35m", "\033[45m")
CYAN = ("\033[36m", "\033[46m")
LIGHT_GRAY = ("\033[37m", "\033[47m")
DARK_GRAY = ("\033[90m", "\033[100m")
LIGHT_RED = ("\033[91m", "\033[101m")
LIGHT_GREEN = ("\033[92m", "\033[102m")
LIGHT_YELLOW = ("\033[93m", "\033[103m")
LIGHT_BLUE = ("\033[94m", "\033[104m")
LIGHT_MAGENTA = ("\033[95m", "\033[105m")
LIGHT_CYAN = ("\033[96m", "\033[106m")
WHITE = ("\033[97m", "\033[107m")
class Format(Enum):
"""ANSI characters to format printed strings. (Foreground, Reset)"""
BOLD = ("\033[1m", "\033[21m")
DIM = ("\033[2m", "\033[22m")
UNDERLINE = ("\033[4m", "\033[24m")
BLINK = ("\033[5m", "\033[25m")
REVERSE = ("\033[7m", "\033[27m")
HIDDEN = ("\033[8m", "\033[28m")
RESET_ALL = ("\033[0m", "\033[0m")
# Weekdays and months.
# Cause it's boring to hand write that.
# Same thing ready for translation.
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