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Created March 22, 2018 13:03
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training fsharp 1
printfn "hello world"
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
let mutable name = "toto"
name <- "tata"
let display text =
printfn "%s" text
let add a b =
a + b
add 1 1
let addOne = add 1
let addTwo = add 2
let addTree = addOne >> addTwo
addTree 2
// comparaison
2 = 4
2 = 2
// types
type Hotel =
{ Name : string
Stars : int }
let hotel1 = { Name="Paris Hotel" ; Stars = 3 }
let hotel2 = { Name="Ladef Hotel" ; Stars = 4 }
let hotel1bis = { Name="Paris Hotel" ; Stars = 3 }
hotel1 = hotel2
hotel1 = hotel1bis
match hotel1 with
| { Name="Paris Hotel" } -> printfn "popo"
| { Name=n } when n.Contains "hotel" -> printfn "tutu"
| _ -> printfn "toto"
let addStars n hotel =
{ hotel with Stars=hotel.Stars+n }
let hotel1Bigger = hotel1 |> addStars 2
let ``hotel1 bigger`` = addStars 2 hotel1
printfn "%b" (hotel1Bigger = hotel1)
// tuples
let t1 = (1, 2, "toto")
let t2 = (1, (true, 4), "toto")
let (a,b,c) = t1
match t1 with
| (1,_,_) -> printfn "perdu"
| (a,b,c) when a > 3 -> printfn "gagné"
| _ -> printfn "encore un coup"
let n = 5
match n with
| _ when n % 2 = 0 -> printfn "even"
| _ -> printfn "odd"
let (|Even|Odd|) n =
if n % 2 = 0
then Even
else Odd
match 4 with
| Even -> printfn "pair"
| Odd -> printfn "impair"
let n2 = Some "toto"
let n3 : string option = None
match n2 with
| Some n -> printfn "name: %s" n
| None -> printfn "Unknown"
let (|MultipleOf|_|) n x =
if n % x = 0
then Some ()
else None
//(|MultipleOf|_|) 2 3
let multipleOf n x = x % n = 0
let (|Fizz|Buzz|FizzBuzz|Other|) x =
if multipleOf 15 x
then FizzBuzz
elif multipleOf 5 x
then Buzz
elif multipleOf 3 x
then Fizz
else Other
let fizzBuzz x =
match x with
| Fizz -> printfn "fizz"
| Buzz -> printfn "buzz"
| FizzBuzz -> printfn "fizzbuzz"
| Other -> printfn "%d" x
fizzBuzz 3
[1 .. 20] |> List.iter fizzBuzz
let (|Fizz|_|) x = if multipleOf 3 x then Some x else None
let (|Buzz|_|) x = if multipleOf 5 x then Some x else None
let fizzBuzz' = function
| Fizz (Buzz _) -> printfn "fizzbuzz"
| Fizz _ -> printfn "fizz"
| Buzz _ -> printfn "buzz"
| x -> printfn "%d" x
[1 .. 20] |> List.iter fizzBuzz'
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