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Last active April 30, 2020 10:21
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Shortcut to switch displays focus and cursor on ubuntu
sudo apt install xdotool x11-xserver-utils or sudo apt-get install xdotool
usage: add to this keybord shortcut
To set focus to left screen pass "left" as arg
python3 ./ left
To set focus to right screen pass "right" as arg
usage python3 ./ right
import sys
from enum import Enum
from locale import atoi
from typing import List, Dict, Any
import subprocess
import sys
To set focus to left screen pass "left" as arg
python3 ./ left
To set focus to right screen pass "right" as arg
usage python3 ./ right
To focus on the other side of the current monitor you must
usage python3 ./ right_inter
usage python3 ./ left_inter
arg = sys.argv[1]
screeninfo = [
s for s in subprocess.check_output("xrandr").decode("utf-8").split()\
if s.count("+") == 2
if arg == "left":
match = [s for s in screeninfo if s.endswith("+0+0")][0]
elif arg == "right":
match = [s for s in screeninfo if not s.endswith("+0+0")][0]
data = [item.split("x") for item in match.split("+")]
numbers = [int(n) for n in [item for sublist in data for item in sublist]]
coord = [str(int(n)) for n in [(numbers[0]/2)+numbers[2], (numbers[1]/2)+numbers[3]]]
subprocess.Popen(["xdotool", "mousemove", coord[0], coord[1]])
class Direction(Enum):
Monitor change direction
SWITCH = "switch"
LEFT = "left"
RIGHT = "right"
RIGHT_INTER = "right_inter"
LEFT_INTER = "left_inter"
def get_current_windows_position() -> Dict[str, int]:
:return: The current active windows position. i.e: { "x": 140, "y": 940, "side": MovementDirection.LEFT }
The "side" field is related to the inter screen position
Imagine a monitor with this res: 1920x1080
"(x)" is the position of the mouse at the moment of the script execution. For example (x=400,y=300)
Since x is located on the left side of the screen then the "side" field will have the value LEFT.
LEFT Otherwise it will have the value RIGHT.
960 (the middle of screen)
| |
| (x) |
| |
| |
active_windows = subprocess.getoutput("xdotool getactivewindow")
lines = subprocess.getoutput("xdotool getwindowgeometry " + active_windows).split("\n")[1:]
x, y = [atoi(x.replace(" (screen", "")) for x in lines[0].split(": ")[1].split(",")]
x_resolution = int(lines[1].replace(" Geometry:", "").split("x")[0])
return {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"side": Direction.LEFT if x < (x_resolution / 2) else Direction.RIGHT
def get_all_monitors() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
:return: all monitors array list sorted from left to right.
i.e: [
{'hr': 1366, 'vr': 768, 'ho': 0, 'vo': 914, 'name': 'eDP-1-1'},
{'hr': 2560, 'vr': 1440, 'ho': 1366, 'vo': 0, 'name': 'HDMI-1-1'},
hr: Horizontal resolution
vr: Vertical resolution
ho: Horizontal offset
vo: Vertical offset
name: The screen name
# all_monitors_xrand_resp_ is string like this:
# Monitors: 2
# 0: +*HDMI-1-1 2560/621x1440/341+1366+0 HDMI-1-1
# 1: +eDP-1-1 1366/309x768/174+0+45 eDP-1-1
all_monitors_xrand_resp_ = subprocess.getoutput("xrandr --listmonitors")
monitors_ = []
for line_ in all_monitors_xrand_resp_.split(": ")[2:]:
monitor = {
# Horizontal resolution. i.e 2560
"hr": atoi(line_.split(" ")[1].split("/")[0]),
# Vertical resolution. i.e 1440
"vr": atoi(line_.split(" ")[1].split("/")[1].split("x")[1].split("/")[0]),
# Horizontal offset. i.e 1366
"ho": atoi(line_.split(" ")[1].split("+")[1]),
# Vertical offset. i.e 0
"vo": atoi(line_.split(" ")[1].split("+")[2]),
# Monitor name. i.e HDMI-1-1
"name": line_.replace(" ", " ").rsplit(" ")[0].replace("+", "").replace("*", ""),
return sorted(monitors_, key=lambda i: i['ho'])
def get_current_monitor_pos(monitors: List[Dict[str, Any]], pos: Dict[str, int]) -> int:
Return the current monitor position
Monitors are represented as arrays with base index 0, where the left-most
monitor has the lowest index.
i.e: If the screen focus in the screen 0 then return 0
Screen 0 Screen 1
| |
v v
____________ _____________
| | | |
| (x) | | |
| | | |
------------- --------------
for i in range(len(monitors)):
if monitors[i]["ho"] <= pos["x"] < monitors[i]["hr"] + monitors[i]["ho"]:
return i
def determine_monitor_to_move(mov: Direction, current_pos: int, n_monitors: int) -> int:
:param mov: Current mov
:param current_pos: Current pos
:param n_monitors: Number of monitors in the monitors array
if n_monitors == 1:
return 0
if mov == Direction.LEFT:
return current_pos - 1 if current_pos > 0 else 0
if mov == Direction.RIGHT:
return current_pos + 1 if current_pos < n_monitors - 1 else n_monitors - 1
return 0 if current_pos == 1 else 1
def get_center_of_monitor(monitor: Dict[str, Any], mov: Direction) -> Dict[str, int]:
Return the center of the screen.
If the movement is "inter" then add an positive or offset for left or right respectively
:param monitor: The monitor object dictionary
:param mov: The desired movement
if 'inter' in mov.value:
offset_x = -25 if mov == Direction.LEFT_INTER else 25
offset_x = 0
return {
"x": (monitor["hr"] / 2) + monitor["ho"] + offset_x,
"y": (monitor["vr"] / 2) + monitor["vo"],
def change_monitor_focus(mov: Direction) -> int:
pos = get_current_windows_position()
monitors = get_all_monitors()
current_monitor_pos = get_current_monitor_pos(monitors, pos)
if mov in [Direction.LEFT_INTER, Direction.RIGHT_INTER]:
new_monitor_pos = current_monitor_pos
new_monitor_pos = determine_monitor_to_move(mov, current_monitor_pos, len(monitors))
if new_monitor_pos == current_monitor_pos:
mov = Direction.RIGHT_INTER if pos['side'] == Direction.LEFT else Direction.LEFT_INTER
center_of_screen = get_center_of_monitor(monitors[new_monitor_pos], mov)
query_get_window_at = "xdotool mousemove {} {} getmouselocation --shell mousemove restore & echo $WINDOW ".format(
window_id = subprocess.getoutput(query_get_window_at).split("WINDOW=")[1]
subprocess.getoutput("xdotool windowactivate {}".format(window_id))
return new_monitor_pos
def get_args() -> Direction:
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
return Direction.SWITCH
mov = str(sys.argv[1]).upper()
return Direction[mov]
except KeyError as e:
print("ERROR: invalid mov: {}".format(mov))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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