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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Tiny REST server
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System
open System.Net
open System.Text
open System.IO
open System.Xml.Linq
open System.Collections.Generic
#load "TinyRestServer.fs"
open TinyRestServer
let combine p1 p2 = Path.Combine(p1, p2)
let dir p = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries p
let element (name:string) (attrs:XAttribute list) (text:string) =
let a = attrs |> Seq.cast<obj> |> List.ofSeq
new XElement(XName.Get(name), [(text :> obj)] |> List.append a)
let container (name:string) (attrs:XAttribute list) (children:XElement list) =
let a = attrs |> Seq.cast<obj> |> List.ofSeq
new XElement(XName.Get(name), children |> Seq.cast<obj> |> List.ofSeq |> List.append a)
let attr name text = new XAttribute(XName.Get(name), text)
let listFiles (q:HttpListenerRequest) (r:HttpListenerResponse) =
let usr = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)
let homeDir = combine usr "Downloads"
let p = if q.QueryString.["p"] |> String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace |> not then
combine homeDir (q.QueryString.["p"] |> skipStart "\\" |> skipStart "/")
else homeDir
let dirs = seq {
for d in p |> Directory.EnumerateDirectories do
let rel = d.Substring homeDir.Length
let link = sprintf "?p=%s" (encode rel)
let e = element "a" [attr "href" link] rel
yield container "li" [] [e]
} |> List.ofSeq
let files = seq {
for d in p |> Directory.EnumerateFiles do
let rel = d.Substring homeDir.Length
let link = sprintf "download?p=%s" (encode rel)
let e = element "a" [attr "href" link] rel
yield container "li" [] [e]
} |> List.ofSeq
let body = seq {
if p = homeDir |> not then
let pa = Directory.GetParent(p).FullName.Substring homeDir.Length
let link = sprintf "?p=%s" (encode pa)
yield element "a" [attr "href" link] ".."
yield element "h2" [] "Folders"
yield container "ul" [] dirs
yield element "h2" [] "Files"
yield container "ul" [] files
} |> List.ofSeq
let h = container "html" [] [ container "body" [] body ]
h.ToString() |> html
let download (q:HttpListenerRequest) (r:HttpListenerResponse) =
let usr = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)
let homeDir = combine usr "Downloads"
let p = if q.QueryString.["p"] |> String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace |> not then
combine homeDir (q.QueryString.["p"] |> skipStart "\\" |> skipStart "/")
if File.Exists p then
r.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment;filename=" + Path.GetFileName(p))
new StaticFileReply(p) :> IHttpReply
new ErrorHttpReply("Cannot find file") :> IHttpReply
let routes = [
GET (Path("/")) <| fun q r -> text "coucou"
get "/bye" <| fun q r -> text "bye bye\n@++"
getPattern "/haha/(.*)" <| fun q r -> text "ha ha"
GET (Path("/files")) <| listFiles
get "/download" <| download
let conf = { Schema=Http; Port=8009; BasePath=Some "/TinyRest1"; Routes=routes; }
listen conf
Console.Read () |> ignore
module TinyRestServer
open System
open System.Text
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Net
type File = System.IO.File
type HttpSchema =
| Http
| Https
type HttpVerb =
| Get
| Post
| Put
| Delete
type IHttpReply =
abstract member Send : HttpListenerRequest -> HttpListenerResponse -> Async<unit>
type HttpHandler = HttpListenerRequest -> HttpListenerResponse -> IHttpReply
type RoutePattern =
| Path of string
| Regex of string
//| Format of string
type HttpRoute = {
Verb: HttpVerb
Pattern: RoutePattern
Handler: HttpHandler
type HttpServerConfig = {
Schema: HttpSchema
Port: int
BasePath: string option
Routes: HttpRoute list
let close (resp:HttpListenerResponse) =
with e -> printfn "Error: %s" e.Message
type TextHttpReply(txt:string) =
interface IHttpReply with
member x.Send q r =
async {
let out = Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes txt
close r
type HtmlHttpReply(txt:string) =
interface IHttpReply with
member x.Send q r =
async {
r.ContentType <- "text/html"
let out = Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes txt
close r
type ErrorHttpReply(txt:string) =
interface IHttpReply with
member x.Send q r =
async {
printfn "Http error: %s" txt
r.StatusCode <- 500
let out = Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes txt
close r
type StaticFileReply(path:string) =
interface IHttpReply with
member x.Send q r =
async {
use fs = File.OpenRead(path)
close r
let skipStart (start:string) (str:string) =
if str.StartsWith start |> not then
let (|SkipStart|_|) (start:string) (stro:string option) =
match stro with
| None -> None
| Some str -> Some (skipStart start str)
let ensureEndsWith e (s:string) = if s.EndsWith e then s else s + e
let ensureStartsWith e (s:string) = if s.StartsWith e then s else e + s
let (|EnsureStartsWith|_|) (start:string) (stro:string option) =
match stro with
| None -> None
| Some str -> Some (ensureStartsWith start str)
let buildPrefix (c:HttpServerConfig) =
let b = new StringBuilder()
match c.Schema with
| Http -> b.Append "http" |> ignore
| Https -> b.Append "https" |> ignore
b.Append "://*:" |> ignore
b.Append c.Port |> ignore
b.Append "/" |> ignore
match c.BasePath with
| None -> ()
| SkipStart "/" p -> p |> ensureEndsWith "/" |> b.Append |> ignore
| Some p -> p |> ensureEndsWith "/" |> b.Append |> ignore
let GET pattern handler = { Verb=Get; Pattern=pattern; Handler=handler; }
let POST pattern handler = { Verb=Post; Pattern=pattern; Handler=handler; }
let PUT pattern handler = { Verb=Put; Pattern=pattern; Handler=handler; }
let DELETE pattern handler = { Verb=Delete; Pattern=pattern; Handler=handler; }
let toVerb (s:string) =
match s.ToUpperInvariant() with
| "GET" -> Get
| "POST" -> Post
| "PUT" -> Put
| "DELETE" -> Delete
| _ -> Get
let compiledRoutes = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Regex>()
let routeMatch (pattern:RoutePattern) (path:string) =
match pattern with
| Path p -> path = (p |> ensureStartsWith "/")
| Regex p ->
if compiledRoutes.ContainsKey p |> not then
compiledRoutes.Add (p, new Regex (p, RegexOptions.Compiled))
let regex = compiledRoutes.[p]
regex.IsMatch path
let handler :(HttpListenerRequest -> HttpListenerResponse -> HttpServerConfig -> Async<unit>) =
fun req resp conf ->
async {
printfn "RawUrl: %s" req.RawUrl
printfn "AbsolutePath: %s" req.Url.AbsolutePath
let bp = match conf.BasePath with | Some s -> s | None -> "/"
let path = skipStart bp req.Url.AbsolutePath |> ensureStartsWith "/"
printfn "path: %s" path
let verb = req.HttpMethod |> toVerb
let route = conf.Routes |> Seq.tryFind (fun r -> r.Verb = verb && routeMatch r.Pattern path)
match route with
| None ->
printfn "Invalid route: %s" path
let out = Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ("Invalid route: " + path)
| Some r ->
let reply = r.Handler req resp
reply.Send req resp |> Async.StartImmediate
with e -> printfn "Error: %s" e.Message
close resp
let listen (conf:HttpServerConfig) =
let listener = new HttpListener()
let prefix = conf |> buildPrefix
printfn "listen prefix: %s" prefix
prefix |> listener.Prefixes.Add
let asynctask = Async.FromBeginEnd(listener.BeginGetContext,listener.EndGetContext)
async {
while true do
let! context = asynctask
Async.Start (handler context.Request context.Response conf)
} |> Async.Start
let text s = new TextHttpReply(s) :> IHttpReply
let html s = new TextHttpReply(s) :> IHttpReply
let toHex (c:char) = Convert.ToInt32(c) |> fun i -> i.ToString("X")
let encode s =
let parts = s |> (fun c -> "%" + (c |> toHex))
String.Join("", parts)
let (|HexaChar|_|) (s:char list) =
if s.Length > 0 && s.Head = '%' then
let chars = s |> Seq.skip 1 |> Seq.take 2 |> Array.ofSeq
let h = new String(chars)
let num = Convert.ToInt32(h, 16)
let tail = s |> Seq.skip (chars.Length+1) |> List.ofSeq
Some ((Convert.ToChar num), tail)
let urlDecode (text:string) =
let rec decode s acc =
match s with
| HexaChar (c, t) -> decode t (c :: acc)
| c :: t -> decode t (c :: acc)
| [] -> new string(acc |> List.rev |> Array.ofList)
decode (text |> Seq.toList) []
let get p f = GET (Path(p)) <| f
let getPattern p f = GET (Regex(p)) <| f
let post p f = POST (Path(p)) <| f
let postPattern p f = POST (Regex(p)) <| f
let put p f = PUT (Path(p)) <| f
let putPattern p f = PUT (Regex(p)) <| f
let delete p f = DELETE (Path(p)) <| f
let deletePattern p f = DELETE (Regex(p)) <| f
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