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Created November 11, 2018 01:20
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pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
import './SafeMath.sol';
* Here is an example of upgradable contract, consisting of three parts:
* - Data contract keeps the resources (data) and is controlled by the Handler contract;
* - Handler contract (implements Handler interface) defines operations and provides services. This contract can be upgraded;
* - Upgrader contract (optional) deals with the voting mechanism and upgrades the Handler contract. The voters are pre-defined
* by the contract owner.
* @author Kaidong Wu (
* @version 0.1.6
* The example of Data contract.
* There are three parts in the Data contract:
* - Administrator Data: owner’s address, Handler contract’s address and an boolean indicating whether the contract is
* initialized or not.
* - Upgrader Data: Upgrader contract’s address, upgrade proposal’s submission timestamp and proposal’s time period.
* - Resource Data: all other resources that the contract needs to keep and mange.
contract DataContract {
using SafeMath for uint256;
/** Management data */
// Owner and Handler contract
address private owner;
address private handlerAddr;
// Getter permitted
mapping(address => bool) private addressPermissions;
// Ready?
bool private valid;
/** Upgrader data */
address private upgraderAddr;
uint256 private proposalBlockNumber;
uint256 private proposalPeriod;
/// Upgrading status of the Handler contract
enum UpgradingStatus {
// Can be upgraded
// In upgrading
// Another proposal is in progress
// Expired
// Original Handler contract error
/** Data resources: examples */
string private exmStr;
uint256 private exmInt;
mapping(address => uint256) private exmMapping;
uint16[] private exmArray;
struct ExmStruct {
uint16 key;
string value;
uint[] list;
mapping(uint16 => uint16) map;
mapping(uint16 => ExmStruct) private exmStructMapping;
* Constructor.
* Set the period of upgrading proposal.
* @param _period default value of this.proposalPeriod.
constructor (uint256 _period) public {
owner = msg.sender;
upgraderAddr = address(0);
proposalBlockNumber = 0;
proposalPeriod = _period;
valid = false;
addressPermissions[msg.sender] = true;
/** Modifiers */
* Check if msg.sender is the Handler contract. It is used for setters.
* If fail, throw PermissionException.
modifier onlyHandler {
require(msg.sender == handlerAddr, "Only Handler contract can call this function!");
* Check if msg.sender is not permitted to call getters. It is used for getters (if necessary).
* If fail, throw GetterPermissionException.
modifier allowedAddress {
require(addressPermissions[msg.sender], "Do not have the permission!");
* Check if the contract is working.
* If fail, throw UninitializationException.
modifier ready {
require(valid, "Data contract has not been initialized!");
/** Management functions */
* Initializer. just the Handler contract can call it.
* @param _str default value of this.exmStr.
* @param _int default value of this.exmInt.
* @param _array default value of this.exmArray.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the Handler contract.
* exception ReInitializationException contract has been initialized.
* @return if the initialization succeeds.
function initialize (string _str, uint256 _int, uint16 [] _array) external onlyHandler returns(bool) {
require(!valid, "Data contarct has been initialized!");
exmStr = _str;
exmInt = _int;
exmArray = _array;
valid = true;
return true;
* Set Handler contract for the contract. Owner must set one to initialize the Data contract.
* Handler can be set by owner or Upgrader contract.
* @param _handlerAddr address of a deployed Handler contract.
* @param _originalHandlerAddr address of the original Handler contract, only used when an Upgrader contract want to set the Handler contract.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner nor a registered Upgrader contract.
* exception UpgraderException Upgrader contract does not provide a right address of the original Handler contract.
* @return if Handler contract is successfully set.
function setHandler (address _handlerAddr, address _originalHandlerAddr) external returns(bool) {
// If Handler contract can be just upgraded by Upgrader contract except the first one, use this requirement.
require((!valid && msg.sender == owner) || msg.sender == upgraderAddr, "Permission error!");
// // The other version of requirement, owner can always upgrade the Handler contract as well.
// require(msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == upgraderAddr, "Permission error!");
// Check if the Upgrader contract is right.
require(handlerAddr == address(0) || handlerAddr == _originalHandlerAddr, "Upgrader contract error!");
// Allow Handler contract to use getters, and remove original Handler contract's permission.
addressPermissions[_handlerAddr] = true;
if (handlerAddr != address(0)) {
addressPermissions[handlerAddr] = false;
handlerAddr = _handlerAddr;
upgraderAddr = address(0);
return true;
/** Upgrader contract functions */
* Register an Upgrader contract in the contract.
* If a proposal has not been accepted until proposalBlockNumber + proposalPeriod, it can be replaced by a new one.
* @param _upgraderAddr address of a deployed Upgrader contract.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
* exception UpgraderConflictException Another Upgrader contract is working.
* @return if Upgrader contract is successfully registed.
function startUpgrading (address _upgraderAddr) public returns(bool) {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Just owner can start upgrading Handler contract!");
require(upgraderAddr == address(0) ||
proposalBlockNumber.add(proposalPeriod) < block.number,
"Another proposal is in the progress!");
upgraderAddr = _upgraderAddr;
proposalBlockNumber = block.number;
return true;
* Getter of proposalPeriod.
* exception UninitializationException uninitialized contract.
* exception GetterPermissionException msg.sender is not permitted to call the getter.
* @return this.proposalPeriod.
function getProposalPeriod () public view ready allowedAddress returns(uint256) {
return proposalPeriod;
* Setter of proposalPeriod.
* @param _proposalPeriod new value of this.proposalPeriod.
* exception UninitializationException uninitialized contract.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
* @return if this.proposalPeriod is successfully set.
function setProposalPeriod (uint256 _proposalPeriod) public ready returns(bool) {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Permission error!");
proposalPeriod = _proposalPeriod;
return true;
* Return upgrading status for Upgrader contracts.
* @param _originalHandlerAddr address of the original Handler contract.
* exception UninitializationException uninitialized contract.
* @return Handler contract's upgrading status.
function canBeUpgraded (address _originalHandlerAddr) external view ready returns(UpgradingStatus) {
if (handlerAddr != _originalHandlerAddr) {
return UpgradingStatus.Error;
if (upgraderAddr == msg.sender) {
if (proposalBlockNumber.add(proposalPeriod) < block.number) {
return UpgradingStatus.Expired;
} else {
return UpgradingStatus.InProgress;
} else {
if (proposalBlockNumber.add(proposalPeriod) < block.number) {
return UpgradingStatus.Done;
} else {
return UpgradingStatus.Blocked;
* Check if the contract has been initialized.
* @return if the contract has been initialized.
function live () external view returns(bool) {
return valid;
/** Getters and setters of data resources: examples */
function getExmStr () external view ready allowedAddress returns(string) {
return exmStr;
function setExmStr (string _str) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
exmStr = _str;
return true;
function getExmInt () external view ready allowedAddress returns(uint256) {
return exmInt;
function setExmInt (uint256 _int) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
exmInt = _int;
return true;
function getExmMappingValue (address _key) external view ready allowedAddress returns(uint256) {
return exmMapping[_key];
function setExmMappingValue (address _key, uint256 _value) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
exmMapping[_key] = _value;
return true;
function deleteExmMappingValue (address _key) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
delete exmMapping[_key];
return true;
function getExmArray () external view ready allowedAddress returns(uint16[]) {
return exmArray;
function addElementInExmArray (uint16 _e) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
return true;
function deleteElementByIndex (uint256 _index) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
require(exmArray.length > _index, "Index error!");
delete exmArray[_index];
return true;
function deleteElementByEle (uint16 _e) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
uint i = 0;
while (i < exmArray.length && exmArray[i] != _e) {
if (i != exmArray.length) {
delete exmArray[i];
return true;
function deleteAllElementsByEle (uint16 _e) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
for (uint i = exmArray.length; i > 0; i--) {
if (exmArray[i-1] == _e) {
delete exmArray[i-1];
return true;
function getExmStruct (uint16 _key) external view ready allowedAddress returns(uint16, string, uint256[]) {
ExmStruct storage tmp = exmStructMapping[_key];
return (tmp.key, tmp.value, tmp.list);
function setExmStruct (uint16 _k, uint16 _key, string _value, uint256[] _list) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
ExmStruct storage tmp = exmStructMapping[_k];
tmp.key = _key;
tmp.value = _value;
tmp.list = _list;
return true;
function getMapValueInExmStruct (uint16 _k, uint16 _key) external view ready allowedAddress returns(uint16) {
return exmStructMapping[_k].map[_key];
function setMapInExmStruct (uint16 _k, uint16 _key, uint16 _value) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
exmStructMapping[_k].map[_key] = _value;
return true;
function deleteMapInExmStruct (uint16 _k, uint16 _key) external ready onlyHandler returns(bool) {
delete exmStructMapping[_k].map[_key];
return true;
* Handler interface.
* Handler defines bussiness related functions.
* Use the interface to ensure that your external services are always supported.
* Because of function live(), we design IHandler as an abstract contract
* rather than a true interface.
* Handler is deployed as following steps:
* 1. Deploy Data contract;
* 2. Deploy a Handler contract at a given address specified in the data
* contract;
* 3. Register the Handler contract address by calling setHandler() in the
* Data contract, or use an Upgrader contract to switch the handler
* contract, which requires that Data contract is initialized;
* 4. Initialize Data contract if haven’t done it already.
contract IHandler {
* Initialize the data contarct.
* @param _str value of exmStr of Data contract.
* @param _int value of exmInt of Data contract.
* @param _array value of exmArray of Data contract.
function initialize (string _str, uint256 _int, uint16 [] _array) public;
* Register Upgrader contract address.
* @param _upgraderAddr address of the Upgrader contract.
function prepare2BUpgraded (address _upgraderAddr) external;
* Upgrader contract calls this to check if it is registered.
* @return if the Upgrader contract is registered.
function isPrepared4Upgrading () external view returns(bool);
* Handler has been upgraded so the original one has to self-destruct.
function done() external;
* Check if the Handler contract is a working Handler contract.
* It is used to prove the contract is a Handler contract.
* @return always true.
function live() external pure returns(bool) {
return true;
/** Functions: define functions here */
// Some example functions.
function a () view external returns(string);
function b (string _str) external;
/** Events: add events here */
// Some example events.
event Create(address contractAddress);
* An example implementation of Handler contract interface
contract Handler is IHandler {
using SafeMath for uint256;
/** Management data */
// Owner.
address private owner;
// Data conract.
DataContract private data;
// Cache of
bool private valid;
/** Upgrader data */
address private upgraderAddr;
* Constructor.
* @param _dataAddr address of the Data contract.
constructor (address _dataAddr) public {
owner = msg.sender;
data = DataContract(_dataAddr);
valid =;
* Initialize the data contarct.
* @param _str value of exmStr of Data contract.
* @param _int value of exmInt of Data contract.
* @param _array value of exmArray of Data contract.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
* exception ReInitializationException Data contract has been initialized.
* event Create service is created.
function initialize (string _str, uint256 _int, uint16 [] _array) public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Permission error!");
require(data.initialize(_str, _int, _array),
"Initialization failed! Check if the Data contract has been initialized!");
valid = true;
// Example event is used.
emit Create(address(this));
* Register upgrader address.
* @param _upgraderAddr address of the upgrader.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
function prepare2BUpgraded (address _upgraderAddr) external {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Permission error!");
upgraderAddr = _upgraderAddr;
* Upgrader calls this to check if it is registered.
* @return if the upgrader is registered.
function isPrepared4Upgrading () external view returns(bool) {
return upgraderAddr == msg.sender;
* Handler has been upgraded so the original one has to self-destruct.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner nor the upgrader.
function done() external{
require(msg.sender == owner || msg.sender == upgraderAddr, "Permission error!");
/** Functions */
// Example functons.
function a () view external returns(string) {
return data.getExmStr();
function b (string _str) external {
* Handler upgrader. The upgrader works in following steps:
* 1. Verify the Data contract, its corresponding Handler contract and the new Handler contract have all been deployed;
* 2. Deploy an Upgrader contract using Data contract address, previous Handler contract address and new Handler contract
* address;
* 3. Register upgrader address in the new Handler contract first, then the original hander and finally the Data contract;
* 4. Call startProposal() to start the voting process;
* 5. Call getResolution() before the expiration;
* 6. Upgrade succeed or proposal is expired.
* * Function done() can be called at any time to let upgrader destruct itself.
* * Function status() can be called at any time to show caller status of the upgrader.
contract Upgrader {
using SafeMath for uint256;
address private owner;
// Data contract
DataContract public data;
// Original Handler contract
IHandler public originalHandler;
// New Handler contract
address public newHandlerAddr;
/** Marker */
enum UpgraderStatus {
UpgraderStatus public status;
/** Voting mechanism related */
uint256 private percentage;
mapping(address => bool) public voting;
mapping(address => bool) private voterRegistered;
uint256 private numOfVoters = 0;
uint256 private numOfAgreements = 0;
* Check if the proposal is expired.
* If so, contract would be marked as expired.
* exception PreparingUpgraderException proposal has not been started.
* exception ReupgradingException upgrading has been done.
* exception ExpirationException proposal is expired.
modifier notExpired {
require(status != UpgraderStatus.Preparing, "Invalid proposal!");
require(status != UpgraderStatus.Success, "Upgrading has been done!");
require(status != UpgraderStatus.Expired, "Proposal is expired!");
if (data.canBeUpgraded(address(originalHandler)) != DataContract.UpgradingStatus.InProgress) {
status = UpgraderStatus.Expired;
require(false, "Proposal is expired!");
* Constructor.
* @param _dataAddr address of the Data contract.
* @param _originalAddr address of the original Handler contract.
* @param _newAddr address of the new Handler contract.
* @param _voters addresses of voters.
* @param _percentage value of this.percentage.
* exception UninitializationException _dataAddr does not belong to a deployed Data contract having been initialization.
* exception UpgraderConflictException another upgrader is working.
* exception InvalidHandlerException _originalAddr or _newAddr does not belong to a deployed Handler contract.
constructor (address _dataAddr, address _originalAddr, address _newAddr, address[] _voters, uint256 _percentage) public {
// Check if the Data contract can be upgarded.
data = DataContract(_dataAddr);
"Can not upgrade Handler contract for an uninitialized Data contract!");
require(data.canBeUpgraded(_originalAddr) == DataContract.UpgradingStatus.Done,
"Can not upgrade Handler contract!");
// Check if the Handler contracts are valid.
originalHandler = IHandler(_originalAddr);
require(, "Invlid original Handler contract!");
newHandlerAddr = _newAddr;
require(IHandler(_newAddr).live(), "Invlid new Handler contract!");
owner = msg.sender;
// Mark the contract as preparing.
status = UpgraderStatus.Preparing;
* Start voting.
* Upgrader must check if Data contract and 2 Handler contracts are ok.
* exception RestartingException proposal has been already started.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
* exception UpgraderConflictException another upgrader is working.
* exception NoPreparationException original or new Handler contract is not prepared.
function startProposal () external {
require(status == UpgraderStatus.Preparing, "Proposal has been already started!");
require(msg.sender == owner, "Permission error!");
// Check if contracts are prepared.
require(data.canBeUpgraded(address(originalHandler)) == DataContract.UpgradingStatus.InProgress,
"Have not registered upgrader in Data contract!");
"Have not registered upgrader in original Handler contract!");
"Have not registered upgrader in new Handler contract!");
// Mark the contract as voting.
status = UpgraderStatus.Voting;
* Add unique voters.
* If expired, self-destruct.
* @param _voters addresses of voters.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
* see this.notExpired
function addVoters (address[] _voters) public notExpired {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Permission error!");
function _addVoters (address[] _voters) internal {
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _voters.length; i++) {
if (!voterRegistered[_voters[i]]) {
voterRegistered[_voters[i]] = true;
* Vote.
* If expired, self-destruct.
* @param _choose if the voter agrees with the proposal.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not a voter.
* see this.notExpired
function vote (bool _choose) external notExpired {
require(voterRegistered[msg.sender], "Do not have the permission!");
if (voting[msg.sender] != _choose) {
if (_choose) {
} else {
voting[msg.sender] = _choose;
* Set percentage.
* If percentage is over 100, it will be fixed automatically.
* @param _percentage value of this.percentage.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
* see this.notExpired
function setPercentage(uint256 _percentage) external notExpired {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Permission error!");
function _setPercentage(uint256 _percentage) internal {
percentage = _percentage;
if (percentage > 100) {
percentage = 100;
* Anyone can try to get resolution.
* If voters get consensus, upgrade the Handler contract.
* If expired, self-destruct.
* Otherwise, do nothing.
* exception PreparingUpgraderException proposal has not been started.
* @return status of proposal.
* see this.notExpired
function getResolution() external notExpired returns(UpgraderStatus) {
if (numOfAgreements > numOfVoters.mul(percentage).div(100)) {
data.setHandler(newHandlerAddr, address(originalHandler));
status = UpgraderStatus.Success;
return status;
* Destruct itself.
* exception PermissionException msg.sender is not the owner.
function done() external {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Permission error!");
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